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Duquesne Post-game

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so if rybak looks like a one-legged cat etc, etc...what the HE!! is so special about your high and almighty peanut butter boy...he is on scholarship too...what makes him so special...
Wrong ! Nick Goddard is a walk on, he is not on a scholarship. He is not any better the Rybak (my personal opinion) but at least he is not on scholarship and that is the difference.
who are any of you, to say who belongs on a basketball court or not...last i checked theyre the ones who are playing college basketball
We are fans who are discussing their team issues on a discussion forum. This is what fans do on DISCUSSION forums.
if coach d didnt think rybak was gonna contribute, i would have to think rybak wouldnt be here...because when you say bad things about players, youre saying bad things about the coach as far as im concerned...
That was already discussed and some people said that Rybak will get better and some other said that even great coaches miss every once in a while and that Rybak was KD's miss... again, people have different opinions and different arguments and have the rights to come on discussion forums and state their opinions.
i didnt say we should stop cheering for romeo, or dru, or dials, or quade, or j wood
We won't stop cheering for those guys and we will (and we did) cheer for John Rybak when he gives us some thing to cheer about.
i didnt say anything about we need to go to soccer games, or tennis games, or swim meets...skhorbotly, where did you pull that from
That was not a direct reply to what you said. But when you said that you were disappointed with the rowdies, it kinda opened the can of worms in me... and i had to reply to all the people who want the rowdies to do this and that. Sorry about the confusion.
those guys are out there doing things none of us can do...im speeking for myself at least...if any of you can dunk over guys who are 6'3", then i apologize...if any of you can hold your own under a full court press, a defense bearing down on you...then i apologize
This is the worst argument ever. Off course we can't do what they do. That's why they get scholarships and we pay tuition. Just because we can't do what somebody else does, does not mean that i can't criticize them. I can say that the last movie by such and such was horrible and waste of my money (doesn't mean that i can act better than them). I can criticize president Bush and note vote for him, (does not mean that i am a better politician). I can walk in the street and say that a building looks ugly (i am not a civil engineer or an architect). People have different talents and do different things in life. When they don't do a good job, they will get criticized... why do you find that so offensive?
who are you to tell any one of those guys if they should be playing or not...
We are no one to tell those guys if they should play or not. We don't tell them, we don't interface with them... and when i see Rybak on campus i only say nice encouraging wordsbecause for the millionth time, it is in my best interest for Rybak to succeed.And for the millionth time again, this is a discussion forum and this is a free country... poeple here criticize the athletic department, the coaches, the players, the fans, the city... why do you take so much offense when some one criticizes John Rybak? do you know him on a personal level ?
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For the "Rowdie-Haters" because we cheer for only certain players, Rybak has a sign in production. Obviously, we take care of the seniors first, then starters, then anything that immediately pops in our heads. The "Almighty Peanut Butter Boy" gives us excitement and he is fun to chant for. "Peanut Butter Rybak Time" just doesn't work. We chant for Steve McNees and he doesn't even play!

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We are fans who are discussing their team issues on a discussion forum. This is what fans do on DISCUSSION forums.
I discussed this very topic with someone over the weekend. Some people in Akron seem to want to have their cake and eat it too. They want to be "big time," but don't want the things that inevitably come with being "big time."I listen to 1530 in Cincinnati on my way home from work. The people down there are absolutely ruthless. Many vocally hate Mike Thomas. The bitch incessantly about UC athletics. The radio show can run for hours with fans venting about UC athletics. Beyond that, every UC move is on TV. Every mistake is on ESPN. Everything is up-front.Many in Akron want to be like UC athletically. However, they still want Zips athletic discussions handled like a small town high school. "Pleasantville" only exists in movies. If Nick Dials has a bad game, the worst he gets is a couple people grousing on ZipsNation. It isn't on the radio. It isn't on the news. If he had a bad game as a UC or Pitt player for example, their school message boards would be B-R-U-T-A-L. Check out Notre Dame or Ohio State boards after a loss. ZipsNation is Mayberry North Carolina compared to the venom those boards produce. Zips fans are allowed to get frustrated too, even if we have no local TV, no Coach's call in show, mediocre newpaper coverage, virtually no games on national TV, no mention in local sports talk, and on and on...God bless the Zips fans! Never stop caring!! :bow:
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ok ya got me...i didnt do my research, and what happened...it bit me in the butt...i am not a rowdy hater...i never said i was...im done talking about this, there are bigger things to worry about right now...we have cant coming up, who i hope we kick the crap outta them...then we have the mac tournie...didnt think there would be this much craze over one or two posts...thank you for ripping me apart...i wouldve done the same, ive learned my lesson...i realize its a discussion forum, and we all express our opinions...GO ZIPS!!! :champs:

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