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A Little Akron Tourney History

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My student years at Akron U (ok, just wanted to piss some of you off ;) )...The University of Akron...were 1984-1989. I swear to God is doesn't seem that long aso...but it obviously was. Thus for me, Zips "history" began in 1984. I really have no connection to the apparently great teams of the 60's and 70's. I was raised in the Youngstown area, so I didn't know squat about the Akron area until I began looking at colleges. Most will contend that I still know little about Akron...but that's another topic for another day.I envy the exuberance of the Rowdies is supporting the Zips. Fortunately for most, they were too young to fully experience the pain of Akron's past MAC tourney failures. For those of us who've had tickets the past 15 of so seasons, well...it's still tough to forget the past.Elton Alexander wrote a short column detailing some of Akron and Toledo's past MAC tourney disappointments. It is a good read if only for a quick historical perspective on what a lot of us long-time fans have experienced. It doesn't do justice the the pain of the losses...it doesn't even mention the Keith McCloud shot...or Brandon Hunter shot...or Anthony Stacey...or all the other shots that have killed us in the past. But it does give a little perspective.In many respects, it isn't fair to this Zips team to bring up past failures. J Wood made it a point in a recent interview to say "We don't care what happened in the past. This is a new team and a new attitude." But people should care about the past because it gives you a good understanding of why fans feel and react the way they do. With one win on Saturday this Zips team can erase almost two decades of pain endured by many "older" Zips fans. They can also give the younger fans an unbelievable experience. I vividly recall being in the JAR with 6,000+ other fans chanting "LOSE SOME WEIGHT" to Middle Tennesee's portly Kerry Hammonds while he shot his FT's at the end of the OVC championship that gave the Zips their first and only NCAA appearance. I was a Rowdy-esque 19 years old at the time. It's one of the best memories of my college years. For the Rowdies of today, I hope you get to experience it too. When you're an AK-Oldie, you can write a post and tell all the young whippersnappers how awesome things were "back in the day." Here's hoping Thursday/Friday/Saturday is what we've all been waitng for...regardless of whether it's been 1 year or 20! :cheers:

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Was shouting "Lose Some Weight" right along with you!! remember the campus was buzzing all the way up to the game vs Michigan... we lost by six .. , Tarpley killed us.. should have won....Think about where the program would be today if we had.. . :blink:

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Was shouting "Lose Some Weight" right along with you!! remember the campus was buzzing all the way up to the game vs Michigan... we lost by six .. , Tarpley killed us.. should have won....Think about where the program would be today if we had.. . :blink:
I remember walking home from class and stopping at some on-campus convenient store and buying an dusty old 6-pack of Hudephol Gold to drink on my Annadale Avenue house while watching the game. I think that store is now an Alpha Phi Alpha frat house? We gave Tarpley, Gary Grant, Antoine Joubert and Co all they could handle.
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Captain......K-Roo..........I was a senior in 1986, and remember those times as well.Do you also remember that many of the students in GA were wearing headbands that said "Muse", and other names, to copy Chicago quarterback Jim McMahon, who had worn a headband that said "Rozelle"?Do you remember everyone chanting "We Want Duke" at the end of the Middle Tennessee championship game (Duke was the #1 team in the country at the time).And how about (if you were in the Chuckery during our first-round NCAA game) when everyone went NUTS when Marcel Boyce hit that turn-around jump shot just before halftime to give #15 seed Akron the lead against #2 seed Michigan (or was that #14 vs #3 - it's been too long to remember).After the program has been virtually sleeping for the last two decades, I would love to see the current students get to experience some of what we had.Oh....and K-Roo...I would go to one of those rickety stores on exchange that had Drummond Bros. for something like $7 a case. Ah....memories.

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A friend of mine loaned me a VHS tape of the Akron/Michigan game a few months ago. I should probably borrow it again and get it converted to DVD before the tape dies. Fun stuff to look back on. I cut class that afternoon to stay home and watch it. I think of that game every time I see our 6'3" center Russell Holmes at the JAR.

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I remember walking home from class and stopping at some on-campus convenient store and buying an dusty old 6-pack of Hudephol Gold to drink on my Annadale Avenue house while watching the game. I think that store is now an Alpha Phi Alpha frat house?
Ahhh...The University Party Store.Back in the dark Division II ages (77 through 81) we frequented the University Party Store and purchase such quality beers as:KoehlerRed, White & BlueWiedemanGoebelRobin HoodIf the Party Store was closed, most would head over to May Brother's Market on E. Market Street where you could buy a pound of bologna and a six pack of generic beer for under four bucks.The good old days!
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I remember walking home from class and stopping at some on-campus convenient store and buying an dusty old 6-pack of Hudephol Gold to drink on my Annadale Avenue house while watching the game.
Annadale? Looks like I may be keeping that tradition alive, of course now it's cheap beer from the drive through......close enough.
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I remember walking home from class and stopping at some on-campus convenient store and buying an dusty old 6-pack of Hudephol Gold to drink on my Annadale Avenue house while watching the game.
Annadale? Looks like I may be keeping that tradition alive, of course now it's cheap beer from the drive through......close enough.
I lived on 132 Annadale. I can remember that...but not my wife's birthday. What's up with that?
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I remember walking home from class and stopping at some on-campus convenient store and buying an dusty old 6-pack of Hudephol Gold to drink on my Annadale Avenue house while watching the game.
Annadale? Looks like I may be keeping that tradition alive, of course now it's cheap beer from the drive through......close enough.
I lived on 132 Annadale. I can remember that...but not my wife's birthday. What's up with that?
What's up with what ? you're a perfectly normal man ! just like the rest of us. :rofl:
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B) anybody remember the TWO TURTLES...not the animals...the bar...remember a guy named EARL "THE PEARL" MONROE?.. winston/salem state...ZIPS played 2x's one year I believe...late '60s...I believe once during the regular season...once in the NCAA tourney..Pearl shot 'em right out of the gym...unfortunately...nothin'like showing up 2hrs before a game at MEMORIAL HALL and sitting on the floor bleachers....talk about a home court advantage!!!...Bill Turner...played with the then San Francisco Warriors...Leonard Paul...Harvey Glover...a kid from Ellett..I believe...Bobby Smith?///oh well
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I'm a bit younger, but remember the Bosley, Ball, Ryan "The Ennforcer" Andrick, Andy Hipsher teams, Tarver lighting up the basket, Nate Schindewolf....remeber the Hollingsworth and Tarver games where both would score at will against anybody...good times...remember Ryno almost fightinh Coach Hipsher during a game haha...

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B) anybody remember the TWO TURTLES...not the animals...the bar...remember a guy named EARL "THE PEARL" MONROE?.. winston/salem state...ZIPS played 2x's one year I believe...late '60s...I believe once during the regular season...once in the NCAA tourney..Pearl shot 'em right out of the gym...unfortunately...nothin'like showing up 2hrs before a game at MEMORIAL HALL and sitting on the floor bleachers....talk about a home court advantage!!!...Bill Turner...played with the then San Francisco Warriors...Leonard Paul...Harvey Glover...a kid from Ellett..I believe...Bobby Smith?///oh well
The Two Turtles used to be Demarinie's, people got shot or stabbed there evry other weekend.. Do you remember Schroeder's (the only bar on campus)? I'm so old I remember high buttoned shoes.
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:thumb: hey ZIPALUMN..ya...we called it DEMOS...Schroeders had the coldest beer in town...you could fly down there between classes and grab a couple of Miller's under glass..they had a real nice bar too... look whats there now!...actually had to dodge traffic to gte to the library too...
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what was the bar on carroll cross the street from the old tire place?  many shots partaken there under age...
Was that the "Annadale"?
If you're talking Carroll Street on the other side of route 8...the only thing I can remember down that was as Fondu Affair.
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B) anybody remember the TWO TURTLES...not the animals...the bar...remember a guy named EARL "THE PEARL" MONROE?.. winston/salem state...ZIPS played 2x's one year I believe...late '60s...I believe once during the regular season...once in the NCAA tourney..Pearl shot 'em right out of the gym...unfortunately...nothin'like showing up 2hrs before a game at MEMORIAL HALL and sitting on the floor bleachers....talk about a home court advantage!!!...Bill Turner...played with the then San Francisco Warriors...Leonard Paul...Harvey Glover...a kid from Ellett..I believe...Bobby Smith?///oh well
The Two Turtles used to be Demarinie's, people got shot or stabbed there evry other weekend.. Do you remember Schroeder's (the only bar on campus)? I'm so old I remember high buttoned shoes.
What about Mitch's on Exchange near the Board of Elections. I think it's torn down now.
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:thumb: hey ZIPALUMN..ya...we called it DEMOS...Schroeders had the coldest beer in town...you could fly down there between classes and grab a couple of Miller's under glass..they had a real nice bar too... look whats there now!...actually had to dodge traffic to gte to the library too...
From '67 to '69 Schroeder's paid my tuition. All those cases of cold beer you enjoyed were probably covered with my sweat from lugging them up the stairs. Now ain't that a pretty picture. :cheers::cheers::cheers:
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