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Steve & Barry's

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Does anyone know if the schools control what is in their stores? I have now been to the Chapel Hill and Eylria stores and both have pretty much "zip" for Akron. As soon as you walk in there are coats for just about every MAC school except Akron. I even saw Robert Morris coats!

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I posted about the chapel hill store opening a few months back...I was hoping it'd be filled with zips stuff. I'd also been to Elyria, as well as ashtabula. Ashtabula was FULL of buffalo stuff and had about 6 different types of K.E.N.T. shirts. I was able to find one hoodie and one long sleeve tee. Both simply said "The University of Akron" in school colors on a navy garment. Havent been to chapel hill yet, I guess I'm bound to be disappointed.

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Does anyone know if the schools control what is in their stores? I have now been to the Chapel Hill and Eylria stores and both have pretty much "zip" for Akron. As soon as you walk in there are coats for just about every MAC school except Akron. I even saw Robert Morris coats!
Maybe all the Zips stuff flew out the door first? :D Or maybe the U wants to make all the money off its stuff that is (literally) five times as expensive.
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A good place for cheap Zips gear is actually (although I hate this store) Wal-Mart on Graham Road in Cuyahoga Falls. A couple different shirts/sweatshirts/hoodies for pretty cheap. And not generic logos - Fear the Roo and everything.
alot of the wal marts sell the fear the roo and Akron stuff. The new super wal mart that they built on 76 in tallmadge is very nice and have a very nice selection of shirts,hoody's,sweat pants that have fear the roo on it.
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I have been to numerous Steve and Barry's stores and never seen more than one cap and a couple of t-shirts (one short sleeve and one long sleeve with the same exact design). That was what they had at both the Hebron, Ohio store and ironically enough the one in Midland, Michigan. Still, I have seen much more on sale for most of the other MAC schools than I have Akron.I haven't ever been to the Alliance store, which sounds like it may be worth checking out the next time I am up in NE Ohio.I actually bought some "Fear the Roo' gear at the Wal-Mart at 77 and Arlington when I was up for the BracketBusters basketball game against Austin Peay.

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Hey everyone...Just got back from chapel hill steve and barry's for the first time and i'm happy to report they appear to have expanded the zips stuff. There's an entire display now with about 6-10 different types of tees, long and short sleeved, one type of hoodie, and unfortunately, still not coats. Best part of it all...there's an additional display with K.E.N.T. shirts, and the display is split with zips stuff. 1.5 tables of zips stuff, one-half table of K.E.N.T. stuff. That's what I like to see...though there are jackets for :screwks:

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What if you hate wal-mart? Sucks to be you. Most hatred of Wal-Mart is quite ill founded unless of course your a union loving corporation killer from the UAW. Is that you Rowdy? How are those american cars built in Mexico and Canada treating you. The world is flat!
No. But I do work for a much better company that just so happens to be in direct competition with the evil empire. On the downside, I am quite pro-union. Nothin' wrong with that...my pops happens to be a union carpenter and well...we wont go into whom builds wal-marts. this is a conversation for other boards.GO ZIPS!
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What if you hate wal-mart? Sucks to be you. Most hatred of Wal-Mart is quite ill founded unless of course your a union loving corporation killer from the UAW. Is that you Rowdy? How are those american cars built in Mexico and Canada treating you. The world is flat!
I don't think it "sucks to be me" and I am definately not a "a union loving corporation killer from the UAW". I spent a whole lot of years in management sitting across the table from the Teamsters and I got along much better with them than with the management at Wal-Mart. With Wal-Mart it their way and no other. They could care less what you have to do to supply them with a product. They don't care if they force you to price your product to a point that you have a tough time making a profit. Because of the number of retail outlet nationwide they cause corporate offices tend to look at the gross income from Wal-Mart and not the net profit (if any) from that chain. :wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:
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That's funny because I thought you really did have an option. Isn't the whole idea about negotiations that you can get up turn around and walk away. You might want to take a look at Snapper Lawn Mowers -- Wal-Mart asked them to be their sole provider of lawn mowers and they realized all the things you point out and they said no. In fact they decided to not do business with Wal-Mart at all. Oh if Vlasic pickle would have told them to go jump -- things might have been different for them too. My best guess is Levis is going the wrong way down a one way street with their brand too after signing up with Wal-Mart. By the way Steve and Barry's has to be worse than Wal-Mart all gear is $7.98 or less. Even Wal-Mart gets more for their clothes.All in all -- I'm a consumer and they got cheap stuff.

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Checked out the store last night. Everything is super cheap both in price and quality. Seems like they have more of every other Ohio MAC school than they have for UofA. I saw lots of jackets/coats for Can't, Ohio U and BG. None for Akron. Even saw several shirts for CSU. I have never seen CSU clothes anywhere. I only saw a few different t-shirts and a sweatshirt with Akron logos. I noticed there were a lot of areas with no clothes. I asked why and was told they are getting a bunch more clothes in this weekend. I don't think they meant Akron stuff, just more clothes in general. :screwks:

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