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Jason Taylor


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Any one catch the NFL commercial featuring Jason Taylor?During ESPN2's pre-draft show featuring the college kids and where they might get drafted there was a commercial for the NFL. This commercial featured Jason Taylor.How Jason was selected in the third round. Several shots of his days at Akron. Jasonas a Dolphin. How many great NFL players are not selected until the later rounds, etc.The commercial closed by honoring Jason as the 2006 NFL Defensive Player of the Year.

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I caught it last night, during ONE of the numerous mock drafts that ESPN aired (how many times can they do this??!!). Unfortunately, I had fallen asleep (go figure) and it was only hearing "Jason Taylor" and "Akron" that managed to wake me up. :rofl: I'm hoping they run it a few more times during the real draft. By the time I had fully recovered from my slumber, there were only 1 or 2 Akron video clips left for me to see. :wall:

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I liked the commercial...BUT they don't mention Akron, i thought they did, DVR'd it and they don't say Akron. To follow up on someone else's point, they didn't say "They didn't even know where he played" they said "They didn't know WHAT he played, is he a linebacker or defensive line or is he a basketball player."

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BUT they don't mention Akron, i thought they did, DVR'd it and they don't say Akron
My bad! Like I said, I was sleeping :D I'm pretty sure the word Akron appears on the screen though, correct?I did catch the last shot of #33, in the "Block A" (Owens) helmeted, GB Packer-patterned unis, diving to catch somebody near the sideline. I think they may have shown some old gold, "moving A" (Faust) action as well.
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I didn't feel it was a diss on Akron. Of course, perhaps I'm just calloused at this point. But the commercial didn't say, "They didn't even know where he played," i.e., didn't even know where Akron was. The commercial says something more to the effect of "They didn't know what position he would play," i.e., linebacker or DE.I didn't get the vibe that they were dissing Akron's program. I thought the exposure was positive.

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