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First, let me add my name to those who stand in "shock and awe" at the most excellentnew stadium. Wow. Simply cannot believe we can get this lucky. Let us all thank Godthat the University of Akron has been richly blessed with men and women of vision. Especially of note are Dr. Luis Porenza, Mack Rhoades, Mike Thomas, Mike Bobinski, Mike Waddell, and a host of others. A job well done. Excellent. I am thrilled.Tailgating. Ahem, the paved lot next to the stadium behind the field house and theunpaved lots between the JAR and the new parking deck offer plenty of space fortailgating. As I saw at NC State, close in parking is an excellent place to party. Oneproblem with this. Close in spaces are premium dollar spots. NC State solved theirspace problem by charging a fee for tailgating. They used two methods. You canbuy a season pass or a one game pass into the tailgating area. I think this workswell for NC State. And, it could work for Akron.Could the university offer Exchange Street and Spicer Street ground level store frontageto existing property/business owners at a long lease premium? That is, current business owners would receive a permanent special discount on rental costs that makeleasing a store front especially attractive to them? Where would a NEW basketball arena fit into this scheme? The JAR is not really thelong term solution to attracting more fans.Again, congratulations to the Zips community on the most excellent new football palace.

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it's amazing how much every hated Mack until this new stadium thing came out
I would not say anyone "hated" Mack, but he just appeared to ba an absentee AD.Also, where would a new basketball arena fit in? I think we should build the new arena in conjunction with the city of Akron just east of the John Knight Center. With a bridge connecting the two facilities and across the street from UA-owned Quaker Square, it seems like an ideal spot to me.
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I'm still not that impressed with Mack, but I believe he has had a lot to do with the new stadium. If I remember correctly, he was behind a lot of money being raised at UTEP, and that is what was needed to get the Stadium done. I think UA knew a new stadium was needed, and he was brought in to make it happen. He has been able to keep KD and JD around, but I'm not that impressed with the other coaching changes. Seems like a lot of weird stuff has been happening with resignations and the like. I get the feeling there is a nasty relationship between the coaches and the administration. I wouldn't be suprised that as soon as this stadium is done, he moves on because of his accomplishment. This might be what UA was intending the entire time.

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Let me add, in addition, that I think GoZips has hit the nail on the head with tailgating. At the RB, there is essentially one good lot, the lower lot, and they can't charge everyone a premium to park in what is by far the largest lot, or nobody would go to the games. An on campus stadium is another matter. There is no "large lot", only a lot of smaller ones and people who want to attend games are going to expect the same in Akron as any other city, the closer you are to the stadium, the more you pay for parking. With that said, I expect UA to want to build a good pregame atmosphere prior to the game near the stadium. To accomplish this, they will probably allow open containers or open flames only in a few limited lots near the stadium and charge out the wazoo for those lots. People like us who like to tailgate will pony up the money, at least I know I will. Obviously the downside of all this is that it is going to get a LOT more expensive to tailgate. The upside is that I think the atmosphere will be much more festive. I expect that the lot behind the ONAT will be the main lot, and as I said before, I thought I read somewhere that Brown Street would have some spots for gameday as well. I do have one suggesting if this is the way things are to be done. I think we all know that the premium tailgating spots at the RB have been a joke. At the Western game last year, it was empty. It seems to me that the companies, people who buy these lots are not as diehard as others. I would like to see a points system established for the Tailgating spots where you get a point if you show up to tailgate, or have someone else show up in your spot to tailgate. Every game you show up, you get a point. At the end of the season, you add up the points, and those who have the highest points get first chance to buy spots. This would ensure that the diehard fans get spots close to the stadium. Obviously there will be some issues with how to enforce this. I would suggest that you need to be in your spot 3 hours before gametime to get credit. I know I have a hard time setting up all my stuff, having a goodtime, and tearing down prior to the game in less than 3 hours? Maybe they could also give points to the fans that tailgate at away games. Just some thoughts.

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Also, where would a new basketball arena fit in? I think we should build the new arena in conjunction with the city of Akron just east of the John Knight Center. With a bridge connecting the two facilities and across the street from UA-owned Quaker Square, it seems like an ideal spot to me.
That is very unlikely to happen as a few million dollars was just recently pumped into fix the old fire station and credit union there and are now brand new law offices. Also that lot is particularly small. Ideally I would like to see a new arena built within the next 10-15 years. If that happens then more land is freed up. For instance the Central Hower land that the city currently owns will no longer be in use. That is one possibility. A second possibility is to connect all the athletic grounds. This means the area directly north of the the current softball field. Putting the new basketball arena southwest across Exchange from the new Football Stadium. That frees up the land where the JAR is currently for additional academic buildings, parking, or greens space for future expansion.
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I'm still not that impressed with Mack, but I believe he has had a lot to do with the new stadium. If I remember correctly, he was behind a lot of money being raised at UTEP, and that is what was needed to get the Stadium done. I think UA knew a new stadium was needed, and he was brought in to make it happen. He has been able to keep KD and JD around, but I'm not that impressed with the other coaching changes. Seems like a lot of weird stuff has been happening with resignations and the like. I get the feeling there is a nasty relationship between the coaches and the administration. I wouldn't be suprised that as soon as this stadium is done, he moves on because of his accomplishment. This might be what UA was intending the entire time.
Mack is the AD so he should have a lot to do with the stadium. But what is unknown to the masses is what he has done since he arrived for the stadium. My inside sources tell me that he and his crew have not raised a dime for the stadium. All the commitments for the stadium came BEFORE Mack arrived, duing the Mike Thomas era.My contacts at UTEP laugh when I bring up Mack's bio and how he raised the money for their new center. I think my favorite statement was "that was all committed to before he even got here."HMMM I think I see a pattern developing...There has been weird stuff happening in the department since day one of the Mack Rhoades show. I enjoy watching the staff directory on gozips.com to check out the latest departures (Athletics does not announce anyone leaving). Two departures, one was the Field House Manager, Dan Krone going to Cincinnati where he will be well respected for his efforts. A big loss, but at least they promoted within for once and hired Allan Hoon to fill Dan's shoes.The latest departure was Melanie Schneider, from Sports Information, going to Indiana. As far as a nasty relationship between the coaches and administration, well, I will address that at the proper time. I will say there is a lack of respect for the administration and the coaches just hope they stay out of the way and not impede their programs.
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I'm still not that impressed with Mack, but I believe he has had a lot to do with the new stadium. If I remember correctly, he was behind a lot of money being raised at UTEP, and that is what was needed to get the Stadium done. I think UA knew a new stadium was needed, and he was brought in to make it happen. He has been able to keep KD and JD around, but I'm not that impressed with the other coaching changes. Seems like a lot of weird stuff has been happening with resignations and the like. I get the feeling there is a nasty relationship between the coaches and the administration. I wouldn't be suprised that as soon as this stadium is done, he moves on because of his accomplishment. This might be what UA was intending the entire time.
Mack is the AD so he should have a lot to do with the stadium. But what is unknown to the masses is what he has done since he arrived for the stadium. My inside sources tell me that he and his crew have not raised a dime for the stadium. All the commitments for the stadium came BEFORE Mack arrived, duing the Mike Thomas era.My contacts at UTEP laugh when I bring up Mack's bio and how he raised the money for their new center. I think my favorite statement was "that was all committed to before he even got here."HMMM I think I see a pattern developing...There has been weird stuff happening in the department since day one of the Mack Rhoades show. I enjoy watching the staff directory on gozips.com to check out the latest departures (Athletics does not announce anyone leaving). Two departures, one was the Field House Manager, Dan Krone going to Cincinnati where he will be well respected for his efforts. A big loss, but at least they promoted within for once and hired Allan Hoon to fill Dan's shoes.The latest departure was Melanie Schneider, from Sports Information, going to Indiana. As far as a nasty relationship between the coaches and administration, well, I will address that at the proper time. I will say there is a lack of respect for the administration and the coaches just hope they stay out of the way and not impede their programs.
... you sound like a bitter, former employee or an insider who doesn't like anyone that is currently on the admin team (like most people here).
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First of all, I've heard from quite a few people that have seen this stadium rendering, and all of them are expressing the same concern about parking. I can only imagine what might happen when 25,000 do show up for a game. That's one thing you have to admit about the Rubber Bowl...parking was easy.Secondly, a new arena for basketball probably won't be talked about seriously until we start filling up the current arena. In addition, unlike the Rubber Bowl, the JAR is only 25 years old, and doesn't present the same urgency. What I'm actually hoping for is that football and basketball will both grow, and the football stadium will get a roof, and the bigger basketball games will be played there. That would be a unique atmosphere, and would take care of the few games a year where the JAR would have exceeded capacity.I hope I'm wrong on this one, but I'm not seeing in the near future, especially if we continue to play in the MAC, where we might need additional seating for enough basketball games to prompt the administration to demolish a relatively-new JAR Arena in favor of another very expensive undertaking.

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First of all, I've heard from quite a few people that have seen this stadium rendering, and all of them are expressing the same concern about parking.  I can only imagine what might happen when 25,000 do show up for a game.  That's one thing you have to admit about the Rubber Bowl...parking was easy.
Parking wasn't that easy at the Rubber Bowl. There was ample parking and a Tail Gating area but it still wasn't the best. You had to walk close to a mile (if not farther sometimes) in the lower lots.With that said, there are tailgating areas, and staging areas that will be all around there. Whatever is left of Union St after the stadium is built will probably house a very festival like atmosphere as well as the entry plaza. There are 4 decks (4000 give or takes spaces) and 10,000 spots not more then a 10 minute walk from campus. Worst case scenario is that shuttles will have to run from the downtown parking decks. I also suspect that the University will use the Crown Plaza parking (it is also very like that the Crown Plaza will be linked with the Polymer Engineering Academic Center via a pedestrian bridge over the tracks) and the surrounding church parking (as the university does have a strong relationship with both the Greek Church and the Chapel).Yes you will be walking across campus to get to the stadium, but that is a good thing because it sells the University. For your other point about the JAR not being all that old, that doesn't matter if it doesn't fit the needs. I do agree that the JAR does need to have a few years of sell outs (other then the Can't State game) but it's quite the two edge sword. Need to sell out to get a new arena, need a new arena to get a 1 and 1 contract with a top tier school to cause a sell out. Because Akron vs YSU, Akron vs Oakland, and Akron vs Niagara are not standing room only games because most people don't even know who those schools (other then YSU) are.
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g-mann...with respect to your comments, the lower lots of the Rubber Bowl are fairly close to the stadium. Plus, you can get in and out fairly quickly because of the double-lane exiting going right onto a highway. I don't even think it's a mile walk if you had to hoof it all the way from Rt. 224. So, I don't know where you park, but it's a reasonably short walk from the lower lots.As to your other point, I am not going to argue about the JAR's adequacy. In fact, to the contrary, I don't think it's that great of a place to watch a basketball game. But considering that fact that it is still in great shape, we're playing in the MAC, and we're not pushing it to capacity, I'm just not seeing it becoming a top priority for the University for quite some time.

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g-mann...with respect to your comments, the lower lots of the Rubber Bowl are fairly close to the stadium. Plus, you can get in and out fairly quickly because of the double-lane exiting going right onto a highway.
Ok skip, I will give you that I exaggerated a tad on the distance (it's really about a half mile, but I tended to show up late for games.) But that is because there is nothing to do around the Rubber Bowl (unless you count Rumors LOL)I really think that the parking situation is not going to be as bad as people think. The biggest question is how well the University and APD can co-operate to make game day a smooth ordeal. And if there are still some savvy entrepeneurs in the Akron area we should have a few places to eat/hang out before and after the games.
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I agree. I hope everyone comes together to make it a good situation. I've been in quite a few major college football atmospheres over the years. Some are good, and some are "just park as many of these 50,000 cars as you can in people's front yards within a 5 mile radius". Let's hope we end up the better of the two.

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