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charlie frye...


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I didn't see the news, last I heard the Brown's were leading towards Anderson starting. Having Quinn holding out does help both Anderson and Frye with more reps and more opportunity to start.Hopefully Quinn will hold out for several months. I want to see what Anderson and Frye can do. I'm pulling for Frye to start, but I'd prefer Anderson over Quinn. I feel Quinn is overrated.

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Why does it have to be about professional sports -- it can be about individuals within professional sports. It actually can be about certain agents.Some folks on this board will be the first to tell you Frye is a stiff (GP1) and they'd better hurry up and sign Quinn, but I'd like to see what Frye can do with the added talent around him this year.

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When you remove the local propoganda that always gives more promise than what is justified to the backup QB, and the Browns staff pumping up Anderson a little bit to try to motivate Frye, you'll see that most of the NFL pundits believe that Anderson is likely a longshot to start over Frye to start the season.By taking a closer examination, you'll see this from Anderson.1) Played well in the KC game's 2nd half, the same game in which Frye had a good first half before being injured. Plus, on the drive right before the Browns scored the winning touchdown, Anderson made a horrible read and threw an interception that nearly cost Cleveland the game.2) The Browns offense did absolutely nothing against Pittsburgh, with Anderson at QB.3) In the loss to Tampa Bay, Anderson's interception total wasn't far from equalling his completions.With these facts on the table, does anyone (other than the Frye bashers) really believe that the Browns truthfully want to try to develop Anderson as a starter? Especially with their jobs on the line?I'm not sure if Frye will ever be a star in the NFL. But, the Browns have invested time, money, and more than a full season of games in him already, under very poor circumstances. They certainly have to feel as if their wisest move at this point is to give him a fair opportunity to grow with a few more offensive pieces in place. NFL teams simply don't throw away early 3rd round draft picks, especially QB's, who take time to develop. Plus, as a Browns fan, I just get tired of continually starting over. Frye is the more experienced QB, has paid his dues (and then some), and has earned the opportunity to continue his growth behind what appears to be an improved offensive line.

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I was not referring to Charlie or the Browns QB situation. I was referring to all professional sports in general lately. This past week alone we've dealt with a hot sh*t QB involved in dog fighting, a legendary homerun record that will be tainted, and an NBA referee who is accused of betting on games he officiated. Everything is corrupt now. It's not even fun to watch anymore. I see more excitement in going to a local little league game because its more about the game and having fun than it is about anything else. Call me old fashioned.

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Call me old fashioned.
you're old fashioned.but I do agree with you. and who does brady (or brady's agent) think they are? the browns have already gave up a lot in order to get Quinn and now he wants to hold out!? he hasn't even played one snap in the NFL
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Why are folks in a lather over Brady Quinn?He is not going to be a factor on this year's team. It is a rare situation where a rookieQB (ala, Roethlisberger) is thrust into having to play early. The NFL "seasons" rookieQBs by letting them chart for a season. Then they get slowly worked into the line upover the next couple of years. Here is the way it is going to be played out. Charlie starts. Quinn charts. If Charliefalters Anderson would replace Charlie. If Charlie has an impressive year behind this vaunted new, improved offensive line Charlie wins all the marbles and Quinn istraded for a high draft choice next year. Anderson remains the back up.It really does not matter a whole lot to Crennel and Savage. Anything short of an 8-8season and they both get sacked. Lerner is gasping his last breathes and only caresabout winning now. Lerner could even stupidly demand that they play Quinn at any point.If Charlie falters he will be traded. Forget the meatheads who make stupid claimsthat Charlie is not an NFL QB. He is. There are several teams that would trade for him.These are the same twits that believed Roda and Brennan when they were flapping their gums about how great a QB Troy Smith is. I took heat for stating early on thatSmith was a late round pick at best. Oh no, he is the Heisman Trophy winner.The most worthless award in college football because it is rarely presented to an actual quality player. Charlie Frye a non-Heisman winner was drafted in the thirdround. Troy Smith, fifth, and worse, Charlie would have been drafted ahead of Smithif they were in the same draft.I love bias. It brings out people's ignorance's.Once again I make this claim ... Charlie Frye will earn a Super Bowl ring as the startingQB before the Browns ever get to a Super Bowl game. Play Charlie. He is the future.

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"If Charlie has an impressive year behind this vaunted new, improved offensive line Charlie wins all the marbles and Quinn istraded for a high draft choice next year. Anderson remains the back up."That would make my season tickets so worthwhile... I know I'm biased toward Charlie, but it's because he really does exemplify what I think a true sportsman should be. I wish there were more like him, that put the team first. I really hope that Charlie is healthy and I know he's ready. He's always ready to play, even if his body is not.Let's just hope the record of injuries during the summer goes down from years past, and that Frye shuts a whole lot of naysayers up... especially those Pittsburgh people.

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Some folks on this board will be the first to tell you Frye is a stiff (GP1) and they'd better hurry up and sign Quinn, but I'd like to see what Frye can do with the added talent around him this year.
I've used many adjectives to describe Frye, most unflattering, but stiff isn't one of them. ;)
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With these facts on the table, does anyone (other than the Frye bashers) really believe that the Browns truthfully want to try to develop Anderson as a starter? Especially with their jobs on the line?
I don't believe for a second that the Browns want to develop Anderson as a future starter. They also don't want to develop Frye as a future starter. Frye/Anderson, whichever wins the starting position, is going to be tasked with one job this year. Bail water as fast as possible while Quinn develops.A lot of this will come down to money. If Frye wins the starting spot, Anderson gets cut. If Anderson wins the starting spot, Frye gets cut. They will not want to pay both and they probably don't want ANOTHER QB controversy in Cleveland so the termination will be necessary. Both of these guys have a lot on the line. I think Anderson is better, but I wouldn't want him to play for my favorite team. I'd jump off a bridge if my team picked up Frye if he got cut.Most of you are Browns fans and I want to encourage some of you. The Browns could go 5-11 again this season and still be better than the mess they put on the field last season. Rookie offensive linemen, regardless of their draft position, have a way of getting QBs killed so don't think that draft pick solved all their problems. Thomas has a lot of adapting to do and on-the-job training isn't a good thing. The Browns will be better this year though.
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That's the "Frye Bashing" I was waiting for...One thing I will agree with is this....At some point, regardless of what Frye does on the field, the Quinn situation will likely create a controversy. And here's what happens to Frye...at the very LEAST.Frye has started 15 or so games in his first two years in the league, which is more than most guys get early in their careers. His experience and ability would be valuable to many teams in this league. BZip-08 is right. He earns respect because he focuses on winning football games. He doesn't hang out at the Playboy mansion, pursue music deals, or pose in the mall for pictures and autographs for cash while his teamates are practicing. Plus, you are forgetting that he doesn't make that much money. Those who know anything about the NFL would know that a young QB with starting experience, who is only making 1 million a year, won't get "cut". But I know that this "Frye Basher" would love to see that to prove a point.At the very LEAST, Charlie will easily get plugged into a roster spot with another team in this league, and get an opportunity to earn a starting job in a much better situation than Cleveland. If the unthinkable happens, and the Browns outright "cut" Frye. Well, then they will show their own stupidity once again.

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At the very LEAST, Charlie will easily get plugged into a roster spot with another team in this league, and get an opportunity to earn a starting job in a much better situation than Cleveland. If the unthinkable happens, and the Browns outright "cut" Frye. Well, then they will show their own stupidity once again.
Charlie will be in Cleveland at least until his contract expires. It makes good economic sense for the Browns to keep him here at a million per.
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Poor Charlie :( Ryan Tucker Suspended For SteroidsRight tackle will miss first four games.Friday, August 3, 2007(Berea) - Stunning news Friday for the Cleveland Browns.Right tackle Ryan Tucker has been suspended for the first four games of the season by the NFL for steroid use.

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