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Frye To Start Sunday


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I do apologize for the tone...it just peeves me that people but on "Zips blinders" in analyzing Frye. But I do sincerely apologize. With that said...I know the following:- That Derek Anderson is nothing more than a career backup
It says a lot about Frye when a career backup (Anderson) and a rookie with two preseason games under his belt (Quinn) almost (and probably should) start over him.
With all that you "know" why don't you pick the winning lotto numbers, buy an island, and live happily ever after with gp1. Anderson, the "career" backup has played in 5 total games over his one year career. You don't know "s%#t" about either player. You "think" they are bad football players and you are entitled to your opinion. I think you're wrong and time will tell. Please stop confusing fact for opinion.
Way to cherry pick a post. I said he is entitled to his opinion and I disagree. No one knows how these players will turn out. Not even you. :wave: You gp1 are the one always telling people how little they know. And then there's that odd problem you still seem to have for an ex UA Ad.
GP1 Posted on Sep 9 2007, 05:48 PM   QUOTE (UADavid @ Sep 4 2007, 02:38 PM) You don't know "s%#t" about either player.  Why don't you tell us what you think big mouth. You come on here and tell everyone how little they know. Tell us how Charlie was actually good against the Steelers. We'll wait for you to get your thoughts from Cincinnati. I'd love to hear you string of stupidity. 
I thought he had a terrible game. I don't feel a need to tear him down like you do. It can't be justified. He may not have a great or long career in the NFL, but he doesn't deserve the vitriolic attacks that you pass so effortlessly.
Frye was absolutely horrible today and was the cause of the Browns loss. You guys can make excuses from now till the cows come home, but the guy is just stupid and doesn't belong in the NFL. I love the NFL and every day he is in it, it is another day that destroys it. He is the same stupid guy who played at Akron and only won 19 D-1A games in four years.
Frye was terrible against pittsburgh as was the team and coaches. What makes you so bitter that you need to go so over the top and attack someone? Football is a team game. HE didn't win 19 D1 games, the team did. He was part of the team. He did set 54 school records at qb and you seem to be the only one on this forum who thought he sucked in college. I think they would have won fewer without his help. Is it fact? No, it's opinion, and I know the difference. Big Mouth.
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Wow, what a difference two weeks makes.
Not really. I still think he will succeed in the NFL. He had a bad game as did the team and coaches. I'm happy for him that he gets a fresh start with a winning organization and a good head coach. The head coach and gm are in the hot seat. What will be the excuses now from the browns brain trust? :unsure:
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