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Breaking News: Brutus arrested.

Kiel Fleming

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Brutus falls inline with former tOSU talent Maurice Clarettbrutuscourtfo3.jpgBrutus the buckeye is seen here leaving a Columbus district court on Wednesday. He is due back in court next week.(Cowlumbus, OH) Wednesday saw the beginning of the end for tOSU's lame mascot Brutus Buckeye. Brutus, formerly known for being Florida's bitch, was arrested earlier this week on solicitation charges. Upon arrest, Brutus was found to be carrying three thousand in cash (most likely a gift from Troy Smith), a .9mm hand gun and a machete. After searching Brutus' home, he was found to be running a meth lab out of his garage, and holding several mexican men captive in a hole in his basement."It was one of the more disturbing things I have ever seen" said officer Ernest Miller. "It seems that he would dress them up as other team mascots and have them fight to the death." It is unknown at this time if any illegal gambling took place over the mascot fighting. Authorities are withholding the names of the captive men, until the investigation is complete.When reached for comment, Brutus proclaimed his innocence. "Man i never did that s*ht. well, I did cook meth ... and dress up Mexican slave men as mascots and have them fight to the death, but I never gambled on it! that's a lie!"The D.A.'s office said that they will be pursuing the harshest punishment possible for these crimes. It is believed that the max penalty for something like this is a $5,000 fine and being forced to play Florida 6 more times in games that matter.

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