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Halftime with the Zips


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This may have already been posted on here, but the band's new cd is in...The CDs have arrived! They are $15 + $2.50 each for shipping/handling for a total of $17.50 each. You can send your check or money order to:University BandsThe University of AkronAkron, OH 44325-1002

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Im not sure how the Band CD is being run and how you go about getting one, but i will say that this is a CD that was really needed for the university as a whole. It has all the new versions of the fight song and the cheers that we do as a band. If the band cannot be at a sporting event (which we try to get to as many as we can) then they will be able to play the versions of the songs we are playing to date instead of the old one from forever ago. Basically im saying its worth the money to get considering we dont have the money to make one every year so it may be a long time before we can make another one.A-WOOO! SCREW CANT! :screwks::screwks:

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This is NOT a shot at the band, so please don't take it this way. I can't believe how bad our school is when it comes to giving the fans what they want. Michigan Tech., buried in the Upper Penninsula of Michigan makes Akron look like a middle school chess club fund raiser. Something as important as the UofA CD should be sold in the book store and online. The Band should not be the ones pushing it either, it should be the bookstore and the Athletic Dept. I've been waiting for a CD to come out for YEARS now, and thank GOD I frequent this page or I wouldn't even know a new one came out. Things like this, and the woefully inadequate availability of UofA merchandise has been a BIG, BIG Problem for years. How the Hell am I supposed to show my school spirit when I can't get my hands on stuff. UGH! :wall: P.S. My check is in the mail for the CD. THANK YOU!!!

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This is NOT a shot at the band, so please don't take it this way. I can't believe how bad our school is when it comes to giving the fans what they want. Michigan Tech., buried in the Upper Penninsula of Michigan makes Akron look like a middle school chess club fund raiser. Something as important as the UofA CD should be sold in the book store and online. The Band should not be the ones pushing it either, it should be the bookstore and the Athletic Dept. I've been waiting for a CD to come out for YEARS now, and thank GOD I frequent this page or I wouldn't even know a new one came out. Things like this, and the woefully inadequate availability of UofA merchandise has been a BIG, BIG Problem for years. How the Hell am I supposed to show my school spirit when I can't get my hands on stuff. UGH! :wall:
So, who do we call to complain? Who is in charge? Who do we e-mail? It seems like everyone that works at UA that lets things like this go does so because nobody cares and they can get away with being lazy. Maybe nobody actually wants to take charge and thinks that someone else will do it, and if that's the case they should all be fired. I really want that CD, and I will obviously get one, but maybe WE should be the ones to push some responsibility on to the people who avoid it like the plague. This CD should be available in both bookstores and at the team shop and at the Rubber Bowl. But nothing will get done until we tell people to do the jobs their paid to do. Problem is, I haven't a clue who is supposed to be overseeing things like this. I doubt it is anyone in the band, more like someone from Promotions or Marketing or something like that.
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http://www.zipsalumniband.com/Playlist:Akron Blue & GoldWin for AkronGod Bless AmericaAlma MaterFanfare/National AnthemStand Songs (Stand Up & Cheer, ...)Luck be the Lady / Viva Las VegasRock and Roll MedleyBorn on the BayouPercussion CadenceThat's AmoreProud Mary / Traveling BandCopacabanaLodi / Cotton Fields / Midnight SpecialHappy TogetherAkron Blue & Gold (Singing version)
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