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whut happened to zipsnation


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Here are the near term bandwagons to jump on to increase activity............Men's Soccer - beat Ohio State........people will get jazzed, lose......see ya for a while. Hopefully we stay ranked, if not, there will be chatter about inferiority of the conference.......yada yada yadaFootball - a win against Can't State will start something. Loss, the chatter will surround JD and it will be nothing but bitching for the rest of the year....... (personally I think the team is going to kick ass and CJ is going to make everyone remember he is one of the highest rated recuits we have ever had). Basketball is going to be exciting for a long time. There is no reasone to hold back, buy your season tickets now or regret it. KD is cool.

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Maybe it's my imagination, or I am remembering things wrong, but it seemed like there was more activity and more posting here last year.
Maybe Zip Nation members should be more respectful of others and their opinions. I don't post nearly as much as I did last year due to the fact that a couple of times I voiced an opinion and the smart ass remarks and personal insults that were engendered caused me to rethink my desire to post. Some people on this board seem to feel that if you don't agree with their statements you are fair game for ridicule. :nono::nono::nono:
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Maybe it's my imagination, or I am remembering things wrong, but it seemed like there was more activity and more posting here last year.
Maybe Zip Nation members should be more respectful of others and their opinions. I don't post nearly as much as I did last year due to the fact that a couple of times I voiced an opinion and the smart ass remarks and personal insults that were engendered caused me to rethink my desire to post. Some people on this board seem to feel that if you don't agree with their statements you are fair game for ridicule. :nono::nono::nono:
I wonder if we need a slight bit more moderation.You know, just a guiding presence in some of the more heated topics. Nothing draconian.
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The problem with moderating some topics is that it doesn't come down to a definitive judgment call.... or in other words, there is no right & wrong or any way to guide things to a resolution with finality. Take the debate as to how acceptable and how much Akron students and alumni should root for Ohio State. There is no right answer. The best you can do is try to keep it civil and keep it from getting personal.

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I sometimes took a very liberal approach to free speech on the sites I ran in the past, but then, I wasn't really concerned very much about whether people felt alienated and left. As long as it wasn't hatespeech or slander, I allowed the community to police itself. If your goal is a "kinder gentler" atmosphere, slightly more active intervention may be required

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I really think we have way too many bandwagon fans. These are the people that call OSU fans band wagon losers. However, they do the same with Akron.They just arrived when JD and the field house got here.Also, IMHO, the reason there isn't much activity is because people here don't post for fun. They only post serious topics. Go to another teams board sometime. People are taking about all kinds of things other than sports. Over here you just have posters and mods attacking other posters because of their allegiance to another school too. Their is no fun posting here. Posters from other schools come here and get attacked when being very polite. That sucks.Also, we need some "insiders" It would be nice if we had people that had contacts inside the athletic dept. Other sites have that. It sucks when players are gone and the only way we find out is because they aren't on the roster. Davon Moore and Al Teric Balaam are perfect examples. Nobody can 100% answer if these guys are still on the team.It would be nice to see more good information on recruiting. We have very little of that.Obviously this is the only site we have, so it is the best we have. However, it would benice to have a little more info to pique our interests.

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