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Lee Adams

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:gun: anyone who thnks that mack rhoades and jd brokenhart have sympathetic connection to AKRON are morons...they are using AKRON as did FAUST to pad their resumes and move on..rhoades doesn't have any connect with the fans and is a young punk who wants to make money...brokenhart is trying to live out every insurance salesman's dream by coaching football...ya the new stadium may be nice be neither rhoades nor brokenhart have anything to do with it..its WAY above THEM...get 'em out of here!
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:gun: anyone who thnks that mack rhoades and jd brokenhart have sympathetic connection to AKRON are morons...they are using AKRON as did FAUST to pad their resumes and move on..rhoades doesn't have any connect with the fans and is a young punk who wants to make money...brokenhart is trying to live out every insurance salesman's dream by coaching football...ya the new stadium may be nice be neither rhoades nor brokenhart have anything to do with it..its WAY above THEM...get 'em out of here!
The way the Zips are playing Brookhart should've left when he had a chance a year ago.Gerry Faust never left Akron...he still lives here by the way.
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Oh gosh. I think this is getting really out of hand.I understand the frustration. We lost a game we should not have lost, and it sucks. For the record, Faust was a pretty old guy when he took the job at Akron. He had already been a head coach for 30+ years, and wanted to spend the latter part of his coaching career near his family and friends, from what I remember reading at the time.I have never heard Faust, or anyone who knows Faust, ever even mention that he was using a stop in Akron to get himself back into a higher level of coaching. He was merely finishing his career. Phootss...you are right. He still lives in Akron, and does speaking engagements in his retirement.

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:gun: anyone who thnks that mack rhoades and jd brokenhart have sympathetic connection to AKRON are morons...they are using AKRON as did FAUST to pad their resumes and move on..rhoades doesn't have any connect with the fans and is a young punk who wants to make money...brokenhart is trying to live out every insurance salesman's dream by coaching football...ya the new stadium may be nice be neither rhoades nor brokenhart have anything to do with it..its WAY above THEM...get 'em out of here!
I'm not exactly where this came from.....it seems to be a rambling mess. Posted on 10:44 Sunday night could only mean LA is finishing off an all day drunk at the Browns game. Faust had all the padding on his resume he needed with the name Notre Dame on it. Why do we need them to be sympathetic to Akron? You guys may not like JD, but he is the best coach the school has had since going to D-1A...hands down. He needs to change some things, but he is still a good coach. Of course Akron is a stepping stone. Why work at Akron and make $165,000 per year when they can move up and make a minimum $650,000? The real moron would stick around for the $165,000.As far as Mack, I'm still uncertain. The first thing I would do would be to turn over more responsibility for marketing to ISP and can some of the overbloated marketing staff they have. Then I would take that money and put it into a top notch sports academic program that would prevent players like David Harvey from flunking out.
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Ah perfect, another Butt Monkey.I would prefer to not have to read this "we lost so now I hate everything, and the coaches and athletic department are only out for a payday" garbage. 1: I hope they do want to use Akron as a "resume" boost. That means they have to be successful.2: I would love to have the history of churning out coaches and AD's that Miami (OH) used to. It builds the program, hell that's why Marshall only spent 4 years in the MAC.Educate yourself before you make witless banter.

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:gun: anyone who thnks that mack rhoades and jd brokenhart have sympathetic connection to AKRON are morons...they are using AKRON as did FAUST to pad their resumes and move on..rhoades doesn't have any connect with the fans and is a young punk who wants to make money...brokenhart is trying to live out every insurance salesman's dream by coaching football...ya the new stadium may be nice be neither rhoades nor brokenhart have anything to do with it..its WAY above THEM...get 'em out of here!
Seriously? If we had won on Saturday would you still be ranting this senseless crap? Grow up dude.This is a job for everyone involved in the administration and coaching. They didn't marry Akron, they just took a job. While they are here they will work to make Akron the best it can be. If they have great success and get an offer that takes them to even greater opportunities, then they should go. If that's the case, then they don't owe us anything because they would have already done so much for us. Give Brookhart a break. He won us a championship JUST two years ago. I don't recall any other coaches bringing that trophy to us since we went 1-A. If you want these guys to be so dedicated to Akron, how about you be dedicated to them too instead of stabbing them in the back when the team stumbles a little.
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:gun: anyone who thnks that mack rhoades and jd brokenhart have sympathetic connection to AKRON are morons...they are using AKRON as did FAUST to pad their resumes and move on..rhoades doesn't have any connect with the fans and is a young punk who wants to make money...brokenhart is trying to live out every insurance salesman's dream by coaching football...ya the new stadium may be nice be neither rhoades nor brokenhart have anything to do with it..its WAY above THEM...get 'em out of here!
Seriously? If we had won on Saturday would you still be ranting this senseless crap? Grow up dude.This is a job for everyone involved in the administration and coaching. They didn't marry Akron, they just took a job. While they are here they will work to make Akron the best it can be. If they have great success and get an offer that takes them to even greater opportunities, then they should go. If that's the case, then they don't owe us anything because they would have already done so much for us. Give Brookhart a break. He won us a championship JUST two years ago. I don't recall any other coaches bringing that trophy to us since we went 1-A. If you want these guys to be so dedicated to Akron, how about you be dedicated to them too instead of stabbing them in the back when the team stumbles a little.
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Hey Lee,Take a chill pill, dude. Brookhart isn't the first coach to have a team lose a game it should win. Nor will he be the last. And, as has already been pointed out, Brookhart is the best coach we've had here since we jumped to Div-IA. (They should have never "promoted" Jim Denison to AD, but that's water over the dam.)I look at Brookhart as I think most people do... a young coach with lots to prove but a pretty substantial upside.Looking at Rhoades, it seems to me you need more than a couple of years to fairly evaluate an AD, which is why they are such critical hires in the first place. The jury is still out, imo, but I think so far he's doing and saying most of the right things. (That a successful HEAD golf coach would leave for an ASSISTANT's job smells funny, to me but I'm honestly not sure what to make of that rather freakish event.)As for the stadium, you're crazy if you think Rhoades and Brookhart were not factors in the stadium project coming through. True, negotiations over the gifts that make it possible are not their doing. HOWEVER. Do you really think InfoCision and Summa would give such tall money to the program if they thought it was in questionable hands? Secondly, do you think for a second that this stadium would have happened without the MAC title and bowl game of two years ago? If you can even CONSIDER answering yes to those two questions, then you are an idiot.GO ZIPS!

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Class of '82: I agree with quite a bit you comment on, however, how long are the fans, students, alumni & major contributors willing to watch nothing not but mediocrity?JD is in his 4th year. We are using most if not all of his players, and after 4 years, his offensive scheme should be well in place. Remember it was mostly players from the Owens regime that contributed to the '05 season. And b/4 anybody gets the undies all tied in knots, I said, mostly, not all. JD at that time was doing a very good job bringing talent to UA.Let's all hope the ship gets righted and we win out, win the MACC, and win the Motor City Bowl.GOOOOOOOOOOO ZIPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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JD says that he has fixed (for the most part; There will always be athletes not willing to do their schoolwork) the recruiting problem and his latest class reflects that. JD can't move ahead until he maked Akron better than he left it. So far, all of the improvements have relied heavily on sheer luck. And we have been very lucky, but luck can fail. It failed on Saturday, and it will fail again because it is unreliable. Hopefully JD has recognised that. The one thing that can almost completely remove luck from the equation is hard work and never giving up. We gave up against Temple when we had the lead. Akron is not OSU. We have to run the score up on lesser opponents, not sit on our leads. Score 100 points if it is possible. Just don't sit there and say "well, that's good enough. We don't need to work anymore." Competitors know that no matter what you do, it is never good enough and you should never be satisfies until it's all completely over. Joe Moorhead is not a competitor. He runs the offense just good enough to maybe get a win, but never puts it out of reach or attempts to make sure that no matter what the defense does that we will win this. Each part of the game should play their absolute best regardless of what the other units do. If the D is getting a shutout, the offense should not coast because the other team can't score. If the O is getting 50+ points a game, the D shouldn't relax. The Special teams should always try to pin the opponent deep regardless of the score, and should always try to return it for a TD. That is what competitors do. They have the will to always play to win. Never let up. I just don't see that from our offense, which is causing our D (which has a lot more competitive spirit than the O) to wear down to the point that they just can't play anymore. I'm not even going to touch our punting problem, but the resto of the special teams is really coming along. JD needs to focus much more on the offense next. Put Moorhead in charge of Special teams and let JD do what he was brought in to do: be an offensive guru.

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Class of '82: I agree with quite a bit you comment on, however, how long are the fans, students, alumni & major contributors willing to watch nothing not but mediocrity?
Hi akronad,How long? I guess that's always the question, isn't it? And I'm hoping the ship get's righted, too. B) Anyway, I'm NOT saying Brookhart is above criticism. As a fan, I've certainly got my beefs. Like you said, the team we're seeing underwelm us on Saturdays is JD's team, not somebody else's. And it is not a minor matter that so many recruits have proven unable to make it as college student-athletes. In fact, I'd call that a pretty darned serious issue. But losing to Temple on Saturday, by itself, is not a firing offense, imo. I don't like it, but to call for heads in mid-season seems a little too much like needless panic.When the season is over, that's when ADs and presidents should be making their evaluations and judgments. Could Brookhart be fired at the end of the year? Unless the bottom totally falls out of the season, I seriously doubt it. Should he be feeling some heat at this point in his tenure? Sure. Do I still think he's a good coach? Yeah, I do.Whatever happens though, one great thing we have going for us is that with the addition of the new stadium is that Akron's attractiveness as a head-coaching job is entering a previously unknown sphere. Added to the Field House next door, we will have gone from arguably the most poorly equipped and housed program in the country (let allone the MAC) to by any definition one of the true elites when it comes to facilities and amenities for football. Should the unfortunate need for a new coach arise, I like our chances to draw a pretty impressive pool of candidates, certainly better than what we've had to choose from in the past.At any rate, I'm pretty darned worried about how this season may be going, just like most fans here, I'd guess. But I'm more optimistic about Akron's longterm future in football than I've ever been. And I think with good reason.Go ZIPS!
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I guess you can't always blame the refs for a poor performance but with every late hit call we got I thought of the nice apology letter written by the refs after the WMU game. I think the refs were going to error on the safe side and call everything against the Zips that they could. I couldn't see the calls very well so maybe I'm all wet but it just seems that those calls really helped move the "birds" down the field. I also question the play calling. Again, I'm not a football guru but at one point they actually rolled out to the right and had Jacq as the main blocker in front of the running back. Is that normal? A QB blocking for a running back? Did we ever throw to the tight end? What happened to the play with a throw to the back that Jacq connected on with Kennedy? I don't just want to win! I want to smear a few teams so we can get some other guys into the game and get them some playing experience for next year. Why sit on a lead? Everyone knows (especially Akron) how quickly a team can come back. We need to kick butt every game, every quarter, every down!! You can't play a game afraid to give extra effort 'cause you might fumble, afraid to throw the ball cause it might get intercepted. Play to win! Play like a championship team! Or don't bother!

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Play to win! Play like a championship team! Or don't bother!
I guess Can't decided for "don't bother". :screwks:
Remember when Lee Owens was let go, many on the Blue Board said, "They waited a year too late." ?Well, if things go as I fear, and we finish 4-8 or 5-7 this season, and next year shows little or not improvement (like 6-6 and out of the MAC race for example), I can just feel the same comments coming.Now, I agree that JD is the best coach Akron has had in DI-A, at least it appears that way from his recruiting classes. I still have confidence that this guy is capable of creating a sustained winner in Akron -- Tressel took five years to turn YSU around. However, I doubt many of us will be interested in giving JD a sixth year if there's no evidence of a turn-around. My patience is already almost worn out.Now, as far as the AD's office goes, there are a lot more problems there, I'm told than has come to light on this board. I won't spill the beans, but the truth will come out in the budget and ticket (and PSL) prices.Thank God Akron has a top-caliber soccer team! :wave:
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:gun: anyone who thnks that mack rhoades and jd brokenhart have sympathetic connection to AKRON are morons...they are using AKRON as did FAUST to pad their resumes and move on..rhoades doesn't have any connect with the fans and is a young punk who wants to make money...brokenhart is trying to live out every insurance salesman's dream by coaching football...ya the new stadium may be nice be neither rhoades nor brokenhart have anything to do with it..its WAY above THEM...get 'em out of here!
Lee, chill out dude.....Such is the life of a mid-major..
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