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Stadium Delayed


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http://www.ohio.com/news/top_stories/10543197.htmlApparently, they have not yet completed the architectural designs yet. Ground-breaking will be in January (good luck breaking through the Ohio permafrost :lol: )There are mostly residences that still need to be purchased, no mention of any businesses. They are already constructing the parts of the stadium that they know are in the plans, so it should go up un sections and be pre-built. It just needs to be shipped here and put together, kind of like a puzzle.
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http://www.ohio.com/news/top_stories/10543197.htmlApparently, they have not yet completed the architectural designs yet. Ground-breaking will be in January (good luck breaking through the Ohio permafrost :lol: )
Considering that most everything new on campus has broke ground in January, I think they have the technique down. ;)
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http://www.ohio.com/news/top_stories/10543197.htmlApparently, they have not yet completed the architectural designs yet. Ground-breaking will be in January (good luck breaking through the Ohio permafrost :lol: )There are mostly residences that still need to be purchased, no mention of any businesses. They are already constructing the parts of the stadium that they know are in the plans, so it should go up un sections and be pre-built. It just needs to be shipped here and put together, kind of like a puzzle.
Why is this funny? I didn't realize you were a construction expert. You should offer your services pro bono. Tell you what, I'll watch the games at InfoCision stadium in 2009 and you can watch from the Rubber Bowl. You can have any seat you want. Don't let the black mold or falling objects get you.
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Just to ease all the weary minds out there on deadlines and construction time.Cleveland Browns Stadium 73,000 seats (and natural grass, sod takes a long time to grab hold)Broke ground May 15, 1997 Opened September 12, 1999 (28 months)Ford Field 65,000 seats (domed)Broke ground November 16, 1999 Opened August 24, 2002 (32 months)Infocision Stadium 30,000 Seats (astroplay surface)Break ground January 2008Opening Sept 12, 2009 (21 months)So as you can see, the University is building a stadium of half the size in comparable time. There is plenty of room for delays.

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Just to ease all the weary minds out there on deadlines and construction time.Cleveland Browns Stadium 73,000 seats (and natural grass, sod takes a long time to grab hold)Broke ground May 15, 1997 Opened September 12, 1999 (28 months)Ford Field 65,000 seats (domed)Broke ground November 16, 1999 Opened August 24, 2002 (32 months)Infocision Stadium 30,000 Seats (astroplay surface)Break ground January 2008Opening Sept 12, 2009 (21 months)So as you can see, the University is building a stadium of half the size in comparable time. There is plenty of room for delays.
Wow, I didn't realize that. That's amazing!How, if we could just get ODOT to lay down more than 10ft of asphalt per day we'd really be doing great.
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It just dawned on me, but why is this big news? The stadium website mentioned that ground breaking for the stadium would be in January over a week and a half ago.It's just now news worthy? Or is this something was brought to the media's by someone other then the University, say a property owner.

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I find it funny, they do a story in the newspaper right after Homecoming and all of those Alumni at the game this weekend... I guess they held the public story until after all of those alumni (not many at the rubber bowl), had their campus tour, and pitch on why they should contribute to the new stadium fundraiser...Oh well, sounds like a tight timeline... The other examples are interesting on how fast they build these things... If a good job i done preengineering I can believe it can be done. (either that or play in the Brown's Stadium in 2009 :>)

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