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Question About Scheduling

Marty McFly

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OK...Here is something to chew on this morning...I know that we beat the heck out of KD for his scheduling his OOC. Let's play scheduler for a bit, and I ask everyone to be honest and not to bash Can't State b/c their Can't State.Would you rather play an occasional team, like a Dayton or Winthrop or Nevada that may or may not be ranked like 15-25 (Seriously, when KD scheduled this game, who would have thought that UD would be ranked in the top 25).....OR Would you rather play at least one elite team, at their place for a big money paycheck, like Can't at Duke last year, and Can't at UNC this year, and risk losing by 20-30 points, but gaining experience of playing in a hostile enviroment, like Cameron, playing on ESPN (not ESPNU or ESPN 2, but the numero uno), which both have to be big points to hit during recruiting.

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I wasn't at the game yesterday, but I have been to games at UD arena in the past.Is UD arena any less hostile of an environment for a visiting team than Cameron or the Dean Dome? Seems like yesterday it was pretty intense there.
Kirk Herbstreit called it the 2nd toughest place to play, next to Cameron.
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I choose the first option. I don't think that playing NC on ESPN and loosing by 25 points helps your recruiting. What can you brag about? you lost by 25.I think that we don't really need to schedule paycheck games with top 10 or top 25 teams as long as we don't schedule teams with RPI of 200+.A schedule of good mid majors (winthrop, UIC, Dayton, Temple and the alikes) would be perfect unless you throw in a Binghamton and a NC central etc...

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I like KD's philosophy (I'm glad he refuses to bend over for the BCS schools) only kicked up a notch. I think we should schedule as many A-10 schools as possible (Temple, Xavier, Dayton, Rhode Island). Throw in some Mizz-Valley schools: Missouri St., Witchita St., Creighton, Southern Ill. Toss in Butler (Horizon) and a dream matchup w/ Gonzaga. I think there are plenty of high mid-majors. I now consider us a high mid-major school. I think any combination of those schools would make an exciting and competitive OC schedule!Why don't these schools get together and help each other out with scheduling? If we'd all cooperate w/ each other it'd make life a lot easier, create some great, competitive rivalries and collectively say "go screw off," to the BCS & NCAA selection committee.

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McFly...I can answer that pretty easily. See Miami's (OH) schedule. If we want to be recognized nationally, we have to do whatever it takes to boost our SOS to put us in that position. It's real simple. With a higher SOS, you will still benefit, even if you do lose a few more games.
With all due respect I can't understand the reasoning of playing an extremely tough SOS if you lose all the games. When you play six really tough teams and lose four or five, then combine that with the loses in the conference, what makes anyone think they will get an invite to the big dance?
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McFly...I can answer that pretty easily. See Miami's (OH) schedule. If we want to be recognized nationally, we have to do whatever it takes to boost our SOS to put us in that position. It's real simple. With a higher SOS, you will still benefit, even if you do lose a few more games.
With all due respect I can't understand the reasoning of playing an extremely tough SOS if you lose all the games. When you play six really tough teams and lose four or five, then combine that with the loses in the conference, what makes anyone think they will get an invite to the big dance?
Sadly, I think we're all beginning to realize that the NCAA selection committee will look for any excuse to exclude non-BCS schools. Either you played a strong schedule but didn't win enough games, or you won plenty of games but your schedule was weak. The only way to get noticed in their eyes is to play a bunch of BCS schools on the road AND beat them all. Ha! That's tough to do. To top it all off, the SOS is automatically biased toward BCS schools to begin with because the old-boys network ranks them all high at the beginning of the season.
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I honestly feel that KD's hands are tied, somewhat, until (when and if) attendence improves. I do like his stance not to play teams from BCS conferences EXCLUSIVELY on the road. I asked the following question on another thread, but I'll ask it again here since I didn't get a response before. Does anyone know whether KD has ever tried (or even wants to try) scheduling a couple of 2 for 1's or 3 for 1's with some of the "elite" programs (either using the JAR or the Q possibly)? I ask this, because I do think that expecting a home and home with these "BCS" schools is totally unrealistic at this point. We probably couldn't even get the better Valley programs (SIU, Wich St, Bradley, Creighton) to agree to a home and home given our current facilities/attendance.

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McFly...I can answer that pretty easily. See Miami's (OH) schedule. If we want to be recognized nationally, we have to do whatever it takes to boost our SOS to put us in that position. It's real simple. With a higher SOS, you will still benefit, even if you do lose a few more games.
If you honestly think Miami has any chance of an at-large with a .500 OOC record, you're deluding yourself. The MAC sucks, and being affiliated with this conference is the only excuse the selection committee needs to keep us out of the tournament. What would our record be if we played their schedule? What good would it do us to get pasted on national TV? I would rather play Winthrop, Dayton, and Temple any day of the week over some self-inflated "major" conference team that won't give you anything but a quick paycheck for your troubles.
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ZipAlumn..here's your answer...MIAMI (OH)Record 6-6SOS Rank 5RANKING 55AKRONRecord 10-3SOS Rank 271RANKING 76I don't think anyone will argue that you load your OOC schedule with 15 teams that you can't beat. But it's clear that playing some harder opponents, even if you lose, has its benefits in your national ranking.skhorbotly...here's how Can't playing at NC helps their program...BESIDES THE MONEY. 1) National exposure and awareness for your program (helps recruiting)2) An opportunity for your players to play a reknowned program (helps recruiting)3) A tremendous boost to your SOS4) Great test for your players5) Preparation for conference play

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Losing to Duke or UNC by 30 on the UNO is not better than a close game against Dayton. We just need to win some of these key games on our schedule, regardless if they are marquis names or not. Last year key losses;Arkansas Little Rock - kept us from meeting Bobby Knight and Texas TechUIC - we had themNevada - close at homeMiami - buzzer beaterIf we would have won any ONE of those 4 games - we would have been playing in post season last year.....that would help recruiting and visability for the school.This year so far;Portland St - kept of from playing the championship against Colorado State. Winning a tourney like that is something to hang your hat on.Winthrop - we had themDayton - thought we had themOur bed is made again this year, just like Can't and Miami - Now we go play for seeding in the MAC tourney - just like Can't and Miami. Whoever wins the MAC tourney gets to go dancing. The others likely stay home.

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I've mentioned it before, but I'll never expect it from the MAC office -- why aren't the MAC offices helping the conference out with this. Wouldn't it be ideal if the MAC played a conference each year. MAC for Missouri Valley or MAC versus Atlantic 10. Top to bottom all teams or the top however many play, get a sponsor, get a television contract and make some money with it. Other conferences do it and I think it works well.I would still love to see a UNC or Duke or other high caliber team on the schedule. If you could successfully schedule a 2 for 1 at the Q -- theoretically you could have one game at the Q annually against a big time oppoenent and two on the road. If you had a game at the Q against a big time opponent you could build some excitement for the program. The kids could get a game under their belt prior to the MAC Tournament. You could garner more exposure in NE Ohio and most of all you could use it as a recruiting tool. Someone mentioned earlier does losing by 25 help recruiting - it not only helps recruiting, but my guess would be motivating. You always want to test yourself against the best -- even if you lose by 25. If I'm being recruited to play at two schools and one gives me the opportunity to play against top flite competition and the other doesn't why wouldn't I want to play for the one who gives me an opportunity to play against top flite competition. Look at conferences the better conferences get the better players -- the MAC has been going the other way the last few years. Additionally, the motivation factor building up to the game would be huge. You are working for the big game -- need to be ready etc. Then if you lose it becomes motivation and learning opportunities not to lose like that again.For those that caught any of the UNC/Can't game they were down by 5 (I believe) heading into the half and two quick mental lapses and one hail mary three turned it into an 11 point half time lead. I think that drained the life out of the Can't team and they didn't recover.

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skhorbotly...here's how Can't playing at NC helps their program...BESIDES THE MONEY. 1) National exposure and awareness for your program (helps recruiting)2) An opportunity for your players to play a reknowned program (helps recruiting)3) A tremendous boost to your SOS4) Great test for your players5) Preparation for conference play
I respectfully disagree with you here:1- if by national exposure you mean that the casual fan in California or Florida finds out that there is a team called Can't state then i may agree with you. However, if you want to earn a national respect for your team and improve your recruiting abilities, i don't think that just by showing up to a game against NC, and getting killed, might i add, gets you that. 2- If you were a HS kid getting offers from both Akron and Can't, which one would you choose: a- Can't over Akron because you will get to play at Duke & NC to loose by 25 points. I will also play most of my OOC schedule away in a hostile environment with 15000 cheering against me. b- Akron over Can't because you will play against very good teams (winthrop and dayton) where you have a chance to win and compete in every game you play. You also will get to play a balanced schedule (some at home and some away).3- What does that do?4- So the only way to test your players is to demoralize them and get them killed by 25? Dayton was not enough of a test for you?5- Look at my answer for #4.
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ZipAlumn..here's your answer...MIAMI (OH)Record 6-6SOS Rank 5RANKING 55AKRONRecord 10-3SOS Rank 271RANKING 76I don't think anyone will argue that you load your OOC schedule with 15 teams that you can't beat. But it's clear that playing some harder opponents, even if you lose, has its benefits in your national ranking.skhorbotly...here's how Can't playing at NC helps their program...BESIDES THE MONEY. 1) National exposure and awareness for your program (helps recruiting)2) An opportunity for your players to play a reknowned program (helps recruiting)3) A tremendous boost to your SOS4) Great test for your players5) Preparation for conference play
Skip-Zip .... if I remember correctly our RPI at the end of last year was 64, but even the NIT didn't come calling. I honestly believe that more important that SOS or RPI is the amount of repsect (or pull) you have in the "old boy's club".I think Akron could and should schedule a tougher OOC schedule, but acting as fodder for teams like Kansas, North Carolina, Duke, etc. is just plain silly. Cincinnati, Nevada, Butler, Dayton and these type of teams on a home & away basis is a better way to go. Then when Akron can consistantly win these games go up to the next level.
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Skip-Zip .... if I remember correctly our RPI at the end of last year was 64, but even the NIT didn't come calling. I honestly believe that more important that SOS or RPI is the amount of repsect (or pull) you have in the "old boy's club".I think Akron could and should schedule a tougher OOC schedule, but acting as fodder for teams like Kansas, North Carolina, Duke, etc. is just plain silly. Cincinnati, Nevada, Butler, Dayton and these type of teams on a home & away basis is a better way to go. Then when Akron can consistantly win these games go up to the next level.
I have to agree with you. At the end of last year, Akron had the highest RPI of all the MAC teams. According to the NCAA's official website, here is how the MAC finished:68 - Akron85 - Can't State93 - Miami95 - Toledo106 - Ohio149 Western michigan226 - Central Michigan237 - Eastern Michigan238 - Buffalo243 - Bowling Green274 - Ball State301 - Northern IllinoisMost of those teams had significantly higher RPIs before conference play started, but they dropped like a rock once they played the MAC portion of their schedule, even though they won more in MAC play than out of it. They were kept afloat early by their SOS, but once they started playing the weaker MAC, the bottom fell out. Akron had the best formula to boost the RPI, despite our "weak' OOC schedule. In case anybody forgot, Akron won the MAC East, not Can't, Miami, or Ohio, who all played much tougher schedules than us. The same thing will happen again this year in terms of RPI.
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ZipAlumn..here's your answer...MIAMI (OH)Record 6-6SOS Rank 5RANKING 55AKRONRecord 10-3SOS Rank 271RANKING 76I don't think anyone will argue that you load your OOC schedule with 15 teams that you can't beat. But it's clear that playing some harder opponents, even if you lose, has its benefits in your national ranking.skhorbotly...here's how Can't playing at NC helps their program...BESIDES THE MONEY. 1) National exposure and awareness for your program (helps recruiting)2) An opportunity for your players to play a reknowned program (helps recruiting)3) A tremendous boost to your SOS4) Great test for your players5) Preparation for conference play
Skip-Zip .... if I remember correctly our RPI at the end of last year was 64, but even the NIT didn't come calling. I honestly believe that more important that SOS or RPI is the amount of repsect (or pull) you have in the "old boy's club".I think Akron could and should schedule a tougher OOC schedule, but acting as fodder for teams like Kansas, North Carolina, Duke, etc. is just plain silly. Cincinnati, Nevada, Butler, Dayton and these type of teams on a home & away basis is a better way to go. Then when Akron can consistantly win these games go up to the next level.
Generally I like how KD approaches the schedule. I believe he wants to play as many high mid-majors as possible, if he gets a home and home series. Unfortunately, not all the so called high mid-majors want to come here. There really isn't anything for the MVC to gain by going on the road and playing the MAC, so they don't. In the end, KD is left "scrambling" around trying to find anyone who will come here. Personally, I think he should schedule ONE big-time BCS game (that isn't tosu) every year (even if we don't get a return game) for the money, play as many high mid-majors as possible and then fill in with YSU, CSU and even Wright State (the other Ohio schools) to round out the schedule. What puzzles me is why the football team is required to play 2 or 3 money games every year and the basketball team doesn't .....and they pay 16-18 more games in a season.
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everybody blast the zips for their schedule.n.c. is never going to play at Can't or any other mac school.dayton is coming here next year.i have not clue why the football team schedules the way they do.if our program football is haivng money problems then how are we building a new stadium.it just does not make sense.

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Ditto here. 1-for-1 unless we play some big boys in a neutral-site tournament. I've got confidence in KD that, over time, he'll get the schedule worked out so we get the home schedule we want that includes some bigger-name (maybe not the biggest) schools. Wintrop and Dayton already look good on the home schedule next year. Wyoming and UIC were also good for the program. I think we need to give KD and Mack some time to build the program over the long haul, including the schedule.
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Every school (except this year's Miami squad) plays a couple of cupcake games. That's fine with me. Actually, IMHO, this year's home schedule is definitely worth the price of a season ticket: Temple Wyoming UIC Youngstown St. (okay, not a great team, but a fun regional rivalry; ala CSU) Bracket Buster Miami OhioToledo Can'tDon't you guys think that's an attractive schedule?

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