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Zips vs. Can't State

Zip Watcher

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Here's some pictures that I took of the Cant students cheering with the sign we made for them, not realizing at all what it actually said. Who doesnt look at the sign first before holding it up to see what it says?! The look on their face when they finally read it and realized what it said and what we had done was priceless!!AkronCant08001.jpgAkronCant08002.jpgAlso reading all the posts I agree with what a lot of people said and am glad some people were able to tell us what they saw there at the end. I saw it pretty well being up in the Rowdy section but once so many people got involved it was hard to see what was going on. I like that Quade stood up for his teammate. And it shows you how fierce this rivalry is getting. After sleeping on it and having time to cool down I'm still pretty upset about the way the game went especially with the ref and Cant's fans, but we could have played better at certain times in the 2nd half that would have probably changed the complex of the game. It's some of the little things that get us. And I can understand that it gets to a point where the confidence of our players is being shot and you could tell. There were so many "no calls" by the refs it was insane and I mentioned this before but only Woods and Dials went to the line for us...you're telling me no one else on our team got fouled?!?! They need to bring in non-conference refs for games like these. But of course if you watch the news highlights or read the papers everything is on how great Cant did And where to start with the VERY classless Cant fans. I dont think I've ever heard the f-bomb used so much or been flicked off as much not only by students but by their players as well! Cant players trying to throw punches at our guys when our guys are just trying to calmly separate everyone and then afterwards while things are being figured out our players were either by the bench or gathered on the court planning out what to do and the Cant players are busy yelling and flicking off the Rowdies. Also dont know if anyone else noticed but I think it was in the 1st half Woods got knocked down and Dials was trying to help him up, a Cant player went over and got in his face and looked like he sort of pushed him and Dials turned around so fast I thought he was going to take a swing, you could tell it was already starting. Now I know we Rowdies like to get on the case of the opposing teams players but we never go as low as their fans did, especially by chanting things like "f*** Dials" and throwing things at our players, unbelievable. I know we used to do the bullsh*t chant sometimes but that has stopped and when people start it we stop it pretty fast.

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Captain Kangaroo...I have a slight problem with your one post about the individual who whistles all the time. If it's annoying you, what do you think it's doing to the players and the rest of the people. Isn't it our job to be loud and obnoxious when they're shooting free throws to distract them...by any means possible. Yes it's annoying...get over it. It was the freaking Can't GAME...OUR BIGGEST RIVALS...and we should not be loud and obnoxious in a nonviolent way. He wasn't swearing, making threats, or flippin the bird...and I know this for a fact because I stood next to him at the game. Granted I had an earplug in my one ear, but all it takes is a finger in your ear and it's fine. I mean did you notice whenever he was whistling all the students looking up...thinkin WTF???. Exactly. While you may argue that it did nothing most of the time because they made their foul shots. To that I say they probably practice foul shots more than we do. I said probably...I don't know for sure, I'm just goin off our production from the line...minus Dials. Personally I think it's awesome that he does it...I certainly can't whistle like that and there arent many who can. So why not. It's better than throwin f bombs, makin threats, or fippin the bird. Plus he has a lot of Akron pride. More than most of us, and probably the same amount as Willy. I hate to give his identity away but he is a member of Blue and Gold Brass...the pep band; and he's also the Drum Major for Ohio's Pride. So he has a lot of spirit and pride in a good way.
Say I stand behind you and blow a trumpet in your ear for minutes on end. Because I'm a monster Zips fan, does that make it cool? That guy's whistle cuts like a knife though several sections...it is beyond obnoxious. Just because he can create the noise without a physical whistle is irrelevant. And as you stated, it had no effect on K.e.n.t.'s free throw shooting. It only ticked off a few hundred Zips fans near by. If he wants to toot a little here and there...fine. The dude just didn't get it. There is a line between being a fan, and being obscenely obnoxious.And for those of you who weren't there...trust me...stick yourself in a room with a 4-year old who just chugged a 2-liter of Mountain Dew, give him a whistle and a Black Sabbath-size guitar amp + microphone...and you MIGHT get an idea as to the level of incessant, loud, shrill whistling this guy produced.
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Captain Kangaroo...I have a slight problem with your one post about the individual who whistles all the time. If it's annoying you, what do you think it's doing to the players and the rest of the people. Isn't it our job to be loud and obnoxious when they're shooting free throws to distract them...by any means possible. Yes it's annoying...get over it. It was the freaking Can't GAME...OUR BIGGEST RIVALS...and we should not be loud and obnoxious in a nonviolent way. He wasn't swearing, making threats, or flippin the bird...and I know this for a fact because I stood next to him at the game. Granted I had an earplug in my one ear, but all it takes is a finger in your ear and it's fine. I mean did you notice whenever he was whistling all the students looking up...thinkin WTF???. Exactly. While you may argue that it did nothing most of the time because they made their foul shots. To that I say they probably practice foul shots more than we do. I said probably...I don't know for sure, I'm just goin off our production from the line...minus Dials. Personally I think it's awesome that he does it...I certainly can't whistle like that and there arent many who can. So why not. It's better than throwin f bombs, makin threats, or fippin the bird. Plus he has a lot of Akron pride. More than most of us, and probably the same amount as Willy. I hate to give his identity away but he is a member of Blue and Gold Brass...the pep band; and he's also the Drum Major for Ohio's Pride. So he has a lot of spirit and pride in a good way.
Say I stand behind you and blow a trumpet in your ear for minutes on end. Because I'm a monster Zips fan, does that make it cool? That guy's whistle cuts like a knife though several sections...it is beyond obnoxious. Just because he can create the noise without a physical whistle is irrelevant. And as you stated, it had no effect on K.e.n.t.'s free throw shooting. It only ticked off a few hundred Zips fans near by. If he wants to toot a little here and there...fine. The dude just didn't get it. There is a line between being a fan, and being obscenely obnoxious.And for those of you who weren't there...trust me...stick yourself in a room with a 4-year old who just chugged a 2-liter of Mountain Dew, give him a whistle and a Black Sabbath-size guitar amp + microphone...and you MIGHT get an idea as to the level of incessant, loud, shrill whistling this guy produced.
I thought it was annoying too, but by the end of the game, I was laughing uncontrollably at it.
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oh wait hold on hold on haha...Captain Kangaroo...were you the guy directly in front of our whistling buddy, and turned around and yelled at him like towards the end of the 2nd half????...because that was funny...cause he kept whistling...so obviously we both agree that cant was making their foul shots, so according to you the whistling did nothing...well were you yelling and making noise when they were shooting???...because if you were, i think we all can infer that did nothing either...so by your reasoning, nobody who was a zip last night should have made any noise whatsoever after a while when cant had foul shots because it wasnt doing anything...if you werent making any noise or making any hand gestures, or even saying anything underneath your breath, then touche...here's a suggestion for ya...if you dont like it and it bothers you....dont come to the games anymore...b/c it seems that you and one or 2 other people are the only that had a problem...the person on his left (HI!), and the person on his right didnt complain...granted i had an earplug at the game, theres bene games and occasions where i havent, and ive lived...and i can still hear out of both my ears...also funny how you attack one of the louder rowdies, but didnt attack any of the rowdies who werent as loud and maybe who stopped cheering after a while on offense or defense...why cant we cheer ALL OF US for the full 35 second shot clock on both offense and defense?

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I know that we have usernames or w/e to keep our identities secret or w/e...but zip alumn would you happen to be rick mcfadden?...just curious
No .... and I'm still upset that Tony Laterza wouldn't let me "walk on" unless I could take Jerry Sloan or Rich Turner off the dribble........ :lol: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :lol:
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