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You want to know how to beat Can't


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I honestly don't think UNLV looks any better than FSU did at all. I just think Can't's playing that bad. I wish we could play UNLV. This is pathetic. I hate this because I'm always trying to get my friends to follow MAC b-ball and I know their all watching this thinking MAC B-BALL MUST REALLY SUCK!!!

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CBS didn't wait long to break away from that stench. UK/Marquette on right now. Wonder how long they'll stay away from Can't/UNLV?It's 4 minutes into the second half and CAN'T STATE STILL SUCKS!I guess they broke away during a long time-out. Glad they came back to it - this is FUN!

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yeah it's on CBS here now.Think of it this way: can't already has doubled their first half score, whereas UNLV has only scored half as many as they scored in the first half. That would be a good thing for Can't if only they weren't down by 21 at the half hahaCan't down 45-20 :D

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I honestly don't think UNLV looks any better than FSU did at all. I just think Can't's playing that bad. I wish we could play UNLV. This is pathetic. I hate this because I'm always trying to get my friends to follow MAC b-ball and I know their all watching this thinking MAC B-BALL MUST REALLY SUCK!!!
Screw Can't and Screw the MAC. You wouldn't see Can't rooting for us if we were there and you won't see the rest of the conference doing it either. We are on our own in this conference for the most part and it's time we stopped caring about what everyone else does. I for one am loving this.And as far as UNLV not playing that well, stop focusing on their offensive work and focus on what they are doing on defense. They are undersized, but they are putting on an absolute clinic on how to pressure the ball fullcourt and force turnovers. Something Al Fisher is completely unequipped to deal with.
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It's really got to make you ask yourself, "Would I rather have my team make the NCAA tourney and get smacked all over the place (with 10 points at half), or go to the NIT and do some damage?" Just food for thought. I mean, it's nice to say you made it, but wow, this is bad. I am happy with the way things turned out, I guess...

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The team from the East looked really bad today. Why couldn't they had one of those type of games when they played us. Then again I do think we should have pressed full court a little more than we did the last couple of games against them.

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I think we know that pressuring Can't's guards is effective. But, I heard a KD interview recently in which he implies that pressuring on defense that much really takes a lot out of your players. Maybe he is right, and he knows his team. But I am also thinking that the reality is that we don't have the personnel that a team like UNLV has to be able to pressure them like that.I must say....I enjoyed every minute of that game :lol: I don't think that there is any doubt that the MAC would have been a two-bid conference this year if anyone other than Can't had won the MAC tournament.

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I think we know that pressuring Can't's guards is effective. But, I heard a KD interview recently in which he implies that pressuring on defense that much really takes a lot out of your players. Maybe he is right, and he knows his team. But I am also thinking that the reality is that we don't have the personnel that a team like UNLV has to be able to pressure them like that.I must say....I enjoyed every minute of that game :lol: I don't think that there is any doubt that the MAC would have been a two-bid conference this year if anyone other than Can't had won the MAC tournament.
As much as I've been on my kick about pressuring Can't more, I have to agree with this. This year we simply didn't have the personel to play that kind of basketball. When your starting guards are on bad knee's and you lack a true PG to run the show it has to make it difficult to play the way UNLV did today. Impossible, hardly, but a lot more difficult, yes. Next year is a year we ought to be able to play a lot more pressure defense. With a great on the ball defender in Nate, great speed in guys like Sullivan, Hitchens, Steward and even Roberts has shown some speed at guard. It should be a lot more feasible next year.
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