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Greatful Dead @ The Rubber Bowl

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Click to Access Complete Audio of the ConcertNot a 'Dead fan, but it it neat to listen for a few minutes.
7//2/86? Hmmmm, when did the Dead break up? Was this one of their last shows? My good friend Mark Carpenter, ex-girls HS BB coach here in HI was road manager for Tom Petty for many years, likely at that time.Here's a nice story for ya: And it begins with an admission -- I knew just about nothing about the Dead, when back about 1993, 94, something like that, I was leaving a movie at Kahala Mall Theaters here, couple miles baja of Waikiki. This was close to midnight and the mall was closed and almost dark. Just before geting to the mall exit there's s stairway that leads to an upper parking lot and a fancy restaurant. As I approached the stairway, these two VERY shaggy 40-something guys (50-something?), came down and stepped in front of me. I wasn't trying to listen in, but overheard the one bearded guy say to the other, "Hey man, just wait till we get back to the hotel, I got some great Kona shit I picked up yesterday." "Man -- that should be a perfect match for the 40-year old merlot I brought", was the other guy's comeback. Talk about aging hippies! Well, w00t will be glad to know that the next day's paper had a feature on the weekend's concert by the Jerry Garcia Band. Yeah -- it was the great man himself, I ran into, with the beard. Only time I happended into him, but I've bumped into many a pint of Cherry Garcia since! :D
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Click to Access Complete Audio of the ConcertNot a 'Dead fan, but it it neat to listen for a few minutes.
7//2/86? Hmmmm, when did the Dead break up? Was this one of their last shows? My good friend Mark Carpenter, ex-girls HS BB coach here in HI was road manager for Tom Petty for many years, likely at that time.Here's a nice story for ya: And it begins with an admission -- I knew just about nothing about the Dead, when back about 1993, 94, something like that, I was leaving a movie at Kahala Mall Theaters here, couple miles baja of Waikiki. This was close to midnight and the mall was closed and almost dark. Just before geting to the mall exit there's s stairway that leads to an upper parking lot and a fancy restaurant. As I approached the stairway, these two VERY shaggy 40-something guys (50-something?), came down and stepped in front of me. I wasn't trying to listen in, but overheard the one bearded guy say to the other, "Hey man, just wait till we get back to the hotel, I got some great Kona shit I picked up yesterday." "Man -- that should be a perfect match for the 40-year old merlot I brought", was the other guy's comeback. Talk about aging hippies! Well, w00t will be glad to know that the next day's paper had a feature on the weekend's concert by the Jerry Garcia Band. Yeah -- it was the great man himself, I ran into, with the beard. Only time I happended into him, but I've bumped into many a pint of Cherry Garcia since! :D
Haha...agree with the many dabbles into a pint of Cherry Garcia. That's a real funny story! Imagine some Kona Gold, 40 YEAR OLD MERLOT!? and Jerry playing some tunes in a Hawaii hotel. TO be a fly on THAT wall!
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Click to Access Complete Audio of the ConcertNot a 'Dead fan, but it it neat to listen for a few minutes.
7//2/86? Hmmmm, when did the Dead break up? Was this one of their last shows? My good friend Mark Carpenter, ex-girls HS BB coach here in HI was road manager for Tom Petty for many years, likely at that time.Here's a nice story for ya: And it begins with an admission -- I knew just about nothing about the Dead, when back about 1993, 94, something like that, I was leaving a movie at Kahala Mall Theaters here, couple miles baja of Waikiki. This was close to midnight and the mall was closed and almost dark. Just before geting to the mall exit there's s stairway that leads to an upper parking lot and a fancy restaurant. As I approached the stairway, these two VERY shaggy 40-something guys (50-something?), came down and stepped in front of me. I wasn't trying to listen in, but overheard the one bearded guy say to the other, "Hey man, just wait till we get back to the hotel, I got some great Kona shit I picked up yesterday." "Man -- that should be a perfect match for the 40-year old merlot I brought", was the other guy's comeback. Talk about aging hippies! Well, w00t will be glad to know that the next day's paper had a feature on the weekend's concert by the Jerry Garcia Band. Yeah -- it was the great man himself, I ran into, with the beard. Only time I happended into him, but I've bumped into many a pint of Cherry Garcia since! :D
who the hell is Jerry Garcia?
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They played until 1995 -- July of 1995. One of my favorite shows was Three Rivers Stadium that year -- Rusted Root opened for them and it rained like hell during the second set. Who is Jerry Garcia? That's funny -- if you are serious type his name in your google search bar and surf through the millions of hits.

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