I think he is the candidate they wanted so they stacked the deck in his favor. The charade of the hiring process continues, but it is all for decoration. Something wrong with the Board of Trustees? Hmmmm. The Chair and both Vice Chairs not having degrees from UofA is a concern of mine. Four of nine do not have degrees from UofA (honorary degrees don't count). Unfortunately, donating to political campaigns can land one a Trustee position and that is the worst way to land one. The real question now is, what to do about the Trustees after Tressel gets hired. JT won't stay around forever so eventually a new President will need to be hired. Hopefully, the Board will have people in executive positions by that point so this disaster doesn't happen again. I'm curious. Is there anyone out there who believes this search process is a serious one that is going to land someone other than Tressel in the President's office?