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ZipCat last won the day on June 4

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  1. I swear to god it's me. I'm the problem. I turned off the game at half time, then noticed the score was tied and figured, what the hell I'll give them a chance and tune back in. The VERY play I tune back int, they fumble turnover. Good lord, it has to be me...
  2. Does anyone enjoy watching Zips Football?
  3. Whoooooooooops. I think I had a few too many yesterday... 🤣
  4. Let's not pretend Akron could get anyone better. Especially after Arth.
  5. Jesus how do you give up a TD with 1:18 to go good lord.
  6. Wow...playing 3 weeks of BIG-10 and SEC teams has made the Zips look pretty crisp.
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