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ZipCat last won the day on June 4 2024

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  1. Explain what is wrong with this take instead of resorting to an ad hominem. My life is perfectly fine, thanks for asking. Like how can you live for several decades watching College Athletics, and think the system is "fair" or make statements like "this is screwing over the fans"? Like seriously, of course it is. The fans aren't what make money in MAC sports, the filling TV time slots does. I knew this over a decade ago when I was a student at UA, how can't you? And aren't we, as adult fans of UA athletics, supposed to have these more uncomfortable conversations? Like how can we stand as the case study of the culture of resume building, and not discuss it? Where is your intellectual curiosity? Very disappointing response from a UAkron alum.
  2. But the MAC doesn't exist for you and me. It exists so that Execs, University Presidents and University Athletic Dept heads can pad their resumes to move onto something else and get paid six-figures salaries while doing it. We don't live in a meritocracy. We live in a plutocracy where a select few do what they want at the expense of the rest of us.
  3. I mean, I'm the debby-downer who thinks the U would be better served getting rid of the football program instead of keeping it, and even I can acknowledge that 4-8 is better than 2-10, 1-11, 0-12. It's a step in the right direction. The days of firing a coach after a down season for a school like Akron should be over. The U has bigger problems than Football (27m deficit) and we cannot afford to keep firing coaches to to try to be "competitive" in a sport that it's literally impossible in 2024 to be competitive in. If the Zips are 6-6 next year, yes, that would be improvement. Hell, returning to the Bowden Floor of 5-7 would be an improvement.
  4. I was at the 2013 game when Bowden's 4-7 Zips showed up and beat Toledo to become 5-7 for the first time in YEARS. You could feel the program was on the upswing, and the next year the Zips went 5-7 again, but with that progressively better win over Pittsburgh and 2015 went 8-5 with the Potato Bowl win at the end of the year. Feels like there is potential to go in a better direction. But let's also pump some realistic expectations. College football has irrevocably changed. We shouldn't, as a fanbase, be chasing a No. 25 overall ranking or major win over a major program. Grind out an existence in the MAC. Be competitive. And find a way to a MAC Championship every couple of years. That's what success at Akron would look like.
  5. Against *checks notes* Wyoming, Nebraska, UAB and Duquesne? Wait....that's actually a mangeable OOC schedule...
  6. So how is this game magically on CBS SN? I thought all the weekday games were supposed to be ESPN+ ...
  7. Surprising for a place that can't read or write...
  8. How do you make $500k+ a year, living in Portage County OHIO and default on your Credit Cards?
  9. Because nobody there cares. Clock-in. Clock-out. This is the D-team.
  10. Any competent leadership could have seen this coming 20 years ago. Yet, continuously the incompetent BoT put President after President in charge of the University who were nothing more than overpaid resume building jumpers who needed to fund their vacation yachts.
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