ALOHA! And as you know that means "Goodbye" and "Hello". The end of one era brings the beginning of a new one.
I think both change AND continuity can be found in a new UA men's bb coach. And as Rat Fink has pointed out, it's already here. And I can't imagine as suggested abe, that Keith would think of stretching the rules to win at alma mater. I can't see that in a Dambrot. It's not in their makeup. But, BTW -- is KD's sister still a FOX? Well, that was a long time ago, but I haven't changed.
And, while we're at it, I still haven't fully recovered from UA Psych Professor Dr Faye Dambrot causing me to appear before some administrative Toady for alleged academic cheating! All I did was write down a question to an exam and put it in my pocket to look up later. All that because Dr Dambrot refused to provide students with the answers to her tests -- after they were over, I mean!.
Here's to the future of Zips hoops.