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Everything posted by Z.I.P.

  1. Z.I.P.


    Now is it just me, or does this new poster "Dare Ya" have a literary style remarkably close to another member of this board, with the #34 in her name? And how interesting that they are both shills for DH and co. How interesting! Now can we all move on -- to the Dambrot era?
  2. I've seen Jason Taylor a couple times in what I think is his first solo commercial spot -- for Neutrogena shave creme. It's a 10 second spot that makes a good filler in the basketball action. He's obviously a natural with his photogenicity. He's also a spokespeson for Under Armour, and is on a large poster ad for that. With his success in the ad world -- and I read that he was filming a cameo or small role in a feature film -- you can't help wondering if he will finish his new contract with the Fish thru (?) 2009. I imagine the networks have their eyes on him as a future color man. I think if he can make a few more Pro Bowl teams he still has a shot at making it to Canton, but that's barely worth discussing. I just wish he would stop to sign anything I hold up for him when he DOES come to the Pro Bowl. I'm 0 for 2 on autograph attempts. I'll ask my local boy from Waipahu if he's been puking out his lau lau and poi.
  3. Can you slugs give a little more insight about Dambrot's "coaching style" while at St.V's to an "out-of-towner"? I never saw Bron's team play till his senior year, in which they played a standard half-court offense and defense. Can we look for a Huggins style "go after the ball full-court trapping defense?? Oh, how I hope so. That's my game, baby! I love to watch the old UCLA zone press. The good times. They are a'comin'.
  4. Well, they DID add an audio link. Only it appears that it was all over already by then. I hope they learned to plan ahead next time! Ferpete'sake.
  5. Doesn't look like an auspicious start for UAM/media relations. The promised link to a video feedback has not materialized on gozips.com. Too bad!
  6. That's the big shaka comin' atcha from the Land of Aloha. This is as much excitement as I can recall during March Madness in many a year! Is there going to be a "Call the Coach" show? I'd like to congratulate my classmate -- and our AD for setting us on the right track. /s/ Da Zip in Paradise
  7. ALOHA! And as you know that means "Goodbye" and "Hello". The end of one era brings the beginning of a new one. I think both change AND continuity can be found in a new UA men's bb coach. And as Rat Fink has pointed out, it's already here. And I can't imagine as suggested abe, that Keith would think of stretching the rules to win at alma mater. I can't see that in a Dambrot. It's not in their makeup. But, BTW -- is KD's sister still a FOX? Well, that was a long time ago, but I haven't changed. And, while we're at it, I still haven't fully recovered from UA Psych Professor Dr Faye Dambrot causing me to appear before some administrative Toady for alleged academic cheating! All I did was write down a question to an exam and put it in my pocket to look up later. All that because Dr Dambrot refused to provide students with the answers to her tests -- after they were over, I mean!. Here's to the future of Zips hoops.
  8. Here're two more names that played themselves right off the All-MAC team: Edwards and Netter. Netter came into the season with the tag, "the next Kaman". and goes out anonymously. Poor hands, not physical enough, lacks "big man instincts". Edwards campaign went out the same time as the Senator from No'th Ca'lina. About three weeks ago, coaches found out he can't pass the ball, and just collapsed two and three guys on him whenever he gets the ball in the paint. At this time, I'd say Tarver and Triplett are the best NBA hopes the league has to offer.
  9. Akron historians: I seem to recall hearing at one point that rifle is one of the two sports in which Akron has won NCAA Championships. The other being the Rick Bednar formed and led archery team (76?). Did UA win a rifle title in the 60s or early 70s? Possibly an offshoot of having one of the largest Army ROTC programs in the Vietnam era.
  10. It would be easy to let personal relationships and emotions cloud our judgement, but in the end, college basketball is a business, and you have to put out a product to compete. If you don't compete you don't last. Akron's program under DH has failed to compete for MAC championships, and that's the bottom line. One of my big problems with the coaching is not just the senior flops that have occurred, but the lack of overall player development. There just aren't many players who came through the program who you can say became much better players during their stay. Look at Jimmal Ball for example at the guard spot. He was a true HS phenom, MVP of the Wendy's Classic. Never seemed to get better than his freshman year. And how many post players came out better players than when they arrived? Can you come up with more than one? I agree with GZ on this one. We don't need to go far astray to find the next coach. It needs to be someone with an anchor in the Akron community, who has a winning reputation. I think we have that man already.
  11. This game was a wonderful consolation for a trying season. Derrick Tarver, you DA MAN! Thirty-one of our sixty-four points. Let's hear it Zip fans, can we run the board?
  12. Reverse Throw-back?!?? How about Taylor 99? Did he wear that # @ Akron? Anyone? I also love the small colleges available. How about a Truman 48 sweatshirt. Might wear that to state Demo convention.
  13. Z.I.P.

    Z.I.P.'s College Cup Pix

    2010 NCAA Men's College Cup, Dec 10, 12 2010, Santa Barbara, California.
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