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Everything posted by urbanpreppie05

  1. ...except if you read closely, you'll see that EJ Thomas created this event... Only because nobody else did and EJ desperately needs people to show up to events. The programming boards were responsible for us winning that vote and getting us involved in the first place. This is their creation and they did nothing to promote it. I don't agree (please don't hit me :-) ) I'm reading who promoted it, who's site it posts on (not one word on ZPN's), the fact that it's presented by Campus Activities Magazine, and the fact that it's at Ej Thomas makes me believe that it's an EJ event. ZPN has all of their major events posted through Mid-October on their FB site (but not the UA page, grrr) I just dont see them not posting a major event if they had ownership of it.
  2. ...except if you read closely, you'll see that EJ Thomas created this event...
  3. I was reading on another forum (urbanohio) that the mayor was shooting for a new downtown hotel and had one in the works... ...and this wasn't it. :-) The fact that Akron is getting a new Downtown Hotel and it's a MARRIOTT, is a good thing. With the City Centre Hotel being um, less than desirable, and the Quaker Pretty much Res Hall Space, this is something that will help the city's tourism. Do I wish it was closer to the center of downtown? Yes. But then again, a shuttle will at least meet some of the need for awhile!
  4. Jake- If we don't agree on anything else, we both agree that our posts are long. :-) I want to thank you for pointing out that the first African-American Queen was from 1974...because even when i was told that...I didnt believe it myself...it seemed TOO late in the times for that. I wish I still had my Tel-Buch's in front of me (RIP) to do the research from the 70s/80's. Sigh... I realized as I read your post about us not doing concerts was not true...we DID do a combination of A Battle of The Bands/Blessid Union of Souls Concert for Hurricane Ketrina at Ej in Spring 2006. We also did a battle of the bands at the belegured Zipfest in 2003 behind the DG house. Guess what...both of these were not very well attended, and nearly impossible to get volunteers for. I know there's always been apathy and always will be, but back in your day, you didnt have to compete with an over-21 asinine drinking law (IMHO), Ipods, multiplexes, Video Games, and several consecutive tuituion increases that have already given people a negative view of college already. I'm not trying to make excuses, but engaging students now (even 5 years after college) is harder than it used to be. While we're on the matter of surveying, the big thing that people wanted was Dave Matthews Band...want guess how much they cost? In addition, ZPN was changed from UPB in 2004 to basically accomadate as many communities in UA as possible, ones that were from some surveys felt "excluded" including adult students, ones with families and commuters. The budget at the time was a hair over 100K. No program board can or should sink 1/4 or half their money into the budget into one single event, a responsible one does programming all year and makes the money work. You may feel that game shows, movies, and Keg parties should be left to the greeks (by the by, GPC became part of ZPn in 2005, so we worked together) but these things appeal to a signific portion of the student body that shouldn't be ignored. ZPN, i've felt should get a separate budget just for concerts and one for it's yearly programmming. Those big requests go through ASG, which is not always on the same page as ZPN. The students need to unite to get what they want- something that had started when I was there (RHPB and ZPN at the very least work together now, something that wouldn't have happened when I first started) The students need to unite and plan and band together to get these major events, which I felt was starting to come about, but may not be the case anymore.
  5. Read this too...I brought it over from a post i made about student attitudes at UrbanOhio... As I actually work with students every day in a Higher Education Setting, I have some insights.. The entitlement of college students has been going on FOR YEARS. I started in 2000, and the general thought of College students, even at a State School (Akron) was that this diploma was a magic ticket to a $50,000+ job outside of College. Fortunately, as I saw people who had recently graduated and were floundering, I knew there was a better way. So, I put my resume on a steady diet of work, student activities, Leadership Summits, and more work. Many of the people I went to school with and associated with did the same thing. I can remember going to class in my SU uniforms, my Program Board Shirts, Newspaper or yearbook in hand, and getting snickers from some people- because this was deemed "dorky". Who wants to put in extra hours when there could be partying and drinking?! flush forward to now...me and nearly all of my friends, (the editors in chief, interns, program board presidents, sorority/Fraternity presidents, and SU managers) all have respectable-nice paying jobs either in our fields, or closely related. Those same ones that were laughing? Many of them are working banal jobs that they HATE and complaining about how worthless college was and how it was supposed to get them these great jobs... Sadly, even in a two-year setting, I still see it among students. When I mention things like building your resume with volunteer service, interning, and building a portfolio (which I'm teaching a seminar on this later in the spring!) I get eye-rolling and sneers. Many students see Degrees as a magic ticket- but it simply doesnt work that way.
  6. Jake, your post is so big i decided not to quote it...:-) Reading the IMPRESSIVE list of concerts/speakers makes me so, so jealous...it really, really does. The student who told you that EJ Thomas wasnt really a concert hall is um..yeah. When I was a part of UPB/ZPN we did try to work with EJ- but, they held a high, high majority of space/time/money for events. When a group of students did want to do something- it basically was either A.Shutdown for lack of involvement, or B. When it did happen, few people came. You said that people joined these boards to help the community, which i WISH I had had then and now- sadly, people dont see the point in voluteering for anything (or the benefits that come with this position are not worth their time), something i noticed as a student and now as an administrator. That's not to say that we didn't try-and succeed. The Annual Price is Right Game Show (now in its 5th year) was my idea. As was the Root Beer Kegger. During my time, we had the school's first ever African-american homecoming queen. ZPN also took over the movie series for the Gardner Theater as it was almost cancelled. In my perspective, when I was on the board, we focused on battles we could win and would bring as many people as possible. Looking at the super, super outdated website, i wonder if this is still the case. (FB is fine- but people STILL need updated webpages). We were a small, but determined group to put on events for a student body that is largely apathetic and even resistant to activities. In spite of the wonderful facilities, apathy is still a factor. :-(
  7. Name 5 student events that you've planned from start to finish. http://www.uakron.edu/studentlife/zpn/index.php (sad it hasn't been updated in awhile though.)
  8. The problem is, the Programming boards of Akron, RHPB and ZPN, don't get nearly enough money to program these types of events. Pitt's Program Council gets close to or over $1 Mil to program for their campus. Even if you merged the two boards budgets together its not even close to that much. Keep in mind that this is for the entire year- you can't sink in a ton of money into one program either. When I was on ZPN, I hate admitting that I was somewhat...vocal...that RHPB's events were repetitive and only appealed to a small subset of students. They're nice guys, but they're used to planning events one way and one way only in a certain order. Wolstein Center at Cleveland State, i think is managed by an outside company (SMG) so they can get bigger events. Those concerts arent managed/run/paid for by their Program Council. Yep. As early as 2006, there was talk of adding a bar to the Game Room. With Planet Underground being a lounge now, maybe this is one step closer. Just be warned, I heard that some Board member is really, really hesitant of getting a bar anywhere on campus, and their are concerns about the image and potential risks.
  9. Campus Activities Magazine is basically a magazine for Student program Boards. Schools submit their program boards (Both of ours in Akron's case, ZPN and RHPB) and they select finalists. Then they ask their students to go out and vote for their boards. I think this way of voting is new though...when we won in 2005 it was'nt this way.
  10. I have been wanting to say this for a long time, Jake...I don't understand WHY you are so bent on completly separating UA from Akron. I don't get it. The makeup of a majority of Akron's Students, the urban and intergrated feel of the campus, the color of the new additions, the new alliances with local businesses and partnerships, and local schools show that UA would not exist without the city of Akron. Akron would not be in the fair shape its in now without UA. Having this "UA needs to be separate and stay away from Akron" makes no sense. Having that mentality of drawing a line in the sand does nothing for either party- the city doesn't feel wanted on campus, the campus may develop a snootier, higher-than-thou attitude. UA doesn't need that.
  11. Please note: Any criticism is based on the love I have for my hometown..I was raised on the west side, graduated from Garfield, was actively involved in campus life in Akron...(if you've ever seen the ZPN annual Akron's price is Right posters/show- that was originally my program)The good (great)-My jaw dropped when I drove down 76 and saw the massive stadium tower rising above East exchange. As a resident of Akron, it still boggles my mind that this was even DONE. Nonetheless, the design of the stadium is just perfect for akron. I'm really, really proud to be an alum right now.-22 exchange? Exactly the type of housing that is forward-thinking, modern, and makes the city look more modern and up-to-date.-The campus itself feels different from when I graduated in 2006. It feels more like a major university than a suitcase college.-The new Akron Public Schools that I saw- Innes Middle, Findlay, and Glover, look absolutely amazing. I'm so proud of APS getting their kids these new schools...they've been LONG overdue. -Glad to see that the Inventor's Hall is being used.-The art museum looks awesome as well.-Now that the METRO RTA hub has been moved, Main street is so much...cleaner. Moving the greyhound station there was a stroke of genius as well.-My jaw dropped again, when I saw Rob's. -Auntie Anne's in the Gardner Theater Concession stand was absolutely brilliant. -Relocating Commuter Central to next to Planet Underground, was also a brilliant idea. The Student Orgs have more room, the commuters have more room, its win-win!-Commuter Only parking in the center of campus. About flipping time. It encourages students to walk around more, and still gives commuter Students (who will always make up most of UA's Population) priority. The Busing system is ALSO amazing as well!Now, the bad...- Exchange Street/Zip Strip is not going to look very impressive this first year. Its going to be good for businesses, but bad for general football fans that come. -I HATE the fact that Planet Underground closed. Yes, the business was never great, but if they had let the management do like they should have, it could have evolved into something new! It burns me that every idea the manager had (CD/Game exchange, Stage and Bar) was rejected. I also hate how that that it looks that the students will be getting a Chick-fil-a, because I wanted one all the years i lived in akron!! On a somewhat related note, Campus Palette closing is also sad. -The hotel situation downtown is BAD. There's no reason why the city centre hotel (formerly the Radisson) should have been allowed to get to this point. Part of the blame goes to UA too though, because It seems that Quaker is not being utilized as well as it should be, even in its transitionary state.-Although I like the new science Middle school at the HOF, I think it's sad the HOF is closed. It was never done right though...The mixed bag....- The new development on Arlington Road. Good idea, but I'm sick of sprawl, and now its even harder to get around.- Move-in day...wow, its a mad house. SO many students, and it just seems like 2-3 days is simply not enough to get it done. Maybe they might want to do a staggard week-long move in date, like other schools. All-in all, my little city on the Summit is growing up.
  12. You know, I worked for the paper back in 04, and honestly I do recall them looking for someone to write in to the paper on a conservative slant. Guess what? No stepped up- and the conservative letters that came in were mainly angry, nonsencial rants.Mike Rasor was probably one of the first conservative staff members the paper had in years.
  13. Basically, that was why that was added. Simply put, with the lack of support from METRO-no discounts on passes for students, poor routes on campus, UA was just going to have to build their own system. And yet, it's STILL MUCH LESS than what people pay to park at where I am now.
  14. Not even in the slightest. As much as people hate the location of CH, APS is going to be using this as swing space for the next several years while schools are being demoed/renovated. Currently the school serves as a temporary East Senior High.*Something tells me the Summa/NEOUCOM option is the most likely choice.*When East moves back into their building in 2009, they will become a 7-12 school and Goodyear Middle will close.
  15. Guys, I wouldn't even BOTHER with the postings on that board. It's pretty pointless, as there's one or two people that seem to think that all money should be funneled from the mid-major schools to Ohio State. (and I think its the same guy)
  16. Understood. And I think some of us will conceed that some of the comments have been rather, um, classless.But on a sidebar, keep in mind that it's not just because of very little fan support, it's not just because we dont get support from our OWN hometown newspaper, It's not because regardless of how UA tries to make itself a bigger, modern and better school, we're constantly criticized and derided in our own community, It's ALL Of these thing put together which may make some of a bit irrtated by the OSU slant in Akron.But that's how I see it..:-)
  17. I figured as much. He's on another board I frequent (i'm sure of it) and does nothing but badmouth all the schools in Ohio- except OSU, and strangely enough, UC.
  18. That will likely go in the hands of METRO, who, from past experience is not very UA friendly.
  19. ^It honestly depends on what is swapped around and and sent to OSU. I would imagine that Engineering, Nursing, Law, Business, Poly Sci will be focused on MORE, and the standard majors- modern languages, Fine arts, etc. would stay there. Some of the more research intensive programs would move to OSU. Akron is not OSU guys.Bow Down, the only time you come around here is to egg people on about how great you think we aren't and how great you think OSU is. Why is that?
  20. I applaud the Plain Dealer for writing an article about Akron. But there are some things that bother me.-first, they interviewed a visiting student from FINDLAY? Please explain to me why he should even care?-The Mayor's response has been really shocking. You would think he'd support UA trying to do something in this town. -God, I love Dr. Proenza.-And once again, no one mentions that the Downtown hotel market has been soft for years. -One thing that kills me about Akron is that people have this idea that Manufacturing=GOOD, Higher Education=BAD. The days of old-school manufacturing aren't coming back, folks. There's no shame in being a college town- Akron should aspire to do so.
  21. Sigh...another uninformed complainer. (I love it when people try to say the stadium is being paid for by tuition)The City of Akron got the Aeros because the CAK Indians were playing in a glorified High School stadium that was far away from the city center and games were poorly attended. AA baseball had changed to much nicer facilities by this time. Akron was able to make a deal. Canton was not.
  22. I drooled a little bit. And I'm not kidding.
  23. I heard a report awhile back that Exchange was to be re-paved and among other things have a median down the middle...was there any truth to that? 27,500 is a great number...smaller than the rubber bowl, but still a big-time feel. And parking is honestly not going to be an issue, especially if the games are on weekends, and with certain lots operating at less than stellar numbers anyway. (East Deck comes to mind)
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