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Hugo42 last won the day on December 29 2015

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  1. What’s so frustrating is this was a year Bowden staff was expecting to compete. Reason being is this was their QB. Injuries effected them last year. Still have some of the best facilites if not the best in the Mac. They constantly said last night they need to score first because they have an loser attitude. where he we go again and start hanging their heads. They have not been losers so I don’t understand that. Once a Zip always A Zip hope Arth can turn it around but it’s troubling that he never won at Chattanooga. He should be on the same leach as Ianello. Rob knew he lost the team and it was to late when he made changes Arth what are you going to do different.
  2. Hey they work hard for that subscription and I accidentally paid. For a full year I would of been happy to summarize it. Hope zipsnation is well.
  3. He has a long way to go to get a NFL LOOK. calm down
  4. hey ZipsNation it's 1125 in Dallas and cant state still sucks. But back on topic the high school I'm working at is in battle for best logo. We are in the final four. You can vote multiple times. The link is below Go Zips and Go Friars http://sportsday.dallasnews.com/high-school/high-schools/2016/03/16/sportsdayhs-logo-challenge-vote-decides-whose-best
  5. Thanks captain. Thanks Zipsnation. Go zips.
  6. Hello Zipsnation this may not be correct forum for this. One of my players lost everything in the recent storms in Texas. The tornado took out their whole community. I was hoping that you guys could help the family out. We started a fund me account. https://t.co/qT61VP5M9U Anything will help. Typing this before I head out to coach our JV basketball team so sorry for spelling or any bad grammar. Thanks ZipsNation
  7. Can't state still sucks major down here in Texas at 8:13 on a Wednesday night
  8. He can give the tickets to anyone they just have to have a photo id or ask him to get a couple of zip cards and give them to whoever needs tickets.
  9. Football scholarships are still messed up due to a previous regime.
  10. Thanks captain just looking to get my 2nd coaching job Cleveland heights was fun but home is where the heart is.
  11. Pont divorced Bowden daughter last year.
  12. The coaching staff will take care of Moses that is a big reason why he is coming here. This guy will have a bigger impact than Bain if healthy. It is very scary.
  13. no he is not already on campus. more details will come forward once everything is official.
  15. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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