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tbozeglav last won the day on April 19 2014

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About tbozeglav

  • Birthday 12/15/1988

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    Akron, OH
  • Interests
    Zips, Zips, computers, cars, photography

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  1. Hi did you ever get the soccer game on DVD?

  2. depends on the major. And also depends on what you define as an ebook. I could get most of my textbooks through the Ohio Link library system, but I had to be using a laptop or a desktop in order to really be able to use them. Id say the vast majority of gen ed classes are available in ebook format... its the core classes and their textbooks where things might get a bit harder to come by.
  3. been hearing rumors of this for years. I did a pilot test of sorts for them way back when on an Android tablet. If you can get ALL your textbooks that you need on there and they don't charge exuberant amounts of money, all the while restricting how you can even use the digital copy, it'll be a success. There are a lot of positives to be had through the use of tablets in a school environment. The interesting part of how this will shake out is confidentiality of data/information. Since they're loaned, theyre the university's property... but if students are entering logins or other private information onto them, where does the line exist for what the University has control over? iPads, or any new Apple device for that matter, can be remotely locked, wiped clean, or a number of other things without any ability for the person holding the device to intervene... so I am wondering what the agreement works out to be...
  4. If youre a business owner in downtown Akron that relies heavily on foot traffic for your business model, you WANT a hotel so that it increases the number of potential patrons. But yeah youre right... hotels in a downtown environment are a total waste of money and space Im sure people in town for business/conventions/etc will love having to drive 15 minutes out of the city to their hotel and spend their money there. Downtown Akron doesn't need it!
  5. Whats the connection to UA? Either way the guy was a clown. Im sure the alumni were embarassed by him. Just imagine what we'd think of Luis P if he said the same things...
  6. The university had about as much involvement as signing off on what the Aeros wanted to do and providing the logos for the permission. Production of the bobbleheads and marketing of the event was all Aeros. I dont understand why people make a big stink about Tressel bobbleheads, yet theres hardly a peep about LeBron bobbleheads. The former works for us, actually doing positive things to help students in college, the latter infrequently throws the university some money, hosts a training camp there, and otherwise doesnt exist. I have more of a problem with associating ourselves with LeBron, whose only tie to the university its in and their current basketball coach, than a former coach who now works for the university and helps students directly.
  7. Jim Tressel is a relevant name, and a popular one in Ohio... Aeros know they have him a mile away here at UA... so why not promote the university, the aeros, by proxy of a well-recognized and well-liked name? Play off his fame, UA... who cares.
  8. http://fox8.com/2013/05/17/football-player...avated-robbery/
  9. dont forget, pat is wise and all-knowing so he must be right. You are right though... Quaker is pretty quiet. Mostly due in part to the units being in these massive concrete silos with 12" concrete floors. That in and of itself make the rooms mostly sound-proof to adjacent units. Thats not to say you cant make noise because you really can... but your comparison to Honors is fairly accurate. Seriously though, pat... "fire trap"... REALLY? You do realize there are these things called building and fire codes which builders have to adhere to with new construction, right? Generally unlikely for a new building to be a "fire trap", save only for a catastrophic event beyond the scope of anyone's predictions (which itself is not covered by the codes) Having friends who either live in or work for 22 exchange (and thus 401 lofts, etc), I can tell you theyre a little more strict than you give them credit. Its definitely not dorm-like with RAs on duty and on every floor, but its not like a normal apartment complex either. They run those units quite like a tight ship, to be honest. Being next to the tracks really isnt a big deal either. I lived in the exchange st dorms which was only 2 blocks from there, and worked in the CBA Labs which is next to the tracks... Its only loud if you have your windows open. Even then you get used to the noise and it becomes "white noise". Food for thought. In other news, theyre speeding along with the new apartment/retail complex next to the McD's on exchange. Ive also been hearing that the University has slowly been buying up properties south of campus... though thats to be expected with their "grand plan" to completely renovate that area.
  10. or hes just erring on the side of caution and not saying anything to get himself involved in the fray of the matter. If I was in his position, I'd be expecting the worst (and keeping a public opinion as such), but hoping for the best. Plus, it looks better for both him and the University in the long run if Abreu gets convicted and he had maintained the opinion that "was no sign Abreu will avoid serious punishment". Backtracking on previous opinions that were more "optimistic" than the real outcome are harder to deal with than backtracking on opinions that expected worse to happen.
  11. Im not even going to bother telling you how much of an idiot you are. I do find it comical how much you care about this event, yet publicly state you won't attend it. If you really want to do something productive to help the event, contact the Dean of Students or whomever is in charge of marketing this event and share your thoughts with them. Being an irrational troll here is less than appreciated. Good day to you, sir.
  12. So let me get this straight... youre suggesting that its a travesty Owl City is being brought to UA (not Akron U - I suggest you move out of the 70s) because you believe that they/he (depends on how you look at it since Owl City is technically a one-man-band) represents a catholic and religious message that those who are organizing Springfest at UA are attempting to promote onto the students who will show up? You also suggest that 1) there are ads on the UA Springfest website (which there arent), and 2) that they depict christian and mostly religious messages (which there aren't any to begin with), all in an attempt to promote the christian faith over muslims and jews? Surely you can be serious about this... even a clinically insane person isn't this irrational. I suggest you unplug your computer from the internet, shut off power to your place of residence, and put a tin foil cap on because I think the government is trying to brainwash you.
  13. I see pat is continuing on his trolling ways. Owl City is about as washed up of a "relevant" talent as you can get. I dont recall them ever publicizing a vote so there's reason #1 they had so few responses. They sent out a campus wide email about voting for ASG voting, but cant do it for Springfest? Sounds like some piss-poor organization on their part. I gave up on the university ever bringing in quality talent years ago. Theyve never once impressed me, meanwhile half of the student body for Akron is paying to go see relevant and popular artists at Can't, CSU, and even so far as OU
  14. I think i found out who Spin is in real life!
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