I agree with you there. Your son will be better for it in the long run though. I forget who wrote this, but I saved it after LeBron left the Cavaliers...I think it applies here in some ways.
"Plain and simple, being a fan of a loser means more than being a fan of a winner. It takes a bigger person. It takes a better sports fan. Even though every loss, every bad break, every pang of heartache feels like a step backward, it's really just another plank in the path toward something no Yankees fan, no Cowboys fan, no Lakers fan will ever feel: a championship that erases eons-long suffering. A championship paid for with blind, oft-thankless loyalty. A championship that its fan base truly earned through unwavering devotion to a seemingly hapless cause. No, it hasn't materialized yet -- but it's coming. Oh, man, is it coming. And it's financed in moments like Thursday night's. Trust me."
I've been to the World Series (1995, Indians won), ALCS, and the Eastern Conference Finals. My favorite and most memorable sports moments - our MAC Championship win last year and Getsy-to-Hixon. Being a Zips fan sucks sometimes...but when things work out like they did in those two games, there's nothing better (sports-related) in the world.