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Everything posted by UAZip0510

  1. As long as the association to the Rowdies is there, the students will stay away. Rebranding the student section is the only option.
  2. After some more thought, I do agree that eliminating the AK-Rowdies completely might be a mistake. I just think we need to eliminate the notion that sitting in the student section makes you an AK-Rowdy, or that you need to be an AK-Rowdy to sit there.
  3. I'll keep it real here...at one point, the student sections started filling up, toward the end of the Travis/Joyce Era. At this time, the AK-Rowdies tried to become exclusive. You were supposed to come to meetings to practice chants and wear the AK-Rowdies shirt to all games, and if you didn't do both you weren't permitted to sit down low. I witnessed Zips students turned away in favor of empty seats because they didn't have the Rowdies shirt on. Most students responded by saying screw it and just sat GA or, even worse, just stopped coming. After some embarrassing attendance showings, the Rowdies' leadership tried stepping back and permitted any UA student to sit down low. The problem was most of the students previously shunned didn't come back. Problem #2 will probably get me ripped but, again, I'm being brutally honest. The AK-Rowdies are not a "cool" group. It's a motley crew led by many who aren't even undergraduates anymore and are in their mid-to-late 20's. Like it or not, college kids care about the perception of groups they are associated with (think fraternities/sororities) and the AK-Rowdies are not considered cool. Problem #3 is the seats down low suck. Terrible view and too few on each side. Here's my solution - for basketball, eliminate the AK-Rowdies. They are passionate fans, but it's just not working. Take section D or E and name it "Zips Zone", "Zips Nation", "The Pouch", or something referring to the section, not the group. This eliminates the notion that it is anything other than a place for ALL UA students, regardless of what shirt they are wearing. Entice students to sit there by offering a voucher for a free meal (pizza, hot dog, or burger and a pop). Offer discounts on other items as well. Have the cheerleaders interact with the student section more than ever before. More will listen to directives from an attractive 19 year old girl than a 26 year old male graduate student. Put them right behind the visitor's bench and see what happens. Put the band on one lower end, the dance team and prospective recruits on the other. It's time to get creative.
  4. You honestly think Dambrot, who paces the sideline in an exhibition game against Walsh or Tiffin like it's the MAC Title game, doesn't give a shit? Really? He's doing damage control. This team not only thought they'd win in Puerto Rico, they expected to. The season, unfortunately, has unfolded differently than the "Think Bigger" expectation. Dambrot is simply being honest with the current state of the season - the rest of it is just preparation for the MAC (and hopefully NCAA) tournament. Dambrot "doesn't give a shit"...I've heard it all now.
  5. Funny, I look at it the other way around - the fact that we have four freshmen (Kretzer, McAdams, Betancourt, Forsythe) who are good enough to crack the rotation is a sign that our incoming recruits are getting better.
  6. Quincy is suspended, not booted completely.
  7. I'm going to stay positive. - Kretzer and McAdams can and will be an important part of this team immediately. - Abreu's ankle apparently looked fine, just needs to get in shape - There's still plenty of tough opponents left - #16 Creighton, OU (who may be ranked), etc. And I do think this team is deep: C-Marshall PF-Treadwell SF-Gilliam SG-Walsh PG-Abreu F-Harney C-Forsythe F-McAdams F-Kretzer G-Betancourt G-Justice We're going to be just fine...
  8. Because the loss is being pinned on him when it shouldn't be.
  9. Remember the Dan Hipsher Era? Want to go back to that?
  10. Anyone who suggests that KD needs to go is crazy. Akron will start 1-2, start a streak after that, win 20+, and be one of the last two standing at the Q in March. I still believe this team is going Dancing.
  11. You will always be missing 2 core players due to a compliance screw-up (and find out 48 hours before the game) while having to start two true freshman?
  12. No Diggs, no Tree, no Harney, Abreu less than 100%...
  13. With Tree/Harney out the Zips will be short on bigs...I'd expect them to go small and run a bit more.
  14. Good to see Cherry has cleaned up his act since his UA days...hopefully he finds success.
  15. Seemed fine without 'em in the 2nd and 3rd debates...Mitt could have used a map though It is too bad he didn't stick around for thr game. Regardless of your political stance, you have to admit it'd be cool to have the POTUS there.
  16. Here goes: MVP - Alex Abreu: I think he was the MVP last year and will only get better this season, especially considering he'll be at 100% health. Abreu is a fearless leader that brings a certain confidence to the floor. The Zips became his team last year in the 2nd half of the season, and he'll become the clear-cut team leader this season. Most Improved Player - Chauncey Gilliam: Gilliam showed flashes of fulfilling his potential last year yet lacked consistency from game-to-game. I think he'll take advantage of Diggs' absence and become a key cog on both ends of the floor. Biggest Disappointment - Zeke Marshall: Before I get jumped for this one, let me explain. I think Zeke will be 1st team All-MAC. I think he'll have an excellent season. I just don't see him having the dominating year we all hoped he would last year and are hoping he'll have again this coming year. Zeke is what he is - an elite shot blocker who can score a bit around the rim but will struggle when opposing bigs play him physically. Zips MAC Tournament Seed - #1: I think the Zips are most consistent in MAC play than the Bobcats (who I expect to be the #2 seed). Zips Season Result - Regular Season MAC Champions, MAC Tournament Champions, and FINALLY winners of an NCAA Tournament game Bold MAC Prediction - D.J. Cooper and Jim Christian clash in Athens, causing team chemistry to suffer.
  17. Let's remember, as with past situations, to not believe every rumor you hear...I'm sure they'll start flying around soon. Hopefully Diggs still ends his career in Blue and Gold.
  18. I said Mr. Gladden, I know it wasn't the egomaniac in South Beach. I think QZ just read it too quickly.
  19. All this time people have argued that LeBron would deliver us a recruit and he finally did. I just didn't realize they were talking about Mr. Gladden!
  20. I don't think anyone has anything against Justice or his ability, it's simply a numbers game. Locks (10): Zeke, Diggs, Gilliam, Walsh, Abreu, Harney, Tree, Betancourt, McAdams, Forsythe That leaves three scholarships remaining and Egner, Ibitayo, Justice, and Kretzer to choose from. Ibitayo receiving playing time when Abreu went down which, coupled with the fact they redshirted Justice instead of Ibitayo, makes me think Deji is ahead of him on the depth chart. Kretzer is going to be a true freshman, which makes it unlikely that he'd be the one to go. That leaves Justice and Egner. Egner played last year, which leads some to believe Justice may be the odd man out. I think it could be either. Again, whichever it might be, it's nothing against them personally or their ability level, it's just a numbers game.
  21. NBC Sports now reporting it: http://collegebasketballtalk.nbcsports.com...closer-to-home/
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