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ewbrooman1 last won the day on March 5 2023

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    Akron, OH

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  1. And probably next week, too.
  2. Thanks for the details. Some of it could/should have been communicated much earlier. Good to see they're expecting a big crowd.
  3. About which there has been little detail that I've seen except how much tickets/tables are. 🙄
  4. I remember when the tape came in to the athletic office. They started out as I recall as the Dixie Daredevils and got the Bud Light sponsorship shortly thereafter. I think we were among the first to book them.
  5. Rebuild redux summary. https://gozips.com/news/2024/6/14/womens-basketball-akron-wbb-adds-talented-seven-member-newcomer-class
  6. 20-30? 😉 I think they're the same seats that were there when it opened in 1983.
  7. So buy some other seats. Construct something different.
  8. Having been a season ticket holder in what is now the student section and in earlier years the adjacent midcourt section, I can't say I think much of the student section placement now. The sightlines in the JAR are bad enough without having to look over standing student's heads. Why not put the students in the 4 corner blue seat sections and put the seats behind the baskets back for them, too? They'd wrap around both baskets and not be in others sightlines.
  9. Good for her. I wonder if she has her Bachelor's already.
  10. Some of the most unwatchable offensive Zips basketball ever.
  11. Third school in 3 years. Started at VA Tech, then to San Diego, now back in Ohio. Has not played much, yet. 🤔
  12. Anybody see a shining moment appearance for the Zips? I watched a second time in slo-motion and didn't see one. 🤔
  13. Unfortunately, nothing new about it. Starting the women's game at 3pm yesterday seemed strange, too.
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