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Kiel Fleming

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Everything posted by Kiel Fleming

  1. Perhaps tOSU can shell out more money to buy Ron Mexico for a day. He isn't busy anymore. Though he'll probably just organize a fight between Zippy and Brutus and wind up giving half the cheer leaders herpes.
  2. For the sake of his last name I hope he comes to Akron. Though lord knows if Hawaii offered me a full ride ... hell if they offered me a job scrubbing toilets ... I'd probably have to say "sorry pops, I'm going to go live on an island for the next 4-5 years." Though every time i hear his name announced and I'm not paying attention I'll probably look around like an idiot.
  3. funny, we almost seem like a division 1 team now. Zing!
  4. Retards are of dubious taste? I'll make note of that.
  5. As i'm sure most of you know, Can't's new slogan is "EVERY MINUTE." What this exactly means is anyone's guess. Its just another lame ass attempt at being catchy. It sucks, which is why I am here to help them. Can't State, feel free to use any of these. I'll even waive my consulting fee. (I'm sure some of these will offend some people, but it is Can't state so the use of retards and national guard is required by law. I don't make the rules, I just follow them.)
  6. Kiel, SUNY Canton is in Canton NY. there is a Canton NY? good lord. I figured one crappy Canton in OH was enough.
  7. "SUNY Canton began the process of finding a new logo and nickname last fall as they were transitioning into a four-year athletic program. The college contracted with Studio Simon, a national graphic design company, to develop a new identity for SUNY Canton. The college was looking for a unique new name and following an exhaustive study and input from faculty and staff, student-athletes and administrators, Kangaroos was chosen as the final product. SUNY Canton is one of just three colleges in the country with Kangaroos as their mascot."I have heard of the Studio Simon. They have a reputation for "borrowing" ideas. But the best part of that whole story is "SUNY Canton is one of just three colleges in the country with Kangaroos as their mascot." That would be great ... if the most famous one with a Kangaroo wasn't oh, 12 miles away from you.idiots.
  8. My prediction:1: Can't fan support is pathetic as usual2: That nut ball terrorist professor Can't has will show up and declare a jihad on Akron ... and Can't ... and America in general. Man does Can't have some idiots.3: At some point John Rybak takes off from the foul line, throws the ball in between his legs and off the backboard, does a front flip while eating a grilled cheese sandwich, then wind mills the ball home with a force so great, the rim melts and 40 Can't students sitting in the student section are vaporized. The rest suffer severe third degree burns. Unfortunately he is called for traveling and then reverts back into the player we all know and groan about. Never showing that flush of super human, Detlef Schrempf like, mega talent again.4: The M.A.C. center will smell like weed ... as usual.5: Wood will try to repeat the Rybak dunk, only tripping over his own feet and landing on a few Can't players, leaving them paralyzed from the waist down.6: Romeo Travis and Dru Joyce realize that they need this win to secure any type of legacy outside of "well, they didn't win anything but their teams were pretty good." and combine for 50 points, 19 assists, 26 rebounds and 9 blocks.7: TV announcers mention LBJ so much that Damon Jones mistakenly thinks it is a Cavs game and immediately releases a statement to the press saying that Drambrot is ruining his shooting form and he needs more playing time. After all, he is the greatest shooter in the world.8: Matt Futch shows up at the game and delivers the most vicious elbow seen all season to the face of the woman taking the tickets at the door. He can't help it, that is what he does.9: Half way through the game, Jim Christian gets a call from OU, recruiting him to be their head coach.10: Zips win 89-71. Akron fans rejoice while Can't fans fire up their preferred smoking apparatus. And here is a bonus one for you. Some time around the 15 minute mark in the second half, Charlie Frye's leg will fall asleep. He will be removed from his seat and promptly replaced by Derek Anderson. The fans will quietly clamor about how well Derek sat in that seat and how he had the arm to lift his soda up while standing up so someone could walk in front of him. Charlie will return with 1 minute 30 seconds left, only to spill the soda and knee someone walking by. Ladies and gentlemen, we have our selves a sitting controversy. Hopefully the Browns don't draft that lame ass Brady Quinn to take the seat at next years game.
  9. hmm ... no clutch shooting. not winning another big game? Haven't I seen this somewhere before?
  10. That was the Rowdie's best game this year, by far. The amount of Bubba hate was something special.I want to thank you guys for holding up the Sports section of the Buchtelite, during the player intros. It is always nice to see something I designed being used like that. Really warms the ol' cockles. Obviously I enjoy making stuff like that, and the redesign of the Can't State athletics website. Also thanks to the guy on Zipsnation who has the image I made of the university as a prison island. Keep spreading the goods.Oh and, should I get the free time to complete it, I am really cooking up something special for the next Can't game / MAC tournament. It will make that website redesign look like child's play.Go Zippers!
  11. Also, there are random misspellings thrown about in there. After all, it is Can't.
  12. After seeing that pathetic attempt to Photoshop something by some dweeb from K.E.N.T. I realized it was time to show them what is what. Now I could make some lame "oh look at this Can't player, i'll make fun of him" sort of crap job, but no. This game deserves more. So after stealing the HTML from Can't's athletic site, so I could upload it into Dreamweaver and get the correct dimensions of things, I now present to you Zipsnationers, 3+ hours of rebuilding the Can't Athletic site. Enjoy. (remember to read everything. I changed it all.)http://img174.imageshack.us/img174/9803/kentpageym5.jpg
  13. This is for all the YSU fanshttp://dennismartinezschewbag.blogspot.com/
  14. Akron 82Y State 73if you have ever wondered what cooking a penguin looks like:http://dennismartinezschewbag.blogspot.com/
  15. Hello ZipsNationers.I have been reading this board for a long time now. I figured it was about time I contributed and gave something back to you guys.Because I'm sure you can't get enough sports babble on the internet, I have started a sports blog. While Rasor's blog will continue to provide more "breaking info" and inside information (mostly because other than butchering Bad Company songs on karaoke nights and drinking, and being a father, Rasor's life consists of searching for zips news.) I'm not even going to try to compete with the information level. There is no reason to. Besides, i'd just get bored with it and stop updating the thing. I am taking a different approach. I look to make light of situations while providing entertainment for you. I guess you could call it a comedy driven sports blog. Its something different. There will be the occasional serious post, expect a majority of the content to be not of the serious nature. I encourage you guys to leave comments. Let me know what you think. What you want to see, what you dont. I plan on the following to be reoccurring segments:-Caption of the week. I'll provide the photo and a starter caption. You guys submit your own captions, I'll announce the best.-Photoshop work. Words are not my strong point, photos are and 5+ years of graphic design training here at Akron has made me the photoshopping maniac that I am today. I plan on providing desktop backgrounds, icons, all sorts of wacky photoness.-Better zips coverage than the Beacon Journal (alright, I confess, that one isn't hard)-All sorts of Ohio sports talk. Indians, Browns, Cavs, Zips. If there is any mention of OSU, it will be making fun of them.I hope you guys enjoy this blog and I encourage you to tell everyone you know about it. (some content may not be suitable for everyone. I tend to swear. I welcome any debates you might have with something I post.)I thought I would start you guys off with a Recap of tonights game, now. Its like when Conan Obrian looks all the way to the year 2000. But with out the annoying voices.Welcome to Dennis Martinez's Chew Baghttp://dennismartinezschewbag.blogspot.com/
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