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Charlie Frye


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Heard a report that Charlie will be the likely starter for the Seahawks this weekend against Green Bay.
Well due to injuries to the other 2 qbs he did take all the snaps in practice on Wednesday, however it appears he won't start on Sunday:http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/seah...awknotes09.htmlLooks like he may get some playing time though:http://blog.seattletimes.nwsource.com/seah...ndex.html#33111
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Heard a report that Charlie will be the likely starter for the Seahawks this weekend against Green Bay.
Well due to injuries to the other 2 qbs he did take all the snaps in practice on Wednesday, however it appears he won't start on Sunday:http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/seah...awknotes09.htmlLooks like he may get some playing time though:http://blog.seattletimes.nwsource.com/seah...ndex.html#33111
As of 6:00 today, it appears he is the likley starter. ESPN.
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I followed the game on the internet, and it was pretty ugly. Don't know how much of the problem was due to Charlie and how much was due to the generally poor performance of this season's Seahawks. They sure managed to get a lot of penalties at bad times on both offense and defense.All I ever hoped for was that Charlie would get a fair chance to develop and demonstrate his full abilities in the NFL. It's a tough league in which only a few quarterbacks become consistent winners. Even the best could not succeed without a strong supporting cast.

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Well, he had another chance.http://blogs.thenewstribune.com/seahawks/2...e_locker_room_6"The biggest eye-opener that came out of the postgame is that Mike Holmgren seemed somewhat pessimistic about Matt Hasselbeck coming back any time soon. He said Hasselbeck will have to get more exams on his hyperextended knee this week because it does not seem to be responding the way it should be responding to treatment. He said Hass was never even an option today. While saying Charlie Frye played "OK," he immediately said that Seneca should be getting better each day and has a chance to take the reps with the first team this week."http://www.rotoworld.com/content/playerpag...6676&id=519"Hasselbeck hasn't responded to treatment and needs "more exams" on the knee. Holmgren revealed that his top QB was never close to facing Green Bay, despite listing him as questionable Friday. With as bad as Charlie Frye played Sunday, Seneca Wallace looks like the early favorite to start in Week 7 at Tampa. Hang onto Hasselbeck in all leagues until we know more."

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Charlie is just warming up - I'm quite sure he'll do better next week. In college it took him a while to warmup and when he did he was good. GOOD LUCK Charlie
problem is you don't get time to "warm up" in the pros. it either put up or shut up
It also helps if the you didn't get playing time for teams that suck... but hey, I guess if you are the next joe montana, you make something out of nothing. -_-
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problem is you don't get time to "warm up" in the pros. it either put up or shut up
I watched a QB from the MAC "warm up" in the NFL during the 2004 season. He started off as a third string QB at the beginning of the season.Because of injuries, he was forced into action the 3rd game of the season. He "warmed up" in 2004 and then won a SB in 2005. Worked for him.I'm not saying Charlie can do the same thing, but if you go back through the history of NFL QB's, you'll find some odd trips to get to the SB.Here's to hoping Charlie gets one someday. :cheers:
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Not very good QB rating of 53.4
Thanks for the links Sergeant Zip. Everyone should look at the first link. There is a side-by-side comparison of the two QB performances. What you will see are the numbers of a rising star playing on the road for Green Bay and the numbers of a QB struggling to stay in the NFL with Seattle. Some of you can look as hard as you want, but there is no silver lining in the numbers. Frye doesn't have what it take to win games.The good news for Frye is that he is one of many, many, many terrible back-up QBs in the NFL. If he just shows some signs of life he has a couple years left. Yesterday was not a sign of life though.
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Well...if you look at a period where he played often, like his first couple of years with the Browns, you saw a guy who completed over 60% of his passes...playing for an AWFUL football team. So yes, he has potential. Where his career will go, nobody knows. But, the Browns would BEG for a QB who could complete 2/3 of his passes right now. As a friend of mine said yesterday.....Charlie's really in a bad spot in Seattle because of Hasselbeck. Word is that Wallace is not even in their long range plans as a QB. But, as long as Hasselbeck is there, he won't play much. But it's not as if other teams don't need QBs.And since sgm showed up again....trying to prove a point....how is your big star Anderson looking these days? He struggles to complete half of his passes playing with MUCH BETTER PERSONNEL than Charlie could have dreamed about playing with. Have you been hearing about e-mails and voice mails coming into media sources saying "bring back Frye". I know..I know...it's typical Browns fans talk...but it is what it is. Your entitled to your opinion, of course. But, as soon as you realize that Charlie Frye was not the problem with the Browns, the whole situation will start to look much clearer to you.

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Well...if you look at a period where he played often, like his first couple of years with the Browns, you saw a guy who completed over 60% of his passes...playing for an AWFUL football team. So yes, he has potential. Where his career will go, nobody knows. But, the Browns would BEG for a QB who could complete 2/3 of his passes right now. As a friend of mine said yesterday.....Charlie's really in a bad spot in Seattle because of Hasselbeck. Word is that Wallace is not even in their long range plans as a QB. But, as long as Hasselbeck is there, he won't play much. But it's not as if other teams don't need QBs.And since sgm showed up again....trying to prove a point....how is your big star Anderson looking these days? He struggles to complete half of his passes playing with MUCH BETTER PERSONNEL than Charlie could have dreamed about playing with. Have you been hearing about e-mails and voice mails coming into media sources saying "bring back Frye". I know..I know...it's typical Browns fans talk...but it is what it is. Your entitled to your opinion, of course. But, as soon as you realize that Charlie Frye was not the problem with the Browns, the whole situation will start to look much clearer to you.
You know how some people here like to give Jaq a break for stone-handed recievers? How many drops does Braylon Edwards have this year? Anderson may not be the best option as a starter for now, but Frye never really was. Anderson certainly looked much better tonight against a really good defense (without a 100yd rusher or the big balled soldier). Frye never really looked good to me at all.I like Frye. He was the best QB I've EVER seen play at Akron, but he's just not a good NFL QB.
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problem is you don't get time to "warm up" in the pros. it either put up or shut up
I watched a QB from the MAC "warm up" in the NFL during the 2004 season. He started off as a third string QB at the beginning of the season.Because of injuries, he was forced into action the 3rd game of the season. He "warmed up" in 2004 and then won a SB in 2005. Worked for him.I'm not saying Charlie can do the same thing, but if you go back through the history of NFL QB's, you'll find some odd trips to get to the SB.Here's to hoping Charlie gets one someday. :cheers:
is that the same MAC QB that won rookie of the year? if so his "warm up" was something like 13-0 in the reg season and 14-1 if you count the playoffs. just a little bit better then or good buddy chuck
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An increasingly infrequent spin out of Z-P.............sorry to report.Charlie's schtick at UA was scrambling and throwing on the run. When successful (like at Wisconsin for example) he made broken routes and an overly committed pass rush (because of our paper thin O-Line in those days) pay with his ability to throw in motion. You can't do that at the NFL level..................so he never did get to utilize his strength. Now he's a little older, a little slower, and has been killed so many times he's gunshy.I think he should have his sights set on coming back to NE Ohio, starting a family, teaching or starting a small business, and coach...............his love of the game and leadership skills will take him far in whatever direction he chooses.Having said that however, I'll still wear my Seattle jersey #5 on Sunday and follow him on the game tracker hoping for a miracle.

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