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WHAT THE &%$#???????????

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How the heck can they do this? Play it at Crew Stadium, play it in Bloomington, play it in Florida, play it anywhere but on the home field of a team we were seeded ahead of.I can not believe this. Hopefully Caleb is lobbying hard to get this changed.

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I don't want to try to sound optimistic at all about this situation...but maybe we can think about this...Now that the NCAA has screwed us over...LET'S GO WIN THE WHOLE FLIPPIN' THING! Let's REALLY tick everyone at the NCAA off by doing THAT!This week Evanston...next week the North Pole...and two wins in Frisco, Texas...or the Moon since Frisco is too close to Akron!Let's just go wherever those idiots at the NCAA want us to and KICK BUTT!!!

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If this screw job is for real (I still do ont see any official posting) then Mac and the University betterget several buses (free to students) at low cost to fans and bus our asses over to Illinois.DO NOT LET THE BASTARDS AT THE NCAA GET AWAY WITH THIS ACT OF "sportsmanship".
http://www.gozips.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_...;ATCLID=3624053http://www.ncaa.com/brackets/2008/ncaa_bra...soccer_men.html mouse over the akron/nu game.Official enough? What a joke. Indescribable.
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If this screw job is for real (I still do not see any official posting) then Mac and the University betterget several buses (free to students) at low cost to fans and bus our asses over to Illinois.DO NOT LET THE BASTARDS AT THE NCAA GET AWAY WITH THIS ACT OF "sportsmanship".
I am sure there will be some kind of student bus trip planned by tonight, if not already.They can't keep us away. I have a feeling that this move is partially motivated by the NCAA wanting to remove the ROWDIES from the soccer equation. OSU's coach friggin HATES us, and you all know that their school and conference (which this move directly benefits) has plenty of pull within the NCAA.I guarantee you that the fan behavior rules in the NCAA handbook will change next year as a result of what we have done with noise makers and signs in the regular season.
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We need to contact as many news venues as possible. I have already called two.Phone numbers and e-mail addresses: WEWS TV5 216-432-3700 baskin@newsnet5.com NCAA offices (closed until Monay, how convienent) 317-917-6222 MAC offices Chryst has no listed number, BUT, the deputy commissioner does Bob Gennarelli 216-566-46222 (x308) WOIO TV19 216-771-1943 rminnaugh@woio.com WKNR 216-578-0850 or 888-SAY-ESPN web site: sportstalkcleveland.com WTAM radio 216-642-4636 (this one works) mikesnyder@clearchannel.com

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What a load of shit. There are so many places they could play. In addition to St V's, John Carrol and BW have turf fields set up for soccer. I would imagine there are lots of places with grass fields also that should not be as torn up as LJ since they have not been played on lately (like, just about every HS in Stark County). Damn, even Medina HS out my way has turf. Moving the game to Chiicago is utter shit. So, say they beat Northwestern, does that mean they go to UIC or UNC to play? Absolute SHIT!

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What a load of shit. There are so many places they could play. In addition to St V's, John Carrol and BW have turf fields set up for soccer. I would imagine there are lots of places with grass fields also that should not be as torn up as LJ since they have not been played on lately (like, just about every HS in Stark County). Damn, even Medina HS out my way has turf. Moving the game to Chiicago is utter shit. So, say they beat Northwestern, does that mean they go to UIC or UNC to play? Absolute SHIT!
Lake High School, 15 mins south of Akron has Field Turf that meets the field requirements for a soccer match. The game should be in Ohio not freaking Chicago!!!! This is absurd! MAC Offices, get your head out of your asses and do something!
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