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Let'sGoZips94 last won the day on July 24

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  1. I'd imagine LCJ is a key part of the practice facility opening festivities.
  2. For those who bet, this guy is gonna be giving the locker room speeches for UCLA. Do with that what you will.
  3. No game has ever been this realistic. Kent State Sucks.
  4. Holy shooters, size, size, and physicality. We're so back.
  5. Holy smokes. Akron is a WAGON in CFB 25.
  6. Don't love it; don't hate it. It's good exposure in what's essentially the greater Chicago area, which Groce recruits very, very well.
  7. Depends if they commit to release per school. Dwight Smith has a strong case.
  8. Can't wait to see the real gameplay footage. I believe there's some sort of color adjustment for these to make colors more harsh. The video this came from featured a home-field touchdown by every school in the game, and the other clips I've seen have very harsh colors. Indiana and UMASS have brutally vibrant reds in the clips, for example. As for the center logo being wrong, Matthew Cherry seems confident that'll be hot fixed, hopefully before release.
  9. Our smelly friends to the east probably lost this game 99-0.
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