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WHAT THE &%$#???????????

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Would either RootforRoo44 or BigZip care to play football (american) WITH-OUT shoulder pads or freaking HELMETS on a field that cannot provide proper footing? Another issue is the fact that the ball, in soccer, is obvously in contact with the field for the bulk of play (as opposed to football). A water-logged pitch with an extremely irregular surface makes for a freakish match, in which crazy bounces (or the incredible lack thereof) can become the deciding factor. You can argue that both teams have to deal with the same conditions, but at some point the game "devolves" into something that is no longer soccer.My last point is this. I did not have the opportunity to play soccer in my youth, as its popularity was quite slow to take hold in Western Pa. I have, as an adult, participated in youth coaching/adult leagues and have managed to aquire rudimentary skills and a general appreciation for the game. From this perspective, I say that the best way to combat those who hold fast to the "soccer isn't a man's game" stereotype is to suggest that such person engage in a semi-competitive, 90-minute game sometime. All such stereotypes will be dismissed in short order if these individuals would only take up the offer.johnnyzip84 AKA OBC Mug #91Go Zips!!

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I hope you guys can get a busload to go-- you will dominate the crowd. I went to b-school at Northwestern, and it's a very small school. This whole thing is so stupid. Beyond stupid. The NCAA is being ridiculous and UA is even worse for not anticipating and heading off this situation. We know we aren't going to get breaks from "the system"-- we have to think ahead. Who would ever have thought that the weather in NEO would be horrible in late November? Shocking.

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You miss the point -- it is a perception thing. It could be the most demanding sport in the world, but if the perception is such that it is not a man's sport than things like this will continue that steroype. I've got mad respect for the physicality of the sport and the shape you need to be in, but cancelling the game because the field isn't perfect will cause others to wonder about the sport. People don't ask why or listen to reason they simply make their mind up quickly.My bigger disappoint is with the University -- it is not as if we don't know where UA is and what the weather is like in November and December. This should have been addressed already and definitely needs to be addressed in the offseason to prevent this kind of debacle going forward.That being said moving it to Northwestern is a travesty. The decision also continues the stereotype of the NCAA that they could care less about the "lesser" conferences.Go Zips --- win the who team and tell them to "f" off!

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Would either RootforRoo44 or BigZip care to play football (american) WITH-OUT shoulder pads or freaking HELMETS on a field that cannot provide proper footing?
I just did today with a bunch of friends. It's called backyard tackle football and it's called being a man.on another note, i wont be able to make the trip to northwestern sadly....due to a prior thanksgiving arrangement. Hope all the other rowdies and alums can hold it down there and make the trip. We need to be as rowdy and obnoxious as ever to the NCAA and northwestern. Let's hope for a 4-0 victory or better and just rub it in.
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BigZip, I do understand what you are saying. I simply think there is a better way to change those people's perceptions (those who think of soccer as less than a man's game) than to play a game in silly conditions. I wasn't implying that you look at the game of soccer in those terms.RootforRoo44, what else can I say? You da man!

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So, if this is an Akron Home Match, why do the students need to pay for a ticket? Will they be allowed to stand behind the goals? Will they be able to post banners supporting the Zips? My guess is NO.
Students don't have to pay.The NCAA prohibits noisemakers in tournament games, but we were allowed to have flags and signs. I don't know about standing behind the goal, because it depends on te design of the stadium. We couldn't do it at SVSM because of the design.I am hoping that since it is an "Akron home game", they don't ban flags and signs which the Big Ten is sometimes wont to do. Indiana allowed noisemakers and signs, but OSU did not.
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Reading through this again, it has become clear to me that we HAVE to do something to get a new field for the soccer team. Bake sales, donations, whatever we can. The only thing holding back the construction is a lack of funds. The minute the funds are secured, construction will begin (there's plenty that can be done with out affecting the team during the season, like preparing the area around the field, removing the tennis courts, etc.).

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With the large number of home games that we have scheduled this year I hope someone had the foresight to schedule enough matches on a local field (say, St. V again) so that if we do get into a bad weather situation again this fall and the Lee Jackson field is deemed unplayable again (highly possible since the field itself has not been updated) that we will have an alternate place to play a game (at least that is how I fuzzily remember the NCAA rule).

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With the large number of home games that we have scheduled this year I hope someone had the foresight to schedule enough matches on a local field (say, St. V again) so that if we do get into a bad weather situation again this fall and the Lee Jackson field is deemed unplayable again (highly possible since the field itself has not been updated) that we will have an alternate place to play a game (at least that is how I fuzzily remember the NCAA rule).
Yes, good point.I also hope the rowdies plan on coming in full force for the exhibition game against South Florida. It's @ 7:30 on the Friday of Move-in weekend.
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