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Stadium progress

72 Roo

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Today, thanks to Megan in development, I got a tour of the stadium while I also looked over where I want my season tickets. The view of the field from the tower is nothing short of spectacular. The stadium is coming together so nicely. The club seats will be a memorable way to watch a game, just wish I could afford them. What was equally impressive was the view of campus looking out from the tower. The project manager from Welty, a gentleman by the name of John, was especially proud of that. Our athletic complex from 70 feet up is impressive.John or Megan mentioned a few things that I would like to share:1. The project is on schedule and will be complete before the first game except for the classrooms2. A tunnel was considered from the fieldhouse to the stadium but it was too expensive ala $3,000,000.3. The stadium will be able to accomodate a Skycam if the broadcaster wants to hook one up. Cool.4. There are, or will be, 20,000 parking spaces within an eight minute walk. So if you want to bitch about parking go somewhere else. My opinion, not theirs.5. The scoreboard will have a 20 x 40 screen. No high def but state of the art nonetheless. 6. The view from up top is magnificent. What stands out more than anything is the number of trees giving a feeling of seclusion. It reflects well on the city and our campus. The people who still believe we have a concrete campus will be shut up thank God. 7. From up top you can see Chapel Hill and the Goodyear sign at their HQ.8. Spicer and Exchange are being considered for closing on game day. This was proposed by the city and welcomed by the university9. The north service building was built to support expansion over it. When we go to a better conference , to support the revenue we will need, we can expand to accomodate conference requirements.10. Season tickets are off projections, but are picking up. The goal is 10,000 season tickets and 5,000 students per game. With the turf going down I predict season ticket sales will increase as the stadium takes on a greater sense of completion.I've been in the stadium 3-4 times and each time I come away with a greater sense of awe and pride. I am also impressed with the majority of staff the athletics dept has. They are great people and dedicated to helping us reach our potential. I know there are a few bozos, but the vast majority of staff and coaches are first rate.I can't wait for the season to begin. See you there. I'll bring the brew, you bring the brats. :cheers: Oh, BTW :screwks:

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I went to the tour today, first time checking it out from the inside, and I was very impressed.I love how there doesn't seem to be a bad seat anywhere and I cannot wait to pick my seats out. Hopefully, my picks will be available. Which I think they will, from looking at the sheet, there doesn't seem to be a whole long list of people waiting to pick out seats yet. Hopefully people will come, after I pick my seats though ;) But I love the look and feel of the stadium. I like how the field is below the street level. Kind of neat.

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I did the tour today as well. It just has a much different feel to it then what the Rubber Bowl has. Besides the new-ness, it feels a little more intimate and a lot more professional. My wife and I took the walk from the North Campus deck (figuring that would be as likely a place as any for us to be assigned to park) and the walk feels quick and is definitely closer than where parked at the Rubber Bowl. The most amazing thing will be to see that stadium on a game day as you walk out between Buchtel Hall and the Student Center. The scene is pretty impressive without the stadium even being completed.

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