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LBJ Skills Academy at the University of Akron

Dr Z

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If you read between the lines, what the article is really saying is"please please please... make a big deal out of this issue for us because we are pissed that we got our wittle tape stolezed from us and and since we can't use it to embarrass Lebron with it we are going to try to embarass him without it so we need your help"

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The interviewer is just trying to get the kid to say he's ticked about it and wants the tape. He must've asked him about 8 times, "Aren't you mad? Wouldn't you like the tape to be on youtube?"
Yes... as I said, the media just wants the video so they can use it against LeBron.Most of them probably have nothing against LeBron. They just want to create a moment of infamy because that is what sensationalism is all about.Since they are denied that video, they are going to ride this whole things hard as a "controversy".LeBron/Nike are smart to withhold the video. You can tell just how infamous the video would be just by the way the media is acting.So, Lebron/Nike are going to have to swallow the less bitter of two pills.
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i dont see what the big deal is here... lebron got dunked on by a college kid in a pick-up game. big freaking deal. Props for the kid for being good enough to take LeBron on. To be able to get ONE dunk on him? thats pretty damn good. LeBron is still one of, if not THE best in the game right now and there's no refuting it.This is just the media being sensationalistic

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It was another exciting week of basketball in NE Ohio. Plenty of star power and controversy (ie: Lebron dunk tape). See link below if you missed the action. This is the best blog I have found on the events at the JAR and Wolstein Center. Nice mention of Dru III and Rome. A really funny note on LJ Jr. Nice to see Craig Ehlo involved again this year.http://www.slamonline.com/online/college-h...g-city-classic/

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i dont see what the big deal is here... lebron got dunked on by a college kid in a pick-up game. big freaking deal. Props for the kid for being good enough to take LeBron on. To be able to get ONE dunk on him? thats pretty damn good. LeBron is still one of, if not THE best in the game right now and there's no refuting it.This is just the media being sensationalistic
Yea, I don't know what the big deal is. It's like me getting a birdie an a par 3 and Tiger getting par. The guy would still shoot 1/2 my score after 9 holes.....
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