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Marshall Spurns Big Schools to play at Akron...

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One, Zeke is a top recruit. Two, he seems to be a good person. Three, we get "exclusive" updates here at ZN. Four, I have his autograph already. When you add up all these things, Zeke may be my favorite Zips athlete and he hasn't even played a game for us yet!Seriously, great article. Thanks for posting. :thumb:

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One, Zeke is a top recruit. Two, he seems to be a good person. Three, we get "exclusive" updates here at ZN. Four, I have his autograph already. When you add up all these things, Zeke may be my favorite Zips athlete and he hasn't even played a game for us yet!Seriously, great article. Thanks for posting. :thumb:
ROFL!!!!!!!!! You are toooooo funny!! :rofl::rofl::rofl: SSshhhh....dont tell anybody...but Zeke is my favorite Zip player also!!! LOL:)
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That's another excellent article :) Momma Zeke, I hope he's enjoying summer classes and his initial time on campus!
Zeke is learning how to "transition" from high school student/athlete to college student/athlete. I know that he is working REALLY, REALLY hard and is very busy between conditioning, classes and open gyms. Thanks for looking out. I cant wait for the season to start...Gettin my jersey made now...#44 MARSHALL...Wooo Hoooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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That's another excellent article :) Momma Zeke, I hope he's enjoying summer classes and his initial time on campus!
Zeke is learning how to "transition" from high school student/athlete to college student/athlete. I know that he is working REALLY, REALLY hard and is very busy between conditioning, classes and open gyms. Thanks for looking out. I cant wait for the season to start...Gettin my jersey made now...#44 MARSHALL...Wooo Hoooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know, I'm not sure if you've considered it or not, but if you ask one of the moderators I'm pretty sure they could change your ZN screename to GameChngr44. It's just a thought :)
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Terrific article. A couple of things stood out to me - first the line about the Zips having been eliminated in the first round of the NCAA tournament last year (as though getting beat in that round has been our biggest issue recently, that sounded really good, although they did clarify it later). Second, there were several mentions of how much Zeke liked the campus and what a great campus feel there is to it. For a campus right downtown in a good sized city that is pretty amazing, especially for those of us that remember when it just looked like a bunch of concrete blocks dropped in the middle of the city. Props to Proenza for making the school a true destination. Also, props to the board moderators who evidently have fixed the direct links to GoZips that have been a problem for a while. Of course, then I discovered that the link to Zeke's story from GoZips is wrong. At least we got the correct link here.But how great is it that Zeke is joining a tournament team that loses just one player? I echo the comment that I have never looked forward to a season quite as much.

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Interesting Note from the NBA summer league:http://myespn.go.com/blogs/truehoop/0-42-9...mer-League.htmlThe Death of the Back-to-the-Basket Game"Name one guy here who can hit a jump hook over their left shoulder," an NBA assistant general manager asked. "I can't think of one." Whether it's the trickle-down effect of the European game, the rule changes implemented by the league a few years ago, or college teams appropriating Mike D'Antoni-style basketball, the vast majority of the young bigs who were in Las Vegas are face-up players who work either along the perimeter or out of the pinch post: Anthony Randolph, Earl Clark, James Johnson, Taj Gibson, Dante Cunningham, DaJuan Summers, Austin Daye, and even Blake Griffin. Is this a momentary trend, or will the pendulum eventually swing back? "If I were a big man about to enter college, I would develop that back-to-the-basket game," the executive said. The implication: At some point, those skills will be at a premium, and that kid will be impossible to defend. Forward-looking teams are all about buying low and, right now, traditional post players are undervalued because they don't conform to the current climate of the NBA game.Hmm, I'm just saying if I was a 7 foot player entering college with an already pretty polished defensive game (not that anyone immediately comes to mind), this would catch my eye. Maybe working on the back to the basket offensive game being perfected around 2014 might be a really good move. ;)

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Interesting Note from the NBA summer league:http://myespn.go.com/blogs/truehoop/0-42-9...mer-League.htmlThe Death of the Back-to-the-Basket Game"Name one guy here who can hit a jump hook over their left shoulder," an NBA assistant general manager asked. "I can't think of one." Whether it's the trickle-down effect of the European game, the rule changes implemented by the league a few years ago, or college teams appropriating Mike D'Antoni-style basketball, the vast majority of the young bigs who were in Las Vegas are face-up players who work either along the perimeter or out of the pinch post: Anthony Randolph, Earl Clark, James Johnson, Taj Gibson, Dante Cunningham, DaJuan Summers, Austin Daye, and even Blake Griffin. Is this a momentary trend, or will the pendulum eventually swing back? "If I were a big man about to enter college, I would develop that back-to-the-basket game," the executive said. The implication: At some point, those skills will be at a premium, and that kid will be impossible to defend. Forward-looking teams are all about buying low and, right now, traditional post players are undervalued because they don't conform to the current climate of the NBA game.Hmm, I'm just saying if I was a 7 foot player entering college with an already pretty polished defensive game (not that anyone immediately comes to mind), this would catch my eye. Maybe working on the back to the basket offensive game being perfected around 2014 might be a really good move. ;)
My follow up comment is part tongue-in-cheek and part serious. My son and I were shooting baskets the other day, and we were talking about some of the old NBA greats. Before long a few "sky hooks" are being attempted and we both started to wonder why no "big" ever really picked up the shot after Kareem. Now I realise Jabbar was a very unique athlete in his day and I suspect that a large percentage of players wouldn't be able to shoot a high percentage no matter how much they practiced it. But does it make any sense that the main weapon of the SECOND LEADING SCORER IN NBA HISTORY has never really been incorporated as a major portion of any other player's game? In my mind this is tantamount to the Fosbury Flop being largely ignored in high jumping or the V-style being disdained in ski jumping, despite the success found in each of these sports with these unorthodox (until then), yet innovative methods. Perhaps the answer lies with the dominance of the three-point shot. But is there really NO PLACE for this shot in the game today? I'm just wondering.
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J. Wood had the back-to-the-basket style down. Push towards the basket, then either go up with an in-your-face dunk or dish it out to an open shooter. That's what I want to see from either Zeke or one of the 4s. Watch some film of J. Wood and see if his play style and attitude can be emulated.

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