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Stadium tour August 3rd -- TODAY!


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[quote name='Captain KangarooYou should meet uakronkid.; You guys are two peas in a pod.You mean they are two different fans?! Their posts are so strikingly similar in style that I figured uakronkid simply, for some reason, changed his ZNO name.Btw, both (?) ZachtheZip and uakronkid, I love your posts.

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On a more serious note --Thanks to all @ UA for arranging this event. Very well done. Other than not getting to tour the Level 5 and Level 6 "Party Floors," and maybe roping off the fresh concrete so people didn't walk through it, I can't think of a thing that could have been done better! :bow::thumb:
What fresh concrete did you guys walk through?
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On a more serious note --Thanks to all @ UA for arranging this event. Very well done. Other than not getting to tour the Level 5 and Level 6 "Party Floors," and maybe roping off the fresh concrete so people didn't walk through it, I can't think of a thing that could have been done better! :bow::thumb:
What fresh concrete did you guys walk through?
Let's be clear here...I didn't walk through any of it. :D However, there were several people trekking through the sidewalk cement on the north corner of the stadium along Brown street.Not a huge deal...it was mostly cured...but it had multiple sneaker tread marks. I moved an orange pylon to block it, but I was a few footprints too late.
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did anyone compete in the Punt, Pass, & Kick competition? I am curious to see how the competition did. I think I did pretty well hahaIf you were wondering, they did it differently than they do during halftime of the games. They had you punt the ball from the 0, pass the ball from the 0, and then kickoff from the 0. Apparently the highest total score won a pair of tickets. They will be letting the winner know via email.

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Didn't get to make it last night. I'm curious about a lot of the things that we can't see on the webcams. How far along are the concessions? restrooms? suites? ticket office? Does it look like these are all going to be fully functional come opening day or are we potentially looking at an active construction site still?

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