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why was The Info Opener Not Televised

Blue & Gold

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Why in the hell am I able to sit here tonight & watch the silly, little (God bless 'em) McKinley-Lake high school football game and we weren't able to get the freaking Info opener on tv?
Cause most everyone that was interested was watching in person? Just a thought. How many FBS-FCS games are televised in a given week? Few if any.
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I'm more surprised that it wasn't sold out. The announced crowd was about 27,800 something. I thought the place held 30,000. I also thought that they were turning students away who wanted tickets. Are they not counting no shows anymore?
The 30,000 is max capacity, SRO, I believe.Officially, I believe the game is a sell out if all seats are sold, which they were.
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not to hijack the thread, but I wonder how accurate the 27,000 number was, or what it actually represents. they couldn't get my kids wristbands to scan, nor one of our other tickets. the guy commented to me that they were having problems with the kid ticket wristbands all day.if I had to guess on why no TV: we can't get people to come normally, why give them an "out" to sit at home. true Zips fans wouldn't have missed the game for any reason.

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Whether it's day or night, I can not wait to see just how photogenic the Info looks on television!!! Will the absolute fervor and energy I witnessed on Sat. translate well on the big screen?Of course, I will be at all the games, so maybe I won't see it on t.v. any time soon. p.s. while we're talking television, I have to say the the JAR (somehow) looks absolutely great for the Zips games on ESPN or Fox Sports.

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I'm more surprised that it wasn't sold out. The announced crowd was about 27,800 something. I thought the place held 30,000. I also thought that they were turning students away who wanted tickets. Are they not counting no shows anymore?
The 30,000 is max capacity, SRO, I believe.Officially, I believe the game is a sell out if all seats are sold, which they were.
I think this is the third time I've asked this -- and I don't think I've gotten an answer yet: How many seats are there? And does it include the loges, club seats, etc. or just the regular tickets?
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I'm more surprised that it wasn't sold out. The announced crowd was about 27,800 something. I thought the place held 30,000. I also thought that they were turning students away who wanted tickets. Are they not counting no shows anymore?
The 30,000 is max capacity, SRO, I believe.Officially, I believe the game is a sell out if all seats are sold, which they were.
I think this is the third time I've asked this -- and I don't think I've gotten an answer yet: How many seats are there? And does it include the loges, club seats, etc. or just the regular tickets?
27,000 SEATS...That's capacity bleachers, GA, Reserved, Loge, and Club seats. They can (not sure why they didn't Saturday) sell 3,000 more Standing room/Berm seating tickets.
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I'm more surprised that it wasn't sold out. The announced crowd was about 27,800 something. I thought the place held 30,000. I also thought that they were turning students away who wanted tickets. Are they not counting no shows anymore?
The 30,000 is max capacity, SRO, I believe.Officially, I believe the game is a sell out if all seats are sold, which they were.
I think this is the third time I've asked this -- and I don't think I've gotten an answer yet: How many seats are there? And does it include the loges, club seats, etc. or just the regular tickets?
27,000 SEATS...That's capacity bleachers, GA, Reserved, Loge, and Club seats. They can (not sure why they didn't Saturday) sell 3,000 more Standing room/Berm seating tickets.
Per Steve french on monday- all seats were sold and disparity between 27881 and 30000 was no shows (primarily students.)As for loca tv Ifor one dn want home games televised- let peopeget of their butts nd omewn to the Info to see it. That being said friday night's game bteen St V/M and ABHoban is the fso game of the week on tv. And of course the UA/IU game is on espnU.
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I wouldn't die on this hill, but I think we should televise as many games as possible. People are trained to believe that an event is a big deal if it's on tv. We need the people of NEO to start considering Zips games to be a big deal.As an aside - the Info is so well designed and so impressive, that if they would have announced an attendance figure of 40,000 I don't think many would have doubted it.

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I wouldn't die on this hill, but I think we should televise as many games as possible. People are trained to believe that an event is a big deal if it's on tv. We need the people of NEO to start considering Zips games to be a big deal.As an aside - the Info is so well designed and so impressive, that if they would have announced an attendance figure of 40,000 I don't think many would have doubted it.
I have a bridge I want to sell to you. As an aside - thank God you don't have to make a living guessing people's weight at the carny. :lol:
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