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A sign from above


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This morning, a sign from on high came crashing down to UA's campus. Literally.Part of the "Infocision Stadium" sign on top of the press tower facing west came loose and went crashing down into the parking lot below during the windstorm (which, coincidentally is a a great metaphor for our season: a violent tempest which is bringing about a major change). The "-ium" section is now laying shattered on the ground. If anybody with a camera on campus can get a shot of it, both the tower and the wreckage, it would be much appreciated.This is a fitting symbol of all that we've seen in the past few weeks. Really makes you wonder...

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who took a picture of the Rubber Bowl commode? :rolltide:
PLEASE tell me one of you guys....somewhere...has a picture of one of those old troughs so I can enjoy some good-old Rubber Bowl nostalgia.This thread just reminded me how great it is that OUR stadium is not the one being laughed about anymore :cheers:
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who took a picture of the Rubber Bowl commode? :rolltide:
PLEASE tell me one of you guys....somewhere...has a picture of one of those old troughs so I can enjoy some good-old Rubber Bowl nostalgia.This thread just reminded me how great it is that OUR stadium is not the one being laughed about anymore :cheers:
GoZips88....you're the man!! What made you think to do that? But, I'm glad you did. Ahh..the memories.
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who took a picture of the Rubber Bowl commode? :rolltide:
PLEASE tell me one of you guys....somewhere...has a picture of one of those old troughs so I can enjoy some good-old Rubber Bowl nostalgia.This thread just reminded me how great it is that OUR stadium is not the one being laughed about anymore :cheers:
epic win
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