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Mythbuster Adam Savage on Atheism

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Guy makes some great points.

I appreciate how he finds a logical/ non-religious basis for being empathetic/observational and how it helps him in creating the best TV show out there.


Okay, now we know! :P

If he's anything like James Randi, he's OK by me. Who was the UA anthro prof who was such a Randi fan?

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This author uses the word genome in his article. It reminds me of the guy who mapped the human genome and wrote a book called The Language of God. Like many great scientists, he believes in God and is a Christian, but not in a way in which many neo-Christians believe in God. Many new-Christians are like that smiling, creepy preacher (I can't think of his name right now...Joel Olstein, sp?) from Houston who believes if you pray enough, God will reward you with riches...literally. This guy believe much more in the idea that God created the Universe and with the free will we have been given by Him, can do whatever we want with it. Sometimes we do good and sometimes we do bad.

Neo-Christians believe they have a "personal relationship with God"..whatever that is supposed to mean. I actually think that type of thinking is for people who really believe they are God and want to look down their noses at others. The thinking is very anti-intellectual. The Bible is clear, "I am who am".....Not, "My name is Joe". The point being you will never truely know me, but you should spend your life trying to get to know me by doing good works and praying. We should use our free will to do those things and post on ZipsNation.

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Correct GP1. Joel Olestien(sp?) is creepy, isn't he?! Televangelists give Christians, as well as all people of reasonable faith, a bad name. Also, as is tiresomely documented ad infitum, most all of the great western scientists have been believers in some sort of "god", if not necessarily the Hebrew God.

But whether or not you believe in the God of the Hebrews is really neither here nor there when it comes to origins. regarding cosmology, atheism/materialism runs into a philosophical wall that sincerely can't be overcome.

I don't want to get into this here, on ZipsNation, but most well-read peeps of intelligence who don't want to believe in an ontological "Is" will claim agnosticism, not atheism. Philosophically, we can be certain there has to be something metaphysical to account for the physical (both philosophy/logic and science show this), we just can't be certain what/Who that "is." Lol. This is actually a funny joke, if one doesn't get it, don't worry. Lol.

Remember, it's actually quite simple (and philosophically/logically irrefutable), if something exists now, then something has always existed.

-something really exists as opposed to reality only being an illusion.

-nothing ever comes into existence out of nothing.

-matter has not always existed (as science has demonstrated)

-logic necessitates a metaphysical/ontological "Is".

-Atheism requires a whole lot of blind faith & beating of one's head against the wall (if one honestly realizes what they're talking about). To have the ability to recognize & acknowledge the logical necessity of an Ontological Being is just following the evidence of science, philosophy & logic.

But hey, I'm on this board to talk Zips! Lol.

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