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According to MAC Report Online

Kangaroo Craig

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Bowling Green (5-2): Can clinch with a victory at Toledo or a loss by Akron to Can't State. A Bowling Green loss and an Akron victory would eliminate the Falcons.

Akron (4-3): Must defeat Can't State and Bowling Green would have to lose to Toledo. Akron holds the head-to-head tiebreaker over Bowling Green. A loss would eliminate the Zips.

MAC West

Northern Illinois (5-2): Will clinch the MAC West with a victory against Western Michigan. A loss would eliminate the Huskies.

Toledo (5-2): Needs to defeat Bowling Green and for Western Michigan to defeat Northern Illinois. A loss eliminates Toledo.

Western Michigan (5-2): Must defeat Northern Illinois and needs Toledo to lose to Bowling Green. A loss or a Toledo victory would eliminate Western Michigan.

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If OU defeats Miami and Toledo defeats B.G. and Akron defeats Can't,then

we have a two way tie between Akron and B.G.,which Akron defeated earlier this

year. Therefore Akron wins the East.


If Miami defeats OU this Monday, then the only way that Akron can win the East is for the following to happen:(three way tie)

A.) This Saturday, C. Mich must beat Ball St

B.) This Tuesday Toledo must beat B.G.

c.) This Wednesday N. Ill must beat W. Mich

d.) This Thursday Akron must beat Can't.

In other words : The two-way tie and the three-way tie

The three way tie in this case, would result in Akron winning the East, since although

Miami has been eliminated in every case ,by winning against OU, they can force a three-way tie , if the games a-d mentioned above turn out as I mentioned.

The tie-breaking procedure would then revert back to the first test, which is head-to head, against B.G., who Akron defeated

So this Saturday, root for C. Mich defeat Ball St, since the two-way tie scenario might

not work out for us.

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hopefully toledo will beat bg. i just hate having the fate of your team in somone elses

hands. i was so sure michigan state would have beat the rainbow warriors last year, and that fell through.hopefully toledo will rebound ,and beat bg for us.we had our chances at ball state; so no reason to complain if things don't work out.

beat can't!!!!!!!!!

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If Miami defeats OU this Monday, then the only way that Akron can win the East is for the following to happen:(three way tie)

  A.) This Saturday, C. Mich must beat Ball St

  B.) This Tuesday Toledo must beat B.G.

  c.)  This Wednesday N. Ill must beat W. Mich

  d.) This Thursday Akron must beat Can't.

So this Saturday, root for C. Mich defeat Ball St, since the two-way tie scenario might

not work out for us.

Not so fast my friend.. I believe the CMU-BSU game is almost irrelevant as well cause the Zips pick up a win no matter who wins. And Miami cannot overtake the Zips in the three-way tie-breaker, period. A CMU win gives the Zips a second way to win a three-way tie breaker but it is not a must....

B,C,D are musts...Toledo/BG and NIU/WMU are the key games and of course the Zips would need to stomp the flushes.

See if this adds up to you. I 've been looking at this over and over...

I agree a two-way tie with BG is best scenario. Although I believe the Zips still have the advantage in 2 out of 3 three-way tie scenarios. The only bad three-way tie is if WMU beats NIU.

Background info on 3 way tie scenarios:


Akron 5-3

BG 5-3

Miami 5-3

2) Three-way tie is resolved by the winning percentage of cross-divisional opponents.


BG >> BSU, WMU, Toledo 14-7

Akron >> BSU, CMU, NIU 13-8

Miami >> CMU. NIU, EMU 11-10

3)If we assume Toledo beats BG and Miami wins and Akron wins to force the 3 way tie, then BG has one loss with Toledo and needs WMU to Beat NIU to win the MAC East.

Cuz the Zips will get a win out of BSU-CMU no matter who wins the game (it's better for us if CMU wins cuz then BG gets 2 losses but it really doesn't matter. Cuz if we tie BG we win on head-to-head.)

Scenario #1: Advantage Zips


Zips win vs Can't

BG loses to Toledo

Miami win vs OU

BSU over CMU

NIU over WMU....


Akron 15-9

BG 15-9

Miami 13-11 (we'll assume EMU over Buffalo)

Miami is eliminated because, even if all three opps win (CMU, NIU and EMU) it will give the Zips 2 wins as well and Akron finishes 1 game ahead of Miami. (Head-to-head does not apply in the three-way tie-breaker.) So, while on paper this is a three-way tie, it is really a two-way tie with BG and the Zips.

Zips win on head-to-head by virtue of 24-14 win over BG.

Scenario#2: Advantage Zips


Zips win vs Can't

BG loses to Toledo

Miami win vs OU

CMU over BSU

NIU over WMU


Akron 15-9

BG 14-10

Miami 13-11

Zips win on three-way tie-breaker

Scenario#3: Advantage BG

Zips win vs Can't

BG loses to Toledo

Miami win vs OU

BSU over CMU

WMU over NIU

Akron 14-10

BG 16-8

Miami 11-13

BG Wins on three-way tie-breaker.

Who would have thought it may all come down to 1st-and-goal in Muncie??? Damn..


1) Root for Toledo on Tues.... otherwise nothing else matters...

2) Root for NIU on Wednesday... and then

3) Go to the Bowl Thanksgiving morning and watch our Zips win the MAC EAST!!!

4) Zips vs NIU rematch in MACC in Detroit??? Cool....

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Again refer to your "current standings"

If CMU beats Ball St , B.G goes to 14-8, Akron goes to 14-9

If Toledo beats B.G, B.G goes to 15-8.

If N. Ill beats WMU, B.G. goes to 15-9, Akron goes to 15-9

Therefore Akron wins.(as you said)

If Ball St beats CMU, B.G. goes to 15-7, Akron goes to 14-9.

If Toledo beats B.g, B.G goes to 16-7

If N.ill beats WMU , B.G goes to 16-8, Akron goes to 15-9

Therefore B.G wins.

My point is, since we need Toledo to beat B.G. and N.Ill to beat WMU,

the game between Ball St and CMU is significant since we cannot win a three-way

tie without a CMU victory.

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OK, I see that this is very confusing. What has me totally amazed is that ESPN or someone in the press hasn't picked up on the complete and total disaster the MAC is this year. You know that the press would be able to get the ear of someone in the MAC office to set this entire thing straight. It would make GREAT conversation for all the sports nuts, even if it is only the MAC.

In the end, this season is ending very similar to last season. A must win final game for Akron to Make the MACC (though last year was more cut and dry). Though I admit we didn't have a stellar year, it still says something that we are still in the race. Also, Akron is again depending on someone else to win a game for us to get to the post season.

I wouldn't be suprised if we get screwed again this year. The media will want BG to win the MAC East because of Omar (he is a truly outstanding player). I guess after what happened in Hawaii last year and what happend to the Akron Soccer team seeding this year, I'm convinced that it where your team ends up isn't 100% dependent on how you perform on the field. :mad_flame:

Here's my prediction: Akron Blows out Can't. BG beats Toledo w/ a little help from the ref's. We all turn our attention to soccer/basketball/rifle ;)

So telling that this year's motto is exactly what will keep us out of the hunt.



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Is correct. The threee way tie bareaker is the winning % of the MAC West teams you played. The Zips need CMU, NIU, and Toledo to all win if Miami should be OU.

Period end of story!!!!

Or if OU beats Miami then we just need Toledo to win. Period end of story.

And this is the Truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I think the most interesting thing is -- although there is a lot that needs to happen for the Zips to get to Detroit -- it actually doesn't seem out of the realm of reality. The great thing is we aren't looking for Buffalo to knock of Toledo or something like that. I hate to say it, but this is all a moot point if we run QB sneak at BSU. Tell me coaches don't really win and lose game and I'll point to that game every time. So you guys can continue to sing JD's praises -- I say the jury is still out considering the lackluster inconsistent play of this team and the poor play calling when it counts.

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So you guys can continue to sing JD's praises -- I say the jury is still out considering the lackluster inconsistent play of this team and the poor play calling when it counts.

In the two years JD has been here, Akron has been in contention for the MACC going into the last game and we pull in the #2 recruiting class. I'm still onboard.

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Here are two things that I know for sure.

1.) BG wins against Toledo and no other scenario matters. BG is in. Remember guys. They still have a one game lead on us, and if they win there is no way we can make that up.

2.) Zips loose to Can't (I hang myself for one) no other scenario matters.

Lets take care of these two things first and then we can let the rest of it all pan out.

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So you guys can continue to sing JD's praises -- I say the jury is still out considering the lackluster inconsistent play of this team and the poor play calling when it counts.

Unlike Owens/Winters, who were so very "clutch" when the game was on the line.

I'm sure Winters' patented 3rd-and-8 draw play would have gotten us at least 45 points vs. Ball State and Owens' D would have held BSU to only 5 or 6 TD's...or 7.

Dude...to get 6 wins this year with the players we have is a good coaching job. 90% of the best recruiting class in the MAC was redshirted. We are ok. Relax.

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You can call me crazy all you want, but I'm not the one who blew the BSU game that would be JD. The game that with a win of Can't has us in the MAC Championship. Guess what he has put us there yet so I guess he's just as good as Owens so far. I was one of the first on this board to call for his firing by the way.

All I would have like to have heard after the game was I let the team down for not calling a QB sneak on the goal line. How about some accountability. You talk about the lack of talent on this team -- well with that lack of talent a QB sneak and they are in the MAC Championship. You do need to remember you've got a Big East recrutied QB in there -- doesn't that account for something? How about Biggs and Hixon -- you saying they aren't talented. I don't think this team is untalented.

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