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Stadium Concept


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So, in other words, Summit County is going to put funding into an MLS stadium--domed stadium perhaps-- and probably not be able to support UA's stadium?! If I were a taxpayer in Summit Co. and this is the way this plays out, I would be PISSED! Look, having an MLS team is nice. Having a GREAT UNIVERSITY that attracts talented kids from all over the globe to do world-class things in a renovated and energized city center is a much better use of cash.

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So, in other words, Summit County is going to put funding into an MLS stadium--domed stadium perhaps-- and probably not be able to support UA's stadium?! 
NO! I may have made a mistake by concentrating on the Wolstein Group's facility at the expense of our Zips' Colosseum (Ziposseum?), but I just wanted to show that it IS possible to market a Major League sports facility in the Akron area. I don't have any direct dialog with the soccer developers, but I have a fair amount of trust in my source, and the source says the soccer stadium will include a retractable dome. I would not expect Summit County to contribute a dime to the construction. With full revenue stream going into the team owners' pockets, and a fantastic game site, I would expect the new team to draw very well -- better than the Crew, which has been one of the top draws since construction of Crew Stadium. Therefore, the team should be profitable from the outset. LA Zip -- ever been to Home Depot Center? I'll be watching the MLS Cup Champion LA Galaxy as they train and play an exhibition on O'ahu next month. You can go see our two Zips work out for MLS coaches at HDC next month.It is important to look at the new UA football stadium as an at least sometime home for the soccer team. So I hope it has sideline space and a natural grass surface. I doubt we have to worry about the field getting torn up, as there shouldn't be too much play on it besides Akron football.
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OK everyone, please pay close attention to what I' about to tell you. The magic # is 30. When we have $30 million in funding ground will be broken. Right now we have $17 million and counting. Total cost of the stadium$60 million. Anther $45 million for dorm space, classroom space and retail space. The $45mil will be financed through student fees. The stadium will be located near the fieldhouse between Spicer and Brown, fronting Exchange. The final plans have been approved. It will take 1 year to complete the project. All the other ideas about domes and span the tracks are nice, but the reality is this. its not going to be a palace but it will be ON CAMPUS! :wave: :macc: :screwks:
When all is said and done, the ON CAMPUS is the key.
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Hopefully, our new stadium will have individual seat-backed seats (and not merely bleachers w/ armrests) identical to Canal Park style seating! Except in the end zones, where cheaper bleacher seating would be located - i.e., Canal Park outfield bleacher seating - which was a nice little shout out to old Thurman Munson Stadium in Canton. Also, quite a few loges / luxury boxes - I believe companies in Akron would be excited about purchasing loges!One poster said the stadium will be located near the new fieldhouse, between Brown and Spicer streets. But aren't Brown and Spicer streets south of Exchange, while the new fieldhouse is north of Exchange? The streets must extend north of Exchange, no? I like the idea about re-routing Exchange Street, but that would likely interfere with the plans already in place for new townhomes and apartments/shops/restaurants on existing Exchange.Go Zips!

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Thanks!!! I can envision it now!!!WE MUST MAKE IT AN ABSOLUTELY FIRST CLASS FACILITY!!! WE CANNOT FUMBLE THE BALL ON THIS!!!We have to keep with KD's philosophy in everything: "Think bigger than the MAC." That way, we'll be the envy of the MAC - THE MAC DADDY, and create for ourselves good positioning should another conference realignment occur in the distant, or not-too-distant future.I enjoy MAC football! (I believe it's vastly underrated due to the fact that the Big Ten monopolizes the shortage of media outlets here in the midwest.) But I think we should be thinking along the lines of competing with Big East schools.

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