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ZIP37 is correct. The Leakin Urinal is directionally challenged.Perhaps we could help them out by getting the name of their favorite team changed from "thee" Ohio State to say, "thee" Central Ohio State, or, "thee" Middle Ohio State, or, "thee Not Michigan Ohio State. You get the picture.Sadly, Tom Gaffney, the newest LU sports writer covering the Zips actually likes us.

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Get over it - The BB coverage has been excellent. Gafney is doing a good job and a little misprint and lack of editing and you are all over it. Good grief - get a life. It happens in every article in the Beacon.Absolutely impossible to argue with the coverage thus far into the season - When you get 3 pics and full sports front page coverage of the lowly CSU game. The Beacon is making an effort and since the Foootball championship game, it's been worth reading.Same old, same old complaining - Please bring something new to the table. It's annoying.

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Get over it - The BB coverage has been excellent. Gafney is doing a good job and a little misprint and lack of editing and you are all over it. Good grief - get a life. It happens in every article in the Beacon.Absolutely impossible to argue with the coverage thus far into the season - When you get 3 pics and full sports front page coverage of the lowly CSU game. The Beacon is making an effort and since the Foootball championship game, it's been worth reading.Same old, same old complaining - Please bring something new to the table. It's annoying.
Welcome to the board, David Lee!
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Get over it - The BB coverage has been excellent. Gafney is doing a good job and a little misprint and lack of editing and you are all over it. Good grief - get a life. It happens in every article in the Beacon.
The article starts with him mentioning the correct team. He does change the team later in the article. It's not a huge mistake but a bigger problem for the Beacon if as you mention it happens in every article, what are the editors doing? With a 4 page sports page on most days, which also contains advertisements, what is the sports editor doing with all his/her time? It's not unreasonable for professional journalists to get the story straight. Mr Gaffney's mistake was minor compared to other miscues in the Beacon. Now that they have seen the light, I hope they continue to follow their home town university.
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Overall, I support the Beacon too. The problem that I have is that it seems like these writers are not proof reading their stories before they send them to print or they are just doing a "quick once over" and not paying much attention. If you can take the time to write a story then you can spend a few minutes reading it a few times to make sure that everything is correct. to Mike Rasor: Welcome to our board. I love reading your blogs.

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I write for the ABJ. I've made small errors, like that one, in a business story or two.Not every error is a conspiracy to misinform the public about the Zips.Should the Beacon have covered the Zips more in the past? I think so.That doesn't mean they aren't doing a good job now. Give Tom Gaffney a break.
I don't think it is a question of misinforming the public. I don't think the Beacon has an agenda to do that. But they do make a lot of "small" mistakes like the one in the article, and that mistake was easy to catch. If a reporter makes a mistake, it is up to his boss to catch the mistake before the article goes to print.I don't care if the Beacon ever writes an article about Akron sports. The Beacon is a private business and as such they can do whatever they want with the paper. What I would like to see is the paper uphold professional standards of accurate information in any article they write. If I misspell a word or have poor writing skills on this web page, it really doesn't matter because I'm just some knucklehead who likes to write on this board with people who have a common interest. If the Beacon gets information wrong, they are not upholding their professional duty to the public. The problem is they make mistakes so frequently in Akron articles, how could anyone believe anything other than it was on purpose or the people are just incompetent? Facts like a player's number, upcoming opponent and name spelling are easy facts to check and the Beacon needs to do a better job.
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