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@Zach I'm sorry you got cut from your high school band, but you should probably get over it now and stop hating on the band 24/7 like you're getting paid to do it. Come on, it's getting really old. @Captain this is nothing new, the band always does it. You guys are acting like the band all got together and tried to figure out the worst way to upset other Zips fans and this is what they came up with. For anyone who doesn't understand what the purpose is of the band playing the other team's fight song, it's just for pregame. I feel like some of you are misinterpreting this as our band will be playing the Can't fight song after they score touchdowns or something. No, it's just for pregame. Again, the band ALWAYS does this, and clearly some a few people here have never payed attention to pregame. whoops.

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I'll get it Euph...They're playing the song during rehearsal for the game. Most bands play the away team fight song during pregame, Ohio State even did it in 2007 while spelling out "ZIPS" on the field. They even played it this year. Don't believe me? Check
But there's no way they'd play Michigan's fight song.. right? Surely not with the "greatest college rivalry on the planet." Wait! What's this right around the
I haven't marched the last two years. I did three including two at the Rubber Bowl where we would get there at 8 am in uniform to rehearse, then wait in the stands will the team did their warm ups, play at the Heisman Lodge for the rich guys and donors, then make the rounds by the tailgating lots before doing pregame, cheering the whole game that started at 2 then jumping in our school busses to leave after 9 hours when most of the team was long gone. The band is cheering every down at every game and gives their Saturdays to do it. That means they lose out on tailgating, hanging with their friends and having the option to leave when the team is sucking as bad as they do know. Every year they play the day after Thanksgiving game all 180 of them go home for a few hours or completely miss out on spending Thanksgiving with their family alltogether and then come back the next morning to cheer for the game which we would usually lose. You're gonna rip on them for being glad it's time to go home when the team has given up? Between football games, band shows, hosting
, and band-o-rama this weekend is the first time since the week before classes started (the end of August) where they have had the weekend off. Now you say, "But they get payed!" By the time they buy marchign shoes, the ball cap, two t-shirts, and a polo they're lucky if they break even after buying lunch at band camp. As far as the basketball games if the band wasn't taking up half of one side then there would be an empty side and a half of floor seats at EVERY game. Fill up the rowdies sections for more then the Can't game and then you can start your whining about how they're cramping your style. I know you're new, but there have a been a lot of times where the band has been about the only ones cheering at the basketball games early in the season or over break while a majority of the "Rowdies" are texting their friends and ignoring the game completely. All that cheering you hear on TV during the NCAA games vs. Gonzaga and Notre Dame is the band and the parents who could afford to make the trip. We usually ALL carpool to watch and cheer at the Can't game and 6 of us went to Buffalo two years ago over a long weekend and were the only Akron students there.You're clueless, completely off base and straight up wrong. This rag on the band stuff never happened when we were winning more then one game a year. Go find some football players to yell at for giving up at the last game before you start griping about the band being happy they get to get out of the cold for the first time in 6 hours that day. /endrant
1st paragraph That is the dumbest thing in the history of sports. Why would you play the other teams fight song? especially your rivals. That is straight up wrong. 2nd paragraphThe band does not do any of that now a days. All they do is gather at gazzette (sp?) play a small concert of sorts (in front of like nine people) then march to the football game. That's it, don't act like the 2011 band works so hard all day and is tired. They do nothing compared to what you mentioned. 3rd paragraphThat is rubbish. People DO NOT want to sit down in the student section because the band plays every single second that they possibly can. It is straight up obnoxious. 4 paragraphNothing you wrote applies to anything. You rambled on and on without making a single rational thought.
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I'll get it Euph...They're playing the song during rehearsal for the game. Most bands play the away team fight song during pregame, Ohio State even did it in 2007 while spelling out "ZIPS" on the field. They even played it this year. Don't believe me? Check
But there's no way they'd play Michigan's fight song.. right? Surely not with the "greatest college rivalry on the planet." Wait! What's this right around the
I haven't marched the last two years. I did three including two at the Rubber Bowl where we would get there at 8 am in uniform to rehearse, then wait in the stands will the team did their warm ups, play at the Heisman Lodge for the rich guys and donors, then make the rounds by the tailgating lots before doing pregame, cheering the whole game that started at 2 then jumping in our school busses to leave after 9 hours when most of the team was long gone. The band is cheering every down at every game and gives their Saturdays to do it. That means they lose out on tailgating, hanging with their friends and having the option to leave when the team is sucking as bad as they do know. Every year they play the day after Thanksgiving game all 180 of them go home for a few hours or completely miss out on spending Thanksgiving with their family alltogether and then come back the next morning to cheer for the game which we would usually lose. You're gonna rip on them for being glad it's time to go home when the team has given up? Between football games, band shows, hosting
, and band-o-rama this weekend is the first time since the week before classes started (the end of August) where they have had the weekend off. Now you say, "But they get payed!" By the time they buy marchign shoes, the ball cap, two t-shirts, and a polo they're lucky if they break even after buying lunch at band camp. As far as the basketball games if the band wasn't taking up half of one side then there would be an empty side and a half of floor seats at EVERY game. Fill up the rowdies sections for more then the Can't game and then you can start your whining about how they're cramping your style. I know you're new, but there have a been a lot of times where the band has been about the only ones cheering at the basketball games early in the season or over break while a majority of the "Rowdies" are texting their friends and ignoring the game completely. All that cheering you hear on TV during the NCAA games vs. Gonzaga and Notre Dame is the band and the parents who could afford to make the trip. We usually ALL carpool to watch and cheer at the Can't game and 6 of us went to Buffalo two years ago over a long weekend and were the only Akron students there.You're clueless, completely off base and straight up wrong. This rag on the band stuff never happened when we were winning more then one game a year. Go find some football players to yell at for giving up at the last game before you start griping about the band being happy they get to get out of the cold for the first time in 6 hours that day. /endrant
1st paragraph That is the dumbest thing in the history of sports. Why would you play the other teams fight song? especially your rivals. That is straight up wrong. 2nd paragraphThe band does not do any of that now a days. All they do is gather at gazzette (sp?) play a small concert of sorts (in front of like nine people) then march to the football game. That's it, don't act like the 2011 band works so hard all day and is tired. They do nothing compared to what you mentioned. 3rd paragraphThat is rubbish. People DO NOT want to sit down in the student section because the band plays every single second that they possibly can. It is straight up obnoxious. 4 paragraphNothing you wrote applies to anything. You rambled on and on without making a single rational thought.
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I'll get it Euph...They're playing the song during rehearsal for the game. Most bands play the away team fight song during pregame, Ohio State even did it in 2007 while spelling out "ZIPS" on the field. They even played it this year. Don't believe me? Check
But there's no way they'd play Michigan's fight song.. right? Surely not with the "greatest college rivalry on the planet." Wait! What's this right around the
I haven't marched the last two years. I did three including two at the Rubber Bowl where we would get there at 8 am in uniform to rehearse, then wait in the stands will the team did their warm ups, play at the Heisman Lodge for the rich guys and donors, then make the rounds by the tailgating lots before doing pregame, cheering the whole game that started at 2 then jumping in our school busses to leave after 9 hours when most of the team was long gone. The band is cheering every down at every game and gives their Saturdays to do it. That means they lose out on tailgating, hanging with their friends and having the option to leave when the team is sucking as bad as they do know. Every year they play the day after Thanksgiving game all 180 of them go home for a few hours or completely miss out on spending Thanksgiving with their family alltogether and then come back the next morning to cheer for the game which we would usually lose. You're gonna rip on them for being glad it's time to go home when the team has given up? Between football games, band shows, hosting
, and band-o-rama this weekend is the first time since the week before classes started (the end of August) where they have had the weekend off. Now you say, "But they get payed!" By the time they buy marchign shoes, the ball cap, two t-shirts, and a polo they're lucky if they break even after buying lunch at band camp. As far as the basketball games if the band wasn't taking up half of one side then there would be an empty side and a half of floor seats at EVERY game. Fill up the rowdies sections for more then the Can't game and then you can start your whining about how they're cramping your style. I know you're new, but there have a been a lot of times where the band has been about the only ones cheering at the basketball games early in the season or over break while a majority of the "Rowdies" are texting their friends and ignoring the game completely. All that cheering you hear on TV during the NCAA games vs. Gonzaga and Notre Dame is the band and the parents who could afford to make the trip. We usually ALL carpool to watch and cheer at the Can't game and 6 of us went to Buffalo two years ago over a long weekend and were the only Akron students there.You're clueless, completely off base and straight up wrong. This rag on the band stuff never happened when we were winning more then one game a year. Go find some football players to yell at for giving up at the last game before you start griping about the band being happy they get to get out of the cold for the first time in 6 hours that day. /endrant
1st paragraph That is the dumbest thing in the history of sports. Why would you play the other teams fight song? especially your rivals. That is straight up wrong. 2nd paragraphThe band does not do any of that now a days. All they do is gather at gazzette (sp?) play a small concert of sorts (in front of like nine people) then march to the football game. That's it, don't act like the 2011 band works so hard all day and is tired. They do nothing compared to what you mentioned. 3rd paragraphThat is rubbish. People DO NOT want to sit down in the student section because the band plays every single second that they possibly can. It is straight up obnoxious. 4 paragraphNothing you wrote applies to anything. You rambled on and on without making a single rational thought.EDIT: sorry for the double postAlso, you mentioned nothing about the band disrupting our chants. They have no since of the flow of the game or why the chants take place. They would rather just scream in the middle of them because its "funny"
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1st paragraphThis is something MOST bands do to acknowledge the visiting fans, if you don't like it, I suggest starting a nation-wide campaign.2nd paragraphThe current band works plenty hard. Too hard in fact... too hard to have to put up with this kind of treatment from akron "fans."3rd paragraphThe courtside band is part of the NCAA basketball atmosphere, if you are going to jump on the band for "ruining the soccer atmosphere," you need to realize that moving the band to the upper bleachers would "ruin the basketball atmosphere"4th paragraphTry to organize your complaints into costructive feedback, otherwise you just piss people off, and they will shut you out. "you get more flys with honey""EDIT: sorry for the double post"A double post plus an edit is tantamount to a triple post. Insofar as the band disrupting the chants...Good point! (here is that constructive criticism I was talking about) The band and the roudies need to work together to establish order and unity. Perhaps in lieu of repeating the same 6 chants all night, the band could provide somewhat of a break for the roudies... but I will give the roudies credit.. the pouch is their turf, the band needs to play by their rules (hopefully the roudies will let them)

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Ok, I ignored this guy for as long as I could.1rst statementYou proved that you're an idiot by brushing off a simple act of sportsmanship as "straight up wrong"2nd statementThere is still an entire morning practice that goes on with the band. Grant it they don't have to do AS much as they used to (benefits of the new stadium) but they still have a busy day laid out for them and to honestly be upset with them for being happy to go home just further proves you're an idiot.3rdI highly doubt it's the band that has made people not want to sit in the student section. maybe it has something to do with the "rowdies only" thing yall have going on. Maybe it's because the rowdies are trying to force people to be insane. idk what the exact reason is, but to blame the band is just going the extra mile to prove that you're an idiot.4th statementhis paragraph made perfect sense. maybe you could understand it if you weren't such a bloomin idiot.as far as your last little thing goes. The band has been doing their thing since about 1900, the Rowdies started up in 2005, I don't know where you get off thinking the band should adjust to YOU. Rowdies are still a new group that's growing and learning, still trying to form tradition and support. Here's a hint for you that most rowdies have already figured out. Talking smack about other UofA organizations, is not a way to help build the Rowdy brand. You are only hurting the Rowdies and I pray to god someone from the rowdies comes on here and says "This guy isn't with us nor does he represent any true thoughts or feelings of any ACTUAL Rowdies"I love the Rowdies! I just hate the one or two that think they need to come on here and act like they're big stuff. YOU GUYS ARE A 6 YEAR OLD ORGANIZATION TRYING TO TALK TRASH ON A GROUP THAT'S BEEN HERE 100+!Further more the chants make perfect rhythmic sense. maybe you don't get why they do some of the stuff they do, I get that, Then just stick with the basics of it. Leave out some of the hand signs and stuff and just say "LET'S GO ZIPS!" Think you can handle that?

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the pouch is their turf, the band needs to play by their rules (hopefully the roudies will let them)
that is a good point, my post focused mainly on football Saturday.
A double post plus an edit is tantamount to a triple post
I got $20 that says he had to look up the word "tantamount"
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you guys are letting this get too far with the name calling. The band/soccer thread was one thing because there were issues with the band drowning out the chants and changing the normal soccer atmosphere we're accustomed to, but this thread is not productive at all. Instead of calling the band traitors, why not ask why this is being done and create a poll to see what others think about it?

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you guys are letting this get too far with the name calling. The band/soccer thread was one thing because there were issues with the band drowning out the chants and changing the normal soccer atmosphere we're accustomed to, but this thread is not productive at all. Instead of calling the band traitors, why not ask why this is being done and create a poll to see what others think about it?
Because they are narrow minded and don't know what thinking things through is...
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1st paragraph That is the dumbest thing in the history of sports. Why would you play the other teams fight song? especially your rivals. That is straight up wrong. 2nd paragraphThe band does not do any of that now a days. All they do is gather at gazzette (sp?) play a small concert of sorts (in front of like nine people) then march to the football game. That's it, don't act like the 2011 band works so hard all day and is tired. They do nothing compared to what you mentioned. 3rd paragraphThat is rubbish. People DO NOT want to sit down in the student section because the band plays every single second that they possibly can. It is straight up obnoxious. 4 paragraphNothing you wrote applies to anything. You rambled on and on without making a single rational thought.
1 - It's about as dumb as putting their logo up on the scoreboard, shaking hands before the game or clapping when an injured opponent gets up.2 - They still have a two hour rehearsal and then an hour and a half to eat/change before meeting back at Guzzetta for another warm up, pre-game concert, march to the stadium, play for a couple minutes for "Zips Fest" and then pregame, sit at the game and cheer, post game concert, march back. The only difference is they aren't sitting around watching the team practice for 2 hours.3 - If it's rubbish then why is it full for the Can't game? It's not like Rowdies are displaced by the band and sitting all around the arena, the one's that are there are sitting there. People want to sit down there but aren't allowed because they didn't pay ten bucks to join your exclusive little club. I've come back for several basketball games over break and I wasn't allowed to sit on the floor because I didn't buy a T-shirt. Blue and Gold Brass plays during every break in the action, just like every other college pep band. The band in no way affects the number of people sitting down there on a game to game basis, there simply aren't that many Rowdies showing up to watch a team that has been to the NCAA Tournament twice in the past three years. Explain that one to me.4. All 3 of my giant rambling sentences directly apply to the thread. The UA Band members aren't "Traitors" because they're doing the same thing they do every other week and believe it or not a majority of them do give a damn about the sports teams. Maybe you need to take a look around and ask why every band at every major college does the same things we're doing. The college band is a major part of what seperates pro football and basketball with college teams. I've presented nothing but facts while you've resorted to name calling and presenting predetermined uninformed statements and opinions as fact. I think you need to admit you're wrong and move on.
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So many things to cover...Let's start with football. First, just because everyone does it doesn't make something ok. DO NOT EVER play the opponents fight song. It's insulting to our own fans. It's not "good sportsmanship" because last I checked, horn-blowing isn't a sport. Throw around all the examples you want of other bands doing that. They're all wrong. I don't care how many other bands do it. In fact, nobody cares. The only reason this whole thing hasn't been brought up before is that nobody cares enough to pay attention to the band during pregame outside of the national anthem. Most fans just want you to play the national anthem to the game can get started, not sit through some performance that's intended to please only the opposing fans, and then play through the all the other songs in your book with some hokey announcer trying to teach the same fans that have been going to games for thirty years how to do the cheers. Just play the anthem and get off the field so the game can start. Don't use the lame excuse that other bands do this crap as a reason to give us a performance that only the band itself cares about. The sense of self-worth there is through the roof.Second, you're severely overestimating the amount of band members who care about football. If it wasn't a mandatory thing for their education, less than a third of them would still be doing it. Most don't give a crap about the Zips. When they cheer, it is in a mocking and sarcastic manner. They're doing it to act cool to the other band members and to fend off boredom, not to genuinely support the team.Now on to basketball.The band plays constantly. Every time there's even a hint of a time out, they start up. Not every band does this. I bet our band spends 50% more time playing than what the average MAC band plays at a basketball game. Cut out some of the songs, play a LOT softer, and the gameday experience will improve dramatically. When I have to yell to talk to my friends while sitting at the opposite side of the arena, you're too loud. If you want to stay down low, that's fine. Whatever makes you feel important; just play softer. And to say that the band hasn't affected which students sit where, you're wrong. There are over a dozen Rowdies that have moved to the other side because of the band's presence. They are continuously expanding, taking over more and more seats. The trombone section stretches two-thirds across the seating section. They're blowing their horns right into the back of our heads, and I left for the other side because I don't want to go deaf before my 30s. This could all be solved if the athletic department would go through with letting all the students sit all on one side of the court in the section behind the benches, and then you could give the band the entire south lower section to have as many trombones as they like. But until that happens, play softer. Also, it gets really annoying when the band takes to mocking the Rowdies attempts to do just about anything. Yelling like goons in the middle of the "you can't do that" chant makes you look like childish morons. Interrupting cheering at every opportunity so that you can keep to your schedule is obnoxious. You have no sense of the flow of the game or how to improve the environment to make it a more exciting place. Taking teh wind out of our sails does not make it more exciting. Intentionally rubbing it in every time you get boxes of pizza at half time knowing full well that the administration would never allow us to order our own is cruel. The band is made up of childish, self-important people who have no clue how they are negatively affecting their environment.

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So many things to cover...The band is made up of childish, self-important people who have no clue how they are negatively affecting their environment.
Zach, you have just described your personna on this board to perfection. Everytime I make a post on ZN.O, I use spell check. The spell check always wants me to change your name to Schlep. How appropriate. Why don't you find a new windmill to flail at. :zzz:
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So many things to cover...The band is made up of childish, self-important people who have no clue how they are negatively affecting their environment.
Zach, you have just described your personna on this board to perfection. Everytime I make a post on ZN.O, I use spell check. The spell check always wants me to change your name to Schlep. How appropriate. Why don't you find a new windmill to flail at. :zzz:
+ 1
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So many things to cover...The band is made up of childish, self-important people who have no clue how they are negatively affecting their environment.
Zach, you have just described your personna on this board to perfection. Everytime I make a post on ZN.O, I use spell check. The spell check always wants me to change your name to Schlep. How appropriate. Why don't you find a new windmill to flail at. :zzz:
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Oh Zach,Paragraph 1 - Yep. Every band in the history of man kind has done a pregame show because they're self absorbed students who want everyone to think they're awesome. Because sitting there listening to rap songs for another 10 minutes would be infinitely more awesome. If you hate pregame so much stay in the parking lot and skip it.Paragraph 2- Music Ed majors are the only one's required to do band. That's maybe 35 people tops. I guess the other 150 or so are just there for the phys ed credit and to watch terrible football? Taking bowling or pool is a way easier way to get it.Paragraph 3 - They play way more then the average MAC Band, they play like all the big schools. They've also been voted best pep band in the MAC by the media two of the last four years. Paragraph 4 - Yeah, a lot of you have moved to the other side and their are still a TON of empty seats on both sides. The group is auditioned at the beginning of the year so to say they keep taking up more seats is false, it's the same every game. Regardless there are empty seats to take up so it's a mute point.Paragraph 5 - The idea with the "You can't do that" cheer is to annoy the crap out of the opponents which it does. Half of the defensive cheers break down to yelling "OOOOOHHHH" anyway, so I don't see how it affects our teams rhythm at all. Considering the band starts most of the cheers after the first 4 possessions or so I think it helps the atmosphere more then hurting it. If you're referring to the soccer game then I agree completely. We aren't allowed to play when the ball is in play so the band is never interrupting the cheers during the play of the game. If you're upset about a box of pizza that band members are "shoving in your face" from the opposite side of the gym since you said yourself you don't sit there anymore then you have issues.I'm not totally against the Rowdies. I think those guys that are there about every game cheering are awesome. You know, the one's that go over and joke with Mr. Karriker or join in on the cheers that the band starts and aren't whining how the band is negatively affecting the environment. If there are empty seats students should be allowed to sit there and join in.

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Lemmie get this straight Zach:NOBODY listens to pregame (except the National Anthem)AND the band is offending the fans with the away team fight songBUT the away team fight song is in part of pregame to which NOBODY listensHow can the band be SO inconsequential, yet still incense the fans as much as you claim?

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