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Where did you live when you attended the U?

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Buchtel 1 yearSpicer 2 years (2 locations)Harvey Ct. 1 yearWheeler and Kathryn (yes I remember the Kathryn Place block parties -- quite fondly) 1 yearHow about the Townhouse, before Dr. Feelgoods and Plasma Alliance and whatever it is now. How about the Armidillo before BW3 -- for those of you here after the late 80s that buffalo on BW3 used to be an armidillo. Also, Splash and Cheers -- not to mention Lorenzo's pizza -- that was really good za.For sports the two names I became most familiar with because I was in class with them were Roy Coleman (man could he dunk on some bad teams) and Daren Alcorn (amazing he never made it further -- more accuracy and less leg he would have)

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322 torrey is one house at the dead end of torrey, three houses, at least at that time all looked the same487 spicer was and up/down unit right on the corner of spicer and.............??? cna't recalli also worked at hilarities during my college years...what great times!anyone remember Mick's Gym on brown street?

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Katheryn Place got a bad rap. It was a great, civil party for many years. I still maintain the tailgating area @ the Rubber Bowl should be named "Katheryn Place!"
All I remember are Bonfires, tear-gas, and lots of Cops in riot gear. I was actually caught up in a little teargas in the Fall one year. Supposedly there was an investigation afterwards within the Akron PD about excessive use of tear-gas. Apparently tear-gas expires and they decided to get rid of the extra. :cry: I think when the new stadium is built, Kathryn place should be the Tailgating Lot! :cheers: I guess I didn't move any more than most college students. My mattress was no stranger to being held to the top of the car by one arm out each window!Yr. 1: -GrantYr.2,3: -TownhousesSummer Yr3: -Wheeler St Summer Yr3: -Spicer StFall Yr4:-TownhousesSpring Yr4: Spicer St.Yr 5 - Spruce St. (I was an Engineering Co-Op - 5 Yr program)
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Lived my entire college career on campus ... either in the dorms or in an apartment.1st year - Thompson House (now torn down)2nd year - Sisler-McFawn3rd year - Spanton Hall4th year - Apartments on Brown Street, Day Street, and College Street (it was a long year)5th year - (no comments please) ISA House (now also gone)Had a great time no matter where I laid my head. :thumb::thumb::wave::thumb::thumb:

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