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Coach Bowden's Writing for YAHOO! Sports


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I saw the other topic about the old book the Bowdens wrote back in the 90's. If you want to read some things that are a little more current - here are the links to a few of Coach Bowden's columns that he wrote while the exclusive college football writer for Yahoo! Sports (the first one is pretty funny/ironic/cool...)

If anyone ever doubts how much he knows about the game, tell them to read some of these :)











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Anybody catch his interview on the radio today?


I was able to listen. It was a good 20-minutes long and excellent! Coach Bowden is getting the entire area excited for Zips football!

Coach Bowden didn't say anything we haven't heard before, but Sam Burquin (sp?) and Joe Palmasano both admitted how excited they are for the future of Akron football! :rock:

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WHBC has poscasts, but the page is screwed up. All I get is code, with any browser.

If anyone can load the podcast page and it has his interview, please post a link.

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