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K-ent Off-season Football Training

Captain Kangaroo

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Ok…you’re Martin Pees …or Dean Martin …or whoever the K-ent State football coach is. You want to set your off season workout goals high. REALLY high! But how do you market this to your players? You want to pump them up, but what in K-ent Ohio can you use to define the absolute highest level of commitment to football excellence?You could ask your players to exert “Antonio All-Pro Effort,” honoring San Diego Charger TE and K-ent player Antonio Gates. Yes, that’s high, but you can reach even higher!You could ask your players to reach “The Lambert Level,” honoring K-ent graduate and Hall of Famer Jack Lambert. Again, that’s high, but you can reach even higher!You could ask the players to reach “Harrison Heights,” honoring Steelers Super Bowl Champion and K-ent player James Harrison. High again, but you can reach even higher!I present to you the highest level a K-ent player can strive for in off-season workouts, as defined by the K-ent State coaching staff:akroneffort_7.jpg

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I could see that actually happening, as a clever and humerous way to motivate people. ....well, let's put it this way. I guess I could understand why someone thought of it. But you would think that smarter minds would prevail, and someone would say something to the effect of "If you print that, it's eventually going to make it's way into the hands of the enemy":lol:

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this is pretty funny that they would do that i was laughin pretty hard but after thinking about it. It could be roughly like how osu has a michigan time period at one practice a week. they are trying to prepare for playing their rival.still i think it is pretty halious that you get 200 points for being a zip lol. so 200 points for everyone.

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So what would be a "Can't" effort for Akron? Breathing? Walking?
That's a question begging for it's own thread.When I was living in the dorms at Ohio State (don't hit me...Akron's my hometown, but Ohio State represented teenage FREEDOM that Akron couldn't because my parents weren't 130 miles away...you know the 18-year-olds think), this kid I barely knew from a few doors down got so plastered that he urinated on my front door. You see, he honestly thought he was in the restroom because if you went up the stairs to my floor and took a right instead of a left, you would be in front of the restroom instead of in front of my door. I would describe his thought process and execution as a Can't effort.
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I don't see why everyone is going crazy over this. If anybody had bothered to read more than one sentence someone would have noticed that it says right in that paragraph that the player has outworked our rival, as in an Akron Effort is an effort needed to win the rivalry game. I can't believe that everyone is so willing to fool themselves into thinking that it means that Akron is a synonym for great. -Go Marsupials!

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This could quite possibly be the best post I've ever seen on this board....wow Cap'n I want to know where you got this from because you are now my hero. Where can I meet you before the game Saturday to buy you a beer -- yes some fancy pants beer because we know you are a beer snob.
I may show at BW-3's. Maybe I'll see you there? :cheers:
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