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Owl City coming to campus

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hope i'm not poking the bear here but what's wrong with Owl City? They have a couple of hits and one song that was pretty popular the past year. Think the song was always a good time with the chick that sings call me maybe. So it's not like the university is getting some washed up group no one remembers. Not my favorite choice, but I am sure college girls will like it.

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  Blue & Gold said:
Do you have to be a UA student to attend this concert? I know a handful of people that want to go but none of them are students @ the U.

I know it isnt free if you arent a UA student. Not sure if they let outsiders pay to get in or not.

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  LZip said:
I know it isnt free if you arent a UA student. Not sure if they let outsiders pay to get in or not.

Pretty sure that outsiders can pay to get in. I'm not sure if you have to have a current student or alum to get you in, but i know in the past that non-UA people could get in for a price.

And Pat, the "religious ads" you are seeing are targeted ads, that come up based on what your internet history is. So your posting about such things is in fact bringing them up more.

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  RootforRoo44 said:
Pretty sure that outsiders can pay to get in. I'm not sure if you have to have a current student or alum to get you in, but i know in the past that non-UA people could get in for a price.

And Pat, the "religious ads" you are seeing are targeted ads, that come up based on what your internet history is. So your posting about such things is in fact bringing them up more.

I have tickets if anyone is interested. They are at no charge. Just message me and let me know where you would like them dropped off. I'll do my best.

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  RootforRoo44 said:
Pretty sure that outsiders can pay to get in. I'm not sure if you have to have a current student or alum to get you in, but i know in the past that non-UA people could get in for a price.

And Pat, the "religious ads" you are seeing are targeted ads, that come up based on what your internet history is. So your posting about such things is in fact bringing them up more.

Your assessment is without merit. The ads appeared well before I posted anything about them. If they are targeted at all, the target is the author of the Owl City Clip and not the viewer of the clip. I did however, notice that the ads change on occasion to education in other fields, but the predominate ad is for studying to be a "christian minister".

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Been to Springfest between 6 and 8. So far it should be called Nerdfest with very few students and people in general. Currently hearing the fireworks which are a distraction instead of an attraction. Love my university but want to be honest. UA is an embarrassment when compared to Can't State, OU, OSU and UC. We've been here for almost a century and a half and we still refuse to grow.

The celebration of Spring is an old tradition at UA but some dishonest administrators want to create the illusion that it is new in order to justify their jobs, Nothing could be further from the truth. Fireworks have been a long tradition at UA at homecoming, winter weekend and Spring weekend. Same shit different day.

Stop the smoke and mirrors or do you like the drop in enrollment?

Just got back after Owl City band performed (11:35PM)...horse of a different color. It was a pretty good show and I have to admit that I enjoyed myself. The stage was up against and faced the west end of the stadium on the 50 yard line. The majority of the students sat in the "priority reserved section" on the first tier and some in the same location on the second tier. I'd say there were about 1,000 to 1,200 present. It was nice to watch a band from a tiered seating arrangement. Sight lines were perfect and the sound left a little to be desired until the sound people got the loud and clear message that "VOCALS" needed improvement. That didn't happen until half way through the show, but were fine after that.

All in all...a fair to good evening. Next year, lose the rest of the bull and focus on the final act. Corny carnivals are a dime a dozen and are not needed and from what I can tell not wanted at The University of Akron.

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  pat said:
Been to Springfest between 6 and 8. So far it should be called Nerdfest with very few students and people in general. Currently hearing the fireworks which are a distraction instead of an attraction. Love my university but want to be honest. UA is an embarrassment when compared to Can't State, OU, OSU and UC. We've been here for almost a century and a half and we still refuse to grow.

The celebration of Spring is an old tradition at UA but some dishonest administrators want to create the illusion that it is new in order to justify their jobs, Nothing could be further from the truth. Fireworks have been a long tradition at UA at homecoming, winter weekend and Spring weekend. Same shit different day.

Stop the smoke and mirrors or do you like the drop in enrollment?

Just got back after Owl City band performed (11:35PM)...horse of a different color. It was a pretty good show and I have to admit that I enjoyed myself. The stage was up against and faced the west end of the stadium on the 50 yard line. The majority of the students sat in the "priority reserved section" on the first tier and some in the same location on the second tier. I'd say there were about 1,000 to 1,200 present. It was nice to watch a band from a tiered seating arrangement. Sight lines were perfect and the sound left a little to be desired until the sound people got the loud and clear message that "VOCALS" needed improvement. That didn't happen until half way through the show, but were fine after that.

All in all...a fair to good evening. Next year, lose the rest of the bull and focus on the final act. Corny carnivals are a dime a dozen and are not needed and from what I can tell not wanted at The University of Akron.

Thanks for the report. I was wondering how the evening played out.

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I liked that they had it in the football stadium. I was disappointed that the whole setup was around the football field, instead of on it. But then I thought, well maybe they dont want anybody besides the stage on the football field because they are shooting off the fireworks there later. However, they ended up shooting the fireworks off from the rec parking lot.

I thought the setup should have been on the football field to make for a better flow during the event. Kind of like it is when it is at Coleman Commons, where you can wonder anywhere. For example, you could walk clear down to gate 1, but if you wanted to go to the gate 4 side, you couldnt cut across the South endzone side. You had to walk clear back around the stadium.

People will say I am probably crying or whatever, but its JMO, and the opinion of people I talked to. Just throwing out what I think would make it better. As for Owl City, I did not watch, but heard it was actually decent.

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  LZip said:
I liked that they had it in the football stadium. I was disappointed that the whole setup was around the football field, instead of on it. But then I thought, well maybe they dont want anybody besides the stage on the football field because they are shooting off the fireworks there later. However, they ended up shooting the fireworks off from the rec parking lot.

I thought the setup should have been on the football field to make for a better flow during the event. Kind of like it is when it is at Coleman Commons, where you can wonder anywhere. For example, you could walk clear down to gate 1, but if you wanted to go to the gate 4 side, you couldnt cut across the South endzone side. You had to walk clear back around the stadium.

People will say I am probably crying or whatever, but its JMO, and the opinion of people I talked to. Just throwing out what I think would make it better. As for Owl City, I did not watch, but heard it was actually decent.

I think your set up would probably take place once UA puts a real concert in the stadium. A band is not a concert so a concert has yet to occur in UA's stadium However, at a real concert, you would be in a sit no matter where you are.

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  LZip said:
I liked that they had it in the football stadium. I was disappointed that the whole setup was around the football field, instead of on it. But then I thought, well maybe they dont want anybody besides the stage on the football field because they are shooting off the fireworks there later. However, they ended up shooting the fireworks off from the rec parking lot.

I thought the setup should have been on the football field to make for a better flow during the event. Kind of like it is when it is at Coleman Commons, where you can wonder anywhere. For example, you could walk clear down to gate 1, but if you wanted to go to the gate 4 side, you couldnt cut across the South endzone side. You had to walk clear back around the stadium.

People will say I am probably crying or whatever, but its JMO, and the opinion of people I talked to. Just throwing out what I think would make it better. As for Owl City, I did not watch, but heard it was actually decent.

I liked Owl City but a lot of people did not chose to watch for obvious reasons. UA has yet to come into the 20th century, let alone the 21st. They still don't get it when it comes to thinking big. They think small potatoes and are afraid of bigness at UA. Their student and non-student leaders still like to wallow in the problem instead of being about solutions. It remains a can't do/won't do campus with too many self-serving administrators who love to give students snow jobs instead of honest guidance in order to protect their collective asses. It is a reality that I hate to admit but is so very true. Let's hope for better outcomes in the days ahead.

Hey, Jim Tressel, where are the funds to build our new arena...come on buddy...chop chop!

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  pat said:
I liked Owl City but a lot of people did not chose to watch for obvious reasons. UA has yet to come into the 20th century, let alone the 21st. They still don't get it when it comes to thinking big. They think small potatoes and are afraid of bigness at UA. Their student and non-student leaders still like to wallow in the problem instead of being about solutions. It remains a can't do/won't do campus with too many self-serving administrators who love to give students snow jobs instead of honest guidance in order to protect their collective asses. It is a reality that I hate to admit but is so very true. Let's hope for better outcomes in the days ahead.

Hey, Jim Tressel, where are the funds to build our new arena...come on buddy...chop chop!


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  pat said:
I liked Owl City but a lot of people did not chose to watch for obvious reasons. UA has yet to come into the 20th century, let alone the 21st. They still don't get it when it comes to thinking big. They think small potatoes and are afraid of bigness at UA. Their student and non-student leaders still like to wallow in the problem instead of being about solutions. It remains a can't do/won't do campus with too many self-serving administrators who love to give students snow jobs instead of honest guidance in order to protect their collective asses. It is a reality that I hate to admit but is so very true. Let's hope for better outcomes in the days ahead.

Hey, Jim Tressel, where are the funds to build our new arena...come on buddy...chop chop!

I completely agree with what you're saying. I'm a senior on campus (about to graduate) and I've been trying for years now to turn what little things I can around to improve the overall atmosphere of UA, but have been met with CONSTANT ineptitude from the Administration/student leaders (if you can even call them that). Mostly a bunch of people pretending to care, or who think just because they have a position they must be good at it. C'mon UA why do we have to ALWAYS be the punch line in some joke...

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  Balszy said:
I completely agree with what you're saying. I'm a senior on campus (about to graduate) and I've been trying for years now to turn what little things I can around to improve the overall atmosphere of UA, but have been met with CONSTANT ineptitude from the Administration/student leaders (if you can even call them that). Mostly a bunch of people pretending to care, or who think just because they have a position they must be good at it. C'mon UA why do we have to ALWAYS be the punch line in some joke...

You sound like the type of student UA needs more of. Too bad you are graduating... not for you of course. I find that current "student leaders" are still mostly little naive children who will eat anything handed to them by administration. Empowerment is no where in their vocabulary and it shows to the public... ergo the brunt of jokes around and in other communities.

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  pat said:
You sound like the type of student UA needs more of. Too bad you are graduating... not for you of course. I find that current "student leaders" are still mostly little naive children who will eat anything handed to them by administration. Empowerment is no where in their vocabulary and it shows to the public... ergo the brunt of jokes around and in other communities.

Thanks. There's a lot more students like myself on campus, I guess the sad thing is that they often just give up because it's not worth dealing with the non-sense. And I completely agree with "will eat anything handed to them by administration" because that's exactly how they act. But I guess you act how you are treated, and UA's administration treat's it's students as if they are children, and not adults with valuable insight into how to improve UA. Though i'm not a big fan of OSU, there is something to be respected in how they present themselves. They have an image of caring and student empowerment where UA does not.

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  Balszy said:
Thanks. There's a lot more students like myself on campus, I guess the sad thing is that they often just give up because it's not worth dealing with the non-sense. And I completely agree with "will eat anything handed to them by administration" because that's exactly how they act. But I guess you act how you are treated, and UA's administration treat's it's students as if they are children, and not adults with valuable insight into how to improve UA. Though i'm not a big fan of OSU, there is something to be respected in how they present themselves. They have an image of caring and student empowerment where UA does not.

You and students like you can make a change for the better. Stand up to the typical "Akron U crap". It has been done before. You have more power than you think and there are alumni who will back you. Also, you have a university president who gives students like you more credit than any UA president in the past. Strike while the iron is hot!

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