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Some Stadium News


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I thought people would be interested...- UA interviewed the top 3 professional design companies in the United States concerning the new stadium. - The ended up agreeing on a contract with HNTB Ohio Architect (I believe that is the correct company name at least, it was tough to hear) who they have apparently worked with before...the contract was approved by the Board of Trustees today. - Look for an article in the Beacon Journal tomorrow about all of this, most likely with a bit more detail

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Sounds like big news to me!?!Where was this? Did you see a BJ writer there? Who? :blink:
For one of my graduate classes I had to go observe a Board of Trustees meeting. It was discussed at the meeting and the contract was approved. After the meeting me and my buddy were at the Student Union eating lunch and a woman approached us because she noticed my Zips polo. She asked us a few questions about the stadium - if we liked the idea, if we thought it would be good for the school, etc (which we of course said yes and yes to). She then took our names and numbers, said thank you, and said "make sure you get the paper tomorrow!" :thumb:
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Sounds like big news to me!?!Where was this? Did you see a BJ writer there? Who?  :blink:
No way a BJ writer was in attendance. Someone will forward a release to the BJ. A phone interview with Mack would probably follow...IF the BJ thought it was newsworthy.
Sooo I'm lying? The woman said she was from the BJ. Why in the world would I lie about that? :rolleyes:
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it couldn't be Marla, she has never wrote for Akron for as long as I can remember. I'm always complaining about her because of that. Check out Ohio.com and you'll see what i'm saying. Everything she ever writes is for the city of Columbus about that school in Columbus. It couldn't be Marla. It could be a writer from the local section.If you CSU fans don't believe me, look here she ONLY writes for the city of Columbus

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it couldn't be Marla, she has never wrote for Akron for as long as I can remember. I'm always complaining about her because of that. Check out Ohio.com and you'll see what i'm saying. Everything she ever writes is for the city of Columbus about that school in Columbus. It couldn't be Marla. It could be a writer from the local section.If you CSU fans don't believe me, look here she ONLY writes for the city of ColumbusI don't think she knows where Akron is. Hopefully Mike Rasor will take her job someday.
I'm not going to pretend to know a ton about journalism, but here's a thought...Isn't it possible that these writers are given assignments to cover other things aside from Akron? Mike Rasor can write about strictly Zips sports because he has a blog set up to do so. If he was hired by the ABJ would it really be that much different? Like I said, I don't know...but I have a feeling it's more the higher-ups to blame if anyone, not the writers.
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sgm, maybe your right but i doubt it. She does cover golf events, and other activities in Akron, she just never writes about the University. Maybe she's from Can't or CSU, no idea. But she has never mentioned the Unviersity of Akron for as long as I can remember. Either it's 1) neglect, or 2) she's not allowed to, but I can't understand how someone who writes for an Akron newspaper isn't allowed to cover events that happen in Akron. She covers CSU football and sometimes the browns, CSU basketball, and probably tennis or some other sports in the spring. Never mentions the University of Akron. I don't like either answer.. How could you???So it couldn't have been her. I wonder who it was?

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sgm, maybe your right but i doubt it. She does cover golf events, and other activities in Akron, she just never writes about the University. Maybe she's from Can't or CSU, no idea. But she has never mentioned the Unviersity of Akron for as long as I can remember.
Yeah I'm really not sure...maybe someone with some journalism experience at a paper like the ABJ can shed some light on the topic. Like I said, I wonder if it's more the higher ups than the writers...
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I believe half of the reason why Akron has a lack of fan support comes from the Beacon Journal. I'm not suprised they would cover new stadium information, but I'd be suprised if it was in the sports section. I'm thinking it was someone from the local section you might have talked to. I think most new building projects go into the local section.It seriously couldn't be Marla even if it looked like her.This is Bull $hit!!!!! How can this not bother you???I'm going to email Marla right now to complain... anyone else can join me...
I think the lack of fan support is due to lack of winning. Follow me here...Akron's basketball team was decent but nothing special until Dambrot arrived. Attendance was pretty low. Keith Dambrot comes aboard, the basketball team starts winning..and wouldn't you know it - attendance increases big time. Akron's football team during the Charlie Frye era and even before that was good but not great...every time they had an opportunity to take it to the next level, they failed. When they did have these opportunities, the fans came out in packs. Remember the Miami game Frye's senior year? PACKED. Last year they struggled with attendance until - you guessed it - they starting winning! We went from barely anyone showing up at the Rubber Bowl to busloads of students/alumni/other fans heading to Detroit for the Motor City Bowl. What caught their attention and got their interest in the team? WINNING. We can blame the ABJ, OSU, Ohio weather, the economy and whatever else...there's tons of excuses for the Zips not drawing fans in the past. But the real reason is simple...they weren't winning! That's what it's all about in sports...win and more people come, lose and more stay at home.
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Marla has very little decision on what beat she covers.She is a nice lady and does not deserve any of the hatred spewed about her.I hope you guys wouldn't do that to me if I were hired to cover the Buckeyes. At least I don't have to worry about that at the ABJ.
Thanks Mike...I had a feeling this was the case...
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Marla has very little decision on what beat she covers.She is a nice lady and does not deserve any of the hatred spewed about her.I hope you guys wouldn't do that to me if I were hired to cover the Buckeyes. At least I don't have to worry about that at the ABJ.
I understand Mike, I just don't agree with it at all. Here is the email I sent her.
Dear Marla,Every time I pick up the AKRON Beacon Journal sports section, I see one of your articles covering that school from Columbus. I understand fully that there are people in Akron who are concerned with what goes on in Columbus, but I have yet to see you write anything about the University of Akron. Either it's simple neglect, or you're not allowed to. I'm confused over the thought of you not being allowed to. Why wouldn't you be allowed to cover local sporting events happening in this community?I don't see anything wrong with covering events in Columbus, but my problem is that you don't cover anything that goes on with the University of Akron.FYI, the University of Akron has a very good sports program. The men and women soccer teams are doing very good this year. The football team has another chance of making a bowl appearance. I invite you to come visit the city of Akron sometime and enjoy what this city has to offer to the community. Akron plays North Texas this week. I hope to see you there.Sorry for the sarcasm, please understand that as an University of Akron student, I don't enjoy seeing an Akron newspaper columnist cover only that team from Columbus.Sincerely,Robert Ake
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