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Zip Might get a transfer from The "U"


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I know this was posted a while ago but here is solid proof.JOHNSON LEAVING UMJunior tailback Andrew Johnson was not at practice Friday because he's exploring his transfer options. Johnson, who is from Pittsburgh, has already reached out to Akron about playing there next season, according to a source.Johnson, who has 172 rushing yards and one touchdown on 35 carries the past three seasons, never redshirted while at UM, so he'll be allowed to sit out next season via NCAA transfer rules and play his senior year if he picks another I-A program.

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I know this was posted a while ago but here is solid proof.JOHNSON LEAVING UMJunior tailback Andrew Johnson was not at practice Friday because he's exploring his transfer options. Johnson, who is from Pittsburgh, has already reached out to Akron about playing there next season, according to a source.Johnson, who has 172 rushing yards and one touchdown on 35 carries the past three seasons, never redshirted while at UM, so he'll be allowed to sit out next season via NCAA transfer rules and play his senior year if he picks another I-A program.
Okay I already promised not to tell the YSU folks about this one; but I am told this man is coming to the YOUNGSTOWN STATE UNIVERSITY. He will have won the RB job since we lost our 2 starters at that spot.Go ahead and laugh, but he is one of 14 transfers to contact YSU in the last few weeks; many of which after the James Madison win. Quite a few Big-10 transfers will be coming too.Andrew Johnson is the next great YSU Penguin.SOURCE: A YSU PLAYER
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Kids leaning towards Youngstown. Close to home, within an hour. Sources that were his friend said that the fact YSU played on ESPN and ESPN2 3 times this season was a factor. I think this could be the 1st recruit we lose here at Akron because of the Rubber bowl. A kid I spoke to from the U said He liked Stamabugh Stadium, the atmosphere and the fans. My friend and him are friend down at Miami. They are both form the Pittsburgh area. YSU would be a good fit, close to home, good returning team next year, national exposure. Plus he has a chance to win a national title. I'm sorry to say, but if I were him I would go to YSU too. I wouldn't want to sit out a year.

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Kids leaning towards Youngstown. Close to home, within an hour. Sources that were his friend said that the fact YSU played on ESPN and ESPN2 3 times this season was a factor. I think this could be the 1st recruit we lose here at Akron because of the Rubber bowl. A kid I spoke to from the U said He liked Stamabugh Stadium, the atmosphere and the fans. My friend and him are friend down at Miami. They are both form the Pittsburgh area. YSU would be a good fit, close to home, good returning team next year, national exposure. Plus he has a chance to win a national title. I'm sorry to say, but if I were him I would go to YSU too. I wouldn't want to sit out a year.
This poster is dead on with all his information. And if I were a transfer.. it's either go to Akron to sit out a year and HOPE to play in the Motor City Bowl.... or go to Youngstown State, make the playoffs and be on ESPN, and possibly win a Division 1 Title! You also have to remember, the fan base and community support blows Can't and Akron out of town, and it's closer for this family.Florida players have found a nice home at Stambaugh... I believe 50-60 in the last 6 years!And if he wants a better shot at the pro's then of course I'd go to Akron, but I think this kid wants to play.. not sit out another year....
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I think I-AA football has grown a lot. Look how many games are on espn every year
What's with this love-fest? Doesnt YSU have a board? Didnt you just get trounced by Appy State?
Actually click my link and you found one.. but who says I can't post here? Congrats on your women beating the YSU women today.. not that any of us really care.BTW: All YSU games were on tv this year, whether live or on tape-delay....ESPNU-PENN ST.ESPN2-JAMES MADISONESPN-Plus-Illinois St.ESPN-APPALACHIAN STATE.
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has already reached out to Akron about playing there next season, according to a source.
Doesn't he have to sit out a year if he transfers?
Sit out a Year in Akron.Play this upcoming season in Youngstown.He hasn't started a down in Miami, what do you think he will want to do? Sit out another year, or have the ability to play in 07.
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has already reached out to Akron about playing there next season, according to a source.
Doesn't he have to sit out a year if he transfers?
Sit out a Year in Akron.Play this upcoming season in Youngstown.He hasn't started a down in Miami, what do you think he will want to do? Sit out another year, or have the ability to play in 07.
Yep. That's why many kids that transfer later in their careers go to a I-AA school. They don't have to sit out a year. And I-AA kids still have a chance to make it in the NFL. There's lots of I-AA kids in the NFL.
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Yea this equins guy is a tool.I love my wife shes a YSU grad, but these YSU fans like him piss me off. Theres a lot of great YSU fans, but a lot that think YSU is the greatest thing since sliced bread.Heres the breakdown of Akron to YSU in sports\FootballAkron>YSUI think we would beat YSU by 7-14 points. I've seen YSU play a lot with my wife being a grad there, but I gotta go from my alum AkronMen's BasketballAkron>YSUWomen's BasketballAkron>YSUBaseballYSU>AkronYSU has a solid baseball programSoftballYSU=AkronIDK know much about softball, but YSU did win the conference last year

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I am really not a tool.... but I hear Can't/Akron fans at work all the time bashing YSU, and I can't stand it.... I've always held a grudge for Akron, ever since they backed out of our rivalry back in the 90s.Most YSU Fans would agree with me too............. You guys are not well liked in Youngstown.smilies-39679.png

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