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A few weeks back guys ripped the Department of Development (Gary Bogue) for the chow in the lounge.Well..............it's time to flip the coin.Last night I had (it's a secret but take a guess at how many ;) ) the best Bratwurst Sandwich(s) I have ever eaten! And I've had my share growing up with most of my relatives living in Milwaukee.The game before, he served a GIANT Hamburger which was right up there with the all time best too..............So PROPS to Gary for hearing the board and fixing the problem.On the topic of another thread, the guy sitting next to me had a Bux sweatshirt on. Zipwatcher was trying to get me to spill my Diet Pepsi on it so he'd take it off, but when I worked up enough courage to fulfill ZW's dream come true, I looked the slug in the eye and couldn't pull the trigger. He was just an old guy who someone gave a ticket to..........he asked his wife Maud what he should wear to the game and she probably told him "someting sports sweetie" or something like that.............and he pulled out the red sweatie they bought him for Christmas at Sams, and threw it on. How can you crack on that?But I do like the Cap'ns idea.....................did you hear it Gary!!!!!!!

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Last night I had (it's a secret but take a guess at how many  ;) ) the best Bratwurst Sandwich(s) I have ever eaten!  And I've had my share growing up with most of my relatives living in Milwaukee.The game before, he served a GIANT Hamburger which was right up there with the all time best too..............So PROPS to Gary for hearing the board and fixing the problem.
Lots of press at the game last night Z-P, some photographer caught you downing your FOURTH!!! :Dzp.jpg
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