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ohio U message board about Akron


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This is rich: Akron fans calling out OU on academics. OU is a far, far better school by any measure -- standards for incoming freshman, overall ACT scores of incoming students (it's not even close), research rankings by Carnegie Foundation (OU is a Tier 1 "major research university," Akron a Tier 4), overall academic rankings by national accrediting agencies, job placement, alumni giving...not to mention the fact that we don't welcome felons to attend school and live in dorms...and we don't allow any yahoo in the world to teach classes. Yes, you actually have to be a member of the faculty at OU to teach. Amazing fact that tends to raise the level of education.I live in Akron, so believe me when I tell you that AU is seen as a joke among local families and serious high school students. In fact, it's long been known as "Hilltop High."So swallow your jealosy and keep it to sports, OK?

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This is rich: Akron fans calling out OU on academics.  OU is a far, far better school by any measure -- standards for incoming freshman, overall ACT scores of incoming students (it's not even close), research rankings by Carnegie Foundation (OU is a Tier 1 "major research university," Akron a Tier 4), overall academic rankings by national accrediting agencies, job placement, alumni giving...not to mention the fact that we don't welcome felons to attend school and live in dorms...and we don't allow any yahoo in the world to teach classes.  Yes, you actually have to be a member of the faculty at OU to teach.  Amazing fact that tends to raise the level of education.I live in Akron, so believe me when I tell you that AU is seen as a joke among local families and serious high school students.  In fact, it's long been known as "Hilltop High."So swallow your jealosy and keep it to sports, OK?
This one's just for you:1c7a346cfb9f7b9bc6e7869a31cea760.gif
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I live in Akron, so believe me when I tell you that AU is seen as a joke among local families and serious high school students.  In fact, it's long been known as "Hilltop High."
This simply isn't the case anylonger. This perception was beginning to change even back when I was in high school (early 90's!) and is surely not the case any longer. How do I know it was changing then? 3 of the top 5 graduating seniors from my class went to UA. At the time, admittedly, we were a little surprised. But no longer! Presently, I've been privileged to work with 3 valedictorians of local high schools and they are all currently enrolled at UA - living in the georgeous new Honors Dorms! More than a few of their friends (top-notch advanced placement students themselves) are also enrolled at UA. These students could have gone to most any school of their choosing. They chose UA, and are glad they did! So your comment makes you sound like, oh, I'd guess a 40 year old? If not, then you are just out of touch. So kindly remain down in your hills and beware the dueling banjos! :thumb:
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Gee, I think it was just this week that the local newspaper reported that Akron U. had more parttime, non-tenured, non-accredited faculty than any other university in the state. Is this suddenly not true? So as an underclassman, the chances of being taught by someone who doesn't even have a master's degree, nor is a full-time instructor at any school (high school or college) is 80% or higher. Sure makes the university's budgetary issues a lot better, enabling them to invest in an indoor football practice facility, et al. When you pay an instructor who teaches five course (yes five) less than I pay the entry-level secretary in my company (below $23,000), you're not really advancing the educational mission of the university.And I thought there had been a recent spate of reports of felons living in dorms. And the university spokesperson's response to this was, "Well, that's part of the diversity that we offer here."And your incoming student ACT scores, retention rates and Carnegie rankings are third-lowest of 14 state universities.My bottom line is this -- don't throw bricks at an excellent university to try to make yourself feel better about attending Akron U. AU has an important mission and it serves the community and surrounding area well. But to trash the reputation of a 204-year-old school that has an excellent academic reputation is sure idiocy.And on that party school thing -- true, in the eyes of the local police department (ala Andy Griffith Show) and hack weekly newspaper, the action on Court Street in Athens is pretty eciting, leading to newspaper reports (most of which relate to activities of non-OE students, but rather their weekend guests from other schools). But if you've ever spent any time on/near the OSU campus, you'd know that it's not even a shadow of what happens in Columbus on a weekly basis.

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Gee, I think it was just this week that the local newspaper reported that Akron U. had more parttime, non-tenured, non-accredited faculty than any other university in the state. Is this suddenly not true? So as an underclassman, the chances of being taught by someone who doesn't even have a master's degree, nor is a full-time instructor at any school (high school or college) is 80% or higher. Sure makes the university's budgetary issues a lot better, enabling them to invest in an indoor football practice facility, et al. When you pay an instructor who teaches five course (yes five) less than I pay the entry-level secretary in my company (below $23,000), you're not really advancing the educational mission of the university.And I thought there had been a recent spate of reports of felons living in dorms. And the university spokesperson's response to this was, "Well, that's part of the diversity that we offer here."And your incoming student ACT scores, retention rates and Carnegie rankings are third-lowest of 14 state universities.My bottom line is this -- don't throw bricks at an excellent university to try to make yourself feel better about attending Akron U. AU has an important mission and it serves the community and surrounding area well. But to trash the reputation of a 204-year-old school that has an excellent academic reputation is sure idiocy.And on that party school thing -- true, in the eyes of the local police department (ala Andy Griffith Show) and hack weekly newspaper, the action on Court Street in Athens is pretty eciting, leading to newspaper reports (most of which relate to activities of non-OE students, but rather their weekend guests from other schools). But if you've ever spent any time on/near the OSU campus, you'd know that it's not even a shadow of what happens in Columbus on a weekly basis.
And on that party school thing -- true, in the eyes of the local police department (ala Andy Griffith Show) and hack weekly newspaper, the action on Court Street in Athens is pretty eciting, leading to newspaper reports (most of which relate to activities of non-OE students, but rather their weekend guests from other schools). But if you've ever spent any time on/near the OSU campus, you'd know that it's not even a shadow of what happens in Columbus on a weekly basis.I wouldnt send ANY of MY kids to OU if it were the LAST Univ. in the state. I want my child to learn...NOT party.... Not only is OU ranked as the number one party school in OHIO...it is rated the number 2 party school in the USA...for those that are OU grads..that means the ENTIRE country... I dont think that comes from the Barney Fifes of Athens...or from OU students bringing in their buddies for weekend bar hops... EVERYONE knows that OU has MAJOR problems controlling thier students...they are rude and out of control ALL the time. ALL anyone has to do is watch ANY OU game on the tube to see how they react to ANY call that does not go their way....REF: NIU has a player foul out late in the 2nd half and it was "na na na na hey hey hey..YOU SUCK!!"OK at least they WERE together in their rudeness...Ive also heard echoing through the Convo BULL $##T BULL $##T when a call went against the "bobber". UA students and their parents may NOT be the most over privledged in the state, but they ARE taught more than 2+2. They are taught to also be GOOD CITIZENS, and won't be graduating with $80K in school debt to pay back. As for the felons comment...yes..some mistakes have been made but have also been corrected...file that in the STUFF happens file....if left in place...THEN there may be a problem...UA hasnt been the "high school on the hill" for decades...WAKE UP !! put down the beer and lay down the pipe and get yoru nose out of your rear.There will always be people that think they are better than you because either their MOMS AND DADS were willing to send you to a school that is SUPPOSE to be ELITE...because THEY worked hard to set you up there...or they were willing to help you take out student loans so you could ACT like you were bettter....just reminds me of something a friend of mine told me when he was at a local high school basketball game....his town is NOT the the lower end of income by any means....but the visitors were from another local town....where the kids have been brought up to think they are better than everyone else...they had a little cheer they did toward my buddies school..went something like this......." its alright its ok youre gonna work for US someday" now THATS class. THATS why I would NEVER send my child to a school like OU....mondy does NOT mean class...nor brains...BTW..NICE game against NIU What have they won FIVE games so far this season? :lol:
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Show me the ranking that puts us at #2 in the nation.And look at some of the schools on that list. They're better schools than either us or you. The party reputation here is vastly overrated. There are people that come here to party, yes, but they learn quickly they will be gone if they don't get their academic stuff together. People party at every school, even BYU.I'm not going to say you're a bad school. You're not. I'm well aware of the strong programs you have, but I will take issue with you saying we're a crappy school whose students do nothing but party. We have a number of top-shelf programs here in Athens. The other guy was wrong to try and characterize you as the high school on the hill. I have quite a few friends that go there, and they don't think they're in 13th grade.There are problems here. We know it, you know it. There are problems at Akron, too. We'd all be better off trying to keep the state from cutting our funding together than fighting against each other.

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Show me the ranking that puts us at #2 in the nation.And look at some of the schools on that list. They're better schools than either us or you. The party reputation here is vastly overrated. There are people that come here to party, yes, but they learn quickly they will be gone if they don't get their academic stuff together. People party at every school, even BYU.I'm not going to say you're a bad school. You're not. I'm well aware of the strong programs you have, but I will take issue with you saying we're a crappy school whose students do nothing but party. We have a number of top-shelf programs here in Athens. The other guy was wrong to try and characterize you as the high school on the hill. I have quite a few friends that go there, and they don't think they're in 13th grade.There are problems here. We know it, you know it. There are problems at Akron, too. We'd all be better off trying to keep the state from cutting our funding together than fighting against each other.
OZ now THATS the smartest thing ive read on here in a LONG time...but..thats for ANOTHER board...hope the new state ADMIN. finally does SOMETHING right.... :thumb:
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Show me the ranking that puts us at #2 in the nation.And look at some of the schools on that list.  They're better schools than either us or you.  The party reputation here is vastly overrated.  There are people that come here to party, yes, but they learn quickly they will be gone if they don't get their academic stuff together.  People party at every school, even BYU.I'm not going to say you're a bad school.  You're not.  I'm well aware of the strong programs you have, but I will take issue with you saying we're a crappy school whose students do nothing but party.  We have a number of top-shelf programs here in Athens.  The other guy was wrong to try and characterize you as the high school on the hill.  I have quite a few friends that go there, and they don't think they're in 13th grade.There are problems here.  We know it, you know it.  There are problems at Akron, too.  We'd all be better off trying to keep the state from cutting our funding together than fighting against each other.
OZ now THATS the smartest thing ive read on here in a LONG time...but..thats for ANOTHER board...hope the new state ADMIN. finally does SOMETHING right.... :thumb:
Anyone who speaks in broad-brush strokes about any school...is a pompus idiot.
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Show me the ranking that puts us at #2 in the nation.And look at some of the schools on that list.  They're better schools than either us or you.  The party reputation here is vastly overrated.  There are people that come here to party, yes, but they learn quickly they will be gone if they don't get their academic stuff together.  People party at every school, even BYU.I'm not going to say you're a bad school.  You're not.  I'm well aware of the strong programs you have, but I will take issue with you saying we're a crappy school whose students do nothing but party.  We have a number of top-shelf programs here in Athens.  The other guy was wrong to try and characterize you as the high school on the hill.  I have quite a few friends that go there, and they don't think they're in 13th grade.There are problems here.  We know it, you know it.  There are problems at Akron, too.  We'd all be better off trying to keep the state from cutting our funding together than fighting against each other.
OZ now THATS the smartest thing ive read on here in a LONG time...but..thats for ANOTHER board...hope the new state ADMIN. finally does SOMETHING right.... :thumb:
Anyone who speaks in broad-brush strokes about any school...is a pompus idiot.
"pompous" please excuse the typo.
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OZoner, You're welcome to hang here. You probably won't find any TOS bashing discussions anyway. BCA is among the most emotional boards as far as upswing & downswing. Crazy place sometimes .. super active though.
Heh, I'm sure you guys don't have too many complaints with what TOS is doing down here.And you're right, it is super emotional. On one hand, I love the passion they show. But on the other, it gets so wearying, especially when people don't know what they're talking about...
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