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Just got my Season Tickets!

Bleacher Bum

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Well, I'm excited. I am now officially a "season ticket holder." Wow, that sounds nice. Here's everything enclosed...Tickets to all four games at the Rubber Bowl (General Admission)Ticket for the Army game at Browns Stadium (Section 119 - Dawg Pound)Ticket for the OSU game (Section 35A - Middle Corner Endzone at the open end)Roo Town stickerCoupon for a free Fear the Roo seat cushionScheduleAdvertisementsI'm curious to know where other season ticket holders seats are located for the Army and OSU games since I bought mine by myself. It'd be nice to be with other Zips fans that I recognize.

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Our four seats are in 119 (Dawg Pound) as well ... and yes, we'll probably be taking a stroll to check out the view from other seating locations (no offense Bleacher).
Haha...None taken. Although since I plan on partying in the Muni lot for at least 8 hours before the game, there's a good possibility I may never even make it into the stadium.
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I just got an order form in the mail as well for a bus ride and pregame party for the OSU game for alumni. I'm thinking about taking the bus down there but does anyone know if the alumni bus is as rambunctious as the "Rowdies" busses or will I have to behave myself for a few hours?

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My seats at the RB are at the 40 yard line. Why would my seats at Brown's Stadium be at the 10 yard line? :unsure: We are supposed to be the home team. Does this make sense to anyone? I am sooo glad football season is upon us, but this really pisses me off! :wall:

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Section 6 at the RB amd section 129 for the Patriot Bowl for me (also a first time season ticket holder). I agree that the seats for the Patriot Bowk are pretty ridiculous, and therefore I feel totally justified in my plans to do a little "roaming" when I'm there and try to score a "free upgrade" :rock:

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I am outraged at the location of my tickets for the Army game. :nono: This is just another slap in the face of the loyal fans who have supported this program for a lot of losing seasons. I can't wait to see the thousands of empty seats between the 20 yard lines when no one shows up to use their freebie ticket that someone at their work paid for. WHAT A JOKE! :mad_flame::mad_flame::mad_flame::mad_flame::mad_flame::mad_flame::mad_flame::mad_flame::mad_flame::mad_flame::mad_flame::mad_flame::mad_flame::mad_flame::mad_flame::mad_flame::mad_flame::mad_flame:

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I'm interested where they are going to put the students that bother to show up. (It might be just me and a few friends). From the looks of where they put you season ticket holders, I may end up in the nosebleeds at the corner of the endzone. Still, it's better than sitting right behind a light pole on the visitors side like the student section at the Rubber Bowl./Hope the toilets don't explode again. :john:

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You are pushing it now for OSU tickets. Call and see. If you have season tickets you can buy OSU tickets. If you have 1 season ticket you can get 1 x OSU ticket. If you have 2 or more season tickets you can be only up to 2 x OSU tickets. Hope that helps. Good luck with the tickets.

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On a slighty different note, I was driving down 77S, just north of the Copley Rd. exit, when I looked up at one of those ClearChannel electronic billboards. It was in blue & gold and advertising for season tickets. I would say they are a bit late, since the season is only 2 weeks away.

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On a slighty different note, I was driving down 77S, just north of the Copley Rd. exit, when I looked up at one of those ClearChannel electronic billboards. It was in blue & gold and advertising for season tickets. I would say they are a bit late, since the season is only 2 weeks away.
I saw the same ad on the electronic billboard on Rt 8 south by the University on Wednesday and Thursday this week.
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